Language Quiz

(* Answers at the bottom)

Generic questions about language

  1. Which is the most widely spoken language in the world?
  1. Chinese
  2. English
  3. Hindi
  4. Spanish
  1. How many languages are estimated to have originated from Europe?
  1. less than 100
  2. 100-200
  3. 200-300
  4. 300-400
  1. Which of the following languages is considered to be the oldest language still used in Europe?
  1. Basque
  2. Galician
  3. Greek
  4. Icelandic
  1. Which of the following languages are written from right to left?
  1. Hebrew
  2. Japanese
  3. Maltese
  4. Russian
  1. In which country is the language Cymraeg spoken?

Faroe Islands

  1. Ireland
  2. Scotland
  3. Wales
  1. Where do sign languages come from?
  1. They have been copied from the great apes living in Africa
  2. They were invented by the French Abbé de l'Epée between 1760 and 1789
  3. They have been created in the language laboratory from the Gallaudet University (USA)
  4. They emerged naturally where deaf people were gathered together and are present also in some indigenous populations
  1. Sign language is universal. True or false?
  1. True
  2. False

Audiofragment 1

  1. You’ll hear part of a pop song. What language is it being sung in?
  1. Bulgarian
  2. Danish
  3. Latvian
  4. Polish

Audiofragment 2

  1. You’ll hear part of a pop song. What language is it being sung in?
  1. Albania
  2. Andorra
  3. Croatia
  4. Greece

Find the correct meaning of the word given.

  1. Which musical instrument is indicated by the Ukranian word: труба
  1. Drums
  2. Tambourine
  3. Trombone
  4. Trumpet
  1. Which musical instrument is indicated by the Lithuanian word: fleita
  1. Bassoon (fagot)
  2. Harp
  3. Traverse flute (dwarsfluit)
  4. Violin
  1. Which tool is indicated by the French word: tenailles
  1. Fretsaw (figuurzaag)
  2. Nail (spijker)
  3. Pincers (nijptang)
  4. Screw (schroef)
  1. Which tool is indicated by the Finnish word: vasara
  1. Bench vice (bankschroef)
  2. File
  3. Fretsaw (figuurzaag)
  4. Hammer
  1. Which animal is indicated by the French word: lapin
  1. Butterfly
  2. Leopard
  3. Lion
  4. Rabbit
  1. Which animal is indicated by the Spanish word: oso
  1. Bear
  2. Elephant
  3. Fish
  4. Rhinoceros

Missing word(s)

Finish the following English proverbs and sayings.

  1. When the cat’s away, the mice will….
  1. Dance on the table
  2. Eat cheese
  3. Play
  4. Sleep
  1. A man’s home is his….
  1. Castle
  2. Heart
  3. Safehouse
  4. Sanctuary
  1. His heart sank into his…..
  1. Boots
  2. Flip flops
  3. Shoes
  4. Stomach
  1. Crime doesn’t….
  1. Make you rich
  2. Pay
  3. Pay the bill
  4. Sleep

Audiofragment 3

  1. You’ll hear a national anthem. From which country?
  1. France
  2. Monaco
  3. Portugal
  4. Spain

Audiofragment 4

  1. You’ll hear a national anthem. From which country?
  1. Austria
  2. England
  3. Liechtenstein
  4. Switzerland


  1. Which language, besides English, does actress Sandra Bullock speak fluently?
  1. French
  2. German
  3. Greek
  4. Spanish
  1. Which language, besides English, does actress Jennifer Aniston speak fluently?
  1. French
  2. German
  3. Greek
  4. Spanish
  1. From which language does the flower name 'tulip' come from?
  1. Dutch
  2. German
  3. Latin
  4. Turkish

Whole sentences

  1. “Eszem ma csirke, krumpliésalmaszósz “ is “Ikeetvanavond kip, patat en appelmoes” in welketaal?
  2. Hungarian
  3. Polish
  4. Slovenian
  5. Turkish

26. “Si vofalatecunmè à u Danse” is “Wil je met mijmeenaar de disco” in welketaal?

  1. Corsican
  2. Danish
  3. Finnish
  4. Portugese

27. “oh nee, echhun e Lach an mengemStrëmp ass” is “O nee, ikhebeen gat in mijnsok” in welketaal?

  1. Austrian
  2. Icelandic
  3. Luxemburgish
  4. Swiss


1. English

English is the most widely spoken language in the world. It is estimated that English of about 1.8 billion people is spoken. Chinese takes 1.35 billion (mainly parent) Sprachlerinnen and speakers to second place. Hindi: 650 million speaker; Spanish: 495 million speaker.

2. C

It is estimated that there are between 200 and 300 indigenous languages in Europe, probably between 220 and 230.

3. A

Basque is considered to be the oldest European language spoken today.

4. A

Hebrew is written from right to left. Japanese, traditionally, is written from top to bottom (and then right to left). Maltese and Russian are written from left to right

5. D

Cymraeg is a Celtic language spoken in Wales.

6. B

The Abbé de l'Epée is the first person who recognized the importance of using a sign language for the instruction of deaf children and is credited to have brought together the deaf community in an institution that later became Institut Saint Jacques (which still exists in Paris). The Gallaudet University in Washington D.C. is the only sign language university in the world. Among other topics, research is carried out on sign languages. Some researchers who study language ability in animals try to teach primates a sign language (and not the other way round!) because their vocal apparatus doesn't enable them to produce speech. Yet concerning the evolution of human species it is not certain exactly when articulated language emerged and some researchers think it is probable that the ancestors of Homo sapiens first communicated by signs.

7. B

False: Estimations say there may be as many signed languages as there are spoken languages in the world.


9. A

10. D

11. C

12. C

13. D

14. D

15. A

16. C

17. A

18. A

19. B

20. D

21. C

22. B

Even though she was born in the United States, Sandra Bullock, whose mother was a German opera singer, also speaks fluent German. In 2000, the brunette actress won a Bambi Award (Germany's version of the Oscars) and gave her acceptance speech in German.

23. C

Being half-Greek, our lovely 'Friend' is fluent in the language but admits she's not a fan of the cuisine.

24. D

The word tulip comes from the Turkish word 'tülbend', which means 'turban'. Tulips were exported to West Europe around 1560.

25. A

26. B

27. C