Residence Hall Association Application 2014-2015

Applications are due by 6 pm on September 7th to your RPA

Please remember when applying:

•All applicants should identify their top 2 positions they are running for. During your speech you can declare your intent for one position over another. Our goal is to fill all five positions with the best members of the community most interested in contributing to the community, regardless of position.

•RHA retreat is September 19th-20th and is mandatory for all five elected positions. We will depart campus around 4pm, and return to campus Saturday evening for dinner.

•First general body meeting is Thursday September 18th at 5:30 p.m. in Tahoma room and is also mandatory for all five elected positions. After this meeting only the President and Programmer are REQUIRED, however all are encouraged to attend throughout the year.

•Campaigning starts after 5 pm on the 7h and ends on the 14th. Campaign materials must stay in your residence hall and must be appropriate.

•Elections will be held via electronic ballot September 11-14. Your RPA will also schedule a time for residents to get to know the candidates for their community during that time.

Please email your complete application to your Resident Programming Assistant (RPA)

Regester Seward: RPA Rachael Eidsmoe -

University Smith: RPA Kaitlyn Vallance -

Trimble: RPA Brandon Roberts -

Anderson/Langdon: RPA Sang-Won Kim -

Schiff & Harrington: RPA Alexandria Van Voris -

Todd/Phibbs: RPA Kent Busson -

Please save your application as “HALL – NAME” and include a picture of yourself with the application saved as “HALL – NAME.jpeg.” RSA will send this application to your RPA to post in your community.


Position Running For (please circle two): President Programmer Secretary Treasurer Publicist

Email:Phone Number:

Residence Hall/Room Number:

1.) Please describe any past leadership experiences you have.

2.) What are some potential activity ideas you have for your residence hall?

3.) If you had to describe yourself in one word, what would it be and why?

4.) Write a short paragraph explaining why you are the most qualified for this position.

•Attach any extra sheets if necessary, and please remember that these applications will be posted in your residence hall for elections.

•Email for more information

What is RHA?

Residence Hall Associations (RHAs) exist in each hall or housing area. These groups are elected by their residential community to act as representatives, to coordinate social and educational events for their community, to respond to needs and concerns of the community, and to monitor the hall budget. RHAs are traditionally responsible for putting on community programs, facilitating community standards, and purchasing items for their living environments such as TVs, microwaves, and toasters.

Hall Positions:


The RHA President attends all RSA general body meetings. He/she acts as a liaison for the residents in the hall. They chair all RHA in-hall meetings, or designate another in the case of absences.


The RHA Programmer is required to attend all RHA meetings as well as attend all RSA general body meetings. They are in charge of maintaining connections with other hall programmers to provide a relationship for intra-hall programs. They are also in charge of keeping evaluations of all RHA functions.


The RHA Secretary is required to attend all RHA meetings. He/she is required to keep meeting minutes of all RHA meetings and oversee the publication of the potty press.


The RHA Treasurer is required to attend all RHA meetings. He/she will keep an account of all hall funds collected from resident fees. They will keep a record of all expenditures and are in charge of reimbursements.

Publicist: The RHA Publicist promotes their RHA’s public image and events through use of social

media and university-operated resources. The Publicist will be responsible for the promotion of RHA and RSA funded, created and related events. The Publicist must be present at all hall meetings.

Campaigning Process:

Candidates can campaign by creating and hanging posters and other advertisements around your halls. Please note that Res Life staff will remove any inappropriate materials. Campaigning officially beings on September 7th and ends on September 15th. Please do not use scotch tape, duct tape or other tape that leaves a residue on doors, windows, or walls. Each candidate will have 2-3 minutes on 9/11 to address the community before voting opens.

What is RSA?

The Resident Student Association serves as the governing body for the RHAs on campus. The RSA is comprised of 5 executive members: President, Director of Administration and Recognition, Director of Business Services, Director of Sustainability, and National Communications Coordinator. The RSA puts on programs for on-campus students and advocates for the needs of the on-campus population. For more info, check out our website:

Ask your RA/RCC/RPA/RD for more information!

Come to the RSA table at LogJam on Friday, September 5th for more information!