Can You Help Dr. Lin Answer These Questions From His Students?

Every semester I often receive questions that are similar to the following. After listening to the presentation on brain and learning, can you help me answer these questions based on what you have learned about the brain?

1.  Why is there so much homework? (or) I got the first few exercises right, so why should I do all the rest of them?

My answer:

2.  I do all the homework and get everything right. Why can’t I remember how to do the problems on the test? I “blank out.” (or) The problems in the test just “go right over me”.

My answer:

3.  Why do I have to write anything down when I do the homework online? (or) Why bother with the learning portfolio? I do it all in my head.
My Answer:

4.  Why should I read the textbook and review class notes? I just click “Help Me Solve This” every time I’m stuck with a homework problem.

My Answer:

5.  I can follow your explanation in class just fine. Why am I lost when I try to do my homework at home?

My answer:

6.  I’m tired of math. Should I “take a year off” and take the last math course before I transfer/graduate?
My Answer:

7.  I work full time. Can I do homework only on weekends and still pass the course?
My Answer:

8.  I just can’t learn math. (or) I’m too old to learn math. (or) I’ve never been good at math. I don’t have a mathematical mind!

My answer:

9.  I’m going to miss the first week of class. Will you be doing anything important? (or) I’m going to be gone for two weeks during the semester. Is that a problem?

My answer:

10.  A question that you have heard from your friends:

My answer: