Mr. J. Cory Wright, Instructor Edmodo Code ______

Room C-116 Remind 101 Code ______

Conference times: before or after class/school, by appointment


Course Description: This is a survey course in American history from the turn of the century through the present. Students will examine and analyze events and topics including the rise of industrialism, imperialism, America’s involvement in world conflict, the Roaring Twenties, Depression, World War II, the Cold War, Vietnam, and Modern America.

Attendance: Attendance is both required and expected. This course will depend heavily on classroom discussion, so every student absence detracts from the overall understanding of the class. The attendance policy set forth in the student handbook will be followed.

Class Participation: Students must be active in their participation. However, all comments must be respectful to others in class. Questions are welcomed, but the student must wait to be recognized by the teacher before speaking. Disruptive behavior is not acceptable. In addition, any form of academic dishonesty (i.e. cheating or plagiarism) will not be tolerated and will result in immediate disciplinary action, as per Madison City Board policy.

Tests: All tests combined account for 70% of the student’s final grade, so student preparation is extremely important. Classwork and homework make up the remaining 30%. Please note, however, that all assignments have a due date. Assignments turned in after the due date will NOT be accepted for a grade. The only exception to this policy would be if a student had an excused absence for the date in question.

Grading: The formula for grading is mandated by the Board of Education and is contained in the student handbook. 90%-100% = A; 80%-89% = B; 70%-79% = C; 65%-69% = D; 0%-64% = F. Any student who receives failing grades during this course is urged to discuss this with the instructor.

Materials: Students are always required to bring their textbook, notebook with paper, and a writing utensil to class. The use of spiral notebooks without perforated edges is discouraged

All requests for accommodations, for this course or any school event, are welcomed from students and parents.

Concerning laptop utilization:

1. Under no circumstances are student laptops to be wired to the network or have print capabilities.

2. No discs, flash drives, jump drives, or other USB devices will be allowed.

3. Neither the teacher, nor the school is responsible for broken, stolen, or lost laptops.

4. Laptops will be used at the individual discretion of the teacher.


1. The academic misconduct policy of the school will be followed in this course.

2. The attendance policy of the school will be followed for this course.

3. Any student who receives failing grades during this course is urged to discuss this with the teacher immediately.

Week 1 / Introduction / Rules / Procedures
Week 2 / Urbanization
Week 3 / Imperialism
Week 4 / Progressivism
Week 5 / WWI
Week 6 / WWI / 1920s
Week 7 / 1920s (continued)
Week 8 / Great Depression
Week 9 / New Deal
Week 10 / WWII
Week 11 / WWII (continued)
Week 12 / Cold War
Week 13 / Post War (1945-1960)
Week 14 / New Frontier / Great Society
Week 15 / Civil Rights
Week 16 / Vietnam
Week 17 / Politics of Protest / Nixon / Watergate / Reagan
18 / Times of Change / Modern America
Review / Final exam

*This syllabus is intended to be a general outline and may be changed at the instructor’s discretion or as circumstances warrant.*