Day by day lesson plan for: Choir (HS-7th hour)

January 24, 2017

Monday / Tuesday
Objective/ Learning Goal / Students will develop their musical abilities through guided rehearsal. / Students will develop their musical abilities through guided rehearsal.
Materials / Piano, music, pencils / Piano, music, pencil
Learning Activity / Warm Ups- lah bay Dah Bay, Food.
Sure on this shining night- Men- work to blend and balance their sound. Lots of men only melody and sections. / Warm ups- Mee may mah moh moo, solfege
For the Beauty of the Earth- smooth and connected phrasing. Vowel shapes important on long notes.
Assessment / Informal- visual, auditory. Immediate application of assessments. / Informal- visual and auditory Immediate application of assessment
Modified/ adaptive / Preferential seating. / Preferential seating
Wednesday / Thursday
Objective/ Learning Goal / Students will develop their musical abilities through guided rehearsal. / Students will develop their musical abilities through guided rehearsal.
Materials / Piano, music, pencil / Piano, music, pencil
Learning Activity / Warm ups- Ahh ahh ahh, Someday, Solfege
O Magnum Mysterium- Circle time! Each part (SATB) will circle up to work on parts. Strengthen the unisons. / Warm Ups- OO EE OO, Solfege, Build a chord
Sight read an upbeat song
Circle time! Each part circles up like yesterday
Seal Lullaby- work on long notes within each part. Who is most important? Who has melody?
Assessment / Informal- Visual/Auditory Immediate application of assessment / Informal-Auditory/Visual Immediate application of assessment
Modified/ adaptive / Preferential seating / Preferential seating
Objective/ Learning Goal / Students will develop their musical abilities through guided rehearsal.
Materials / Piano, music, pencil
Learning Activity / Warm Ups- Student choice, solfege
Run through day!
Seal Lullaby- first real run through
For the Beauty of the Earth.
Assessment / Informal- Visual/auditory Immediate application of assessment
Modified/ adaptive / Preferential seating