Date: / 24th June 2015 / Venue: / County Hall, Matlock
In the chair: / David Lowe / Minute Recorder / Margaret Blount
In Attendance:
Bob Boyd – Community Sports Network
Jenny Carter – Local Authorities – Sport Development
Ryan Duckett – Private Sector– Cricket Derbyshire
Cllr Julie Hill – Derbyshire County Council
Matt Jefferson – Sports Organisations
David Lowe – Derbyshire County Council
Ollie Shearer – FE/HE Representative
Mark Tournier – School Sports Partnership
Russell Turner – Sport England
Ilana Freestone – Derbyshire Sport
Hayley Lever – Derbyshire Sport
Margaret Blount – Derbyshire Sport
Scott Hartley – Press Red
Description1. / Welcome and Introductions
In the absence of Cllr Amanda Serjeant who is standing from the Executive Group as a result of a change in her lead responsibilities at CBC, following the May 15 elections, David Lowe, with the agreement of those present, chaired the meeting.
2. / Apologies
Andrew Beddow – Derby City Council
Sandra Deaton - Sports Organisations
Dave Padgen – Derbyshire Disability Sport Group
Cllr Amanda Serjeant – Vice Chair
Tim Spencer – Local Authorities - DLOG
3. / Minutes of the last meeting held on 25 March 2015
The minutes of the last meeting held on 25 March 2015 were approved as a true record.
4. / Matters Arising
No matters arising.
5. / Declarations of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
6. / Trends in Sport in Derbyshire
IF introduced Scott Hartley from Press Red. Press Red have been commissioned by Derbyshire Sport to bring all available research together on sport in Derbyshire over recent years and draw out the conclusions to inform the rewrite of the new strategic plan for 2016 onwards.
Scott presented the work to date and highlighted key points for consideration.
By 2028, over 50s are projected to make up 46% of the CSPs population. Derby City has a younger demographic than the county. The number of children under 16 is also projected to increase across the CSP catchment.
Old data exists for the estimated costs to the health budget of physical inactivity. Research in 09/10 suggested physical inactivity costs of £15m per year in Derbyshire. SE to launch a new economic modelling tool in next few months which should allow this information to be updated.
Participation levels in Derbyshire are falling behind the national trends.
Female participation rates are showing a very steep decline, steeper than national. MJ asked if it is possible to work out the number of new women required to do some or more sport, to reverse the negative trend.
Participation rates in the NEC 5-8 group showing a steep decline, steeper than national.
Latent demand in Derbyshire is increasing with most people who are asked saying they would like to do more swimming, cycling, athletics and gym. OS reported that the most popular activities with students are those sport that they have had not done before e.g. dodgeball, ultimate frisbee, female American football.
Sport England estimate that about 20% of those who say they would like to do more (latent demand), are actually ready to do more. For Derbyshire this means c. 90,000 people ready to take up or do more sport.
Pulling together an accurate picture of supply available in the CSP area is proving to be difficult but more work is being carried out on this.
DL thanked Scott for a very informative and interesting presentation.
IF reported that this presentation will feature in the pre AGM session on the 21st July, with time for discussion, to allow partners to feedback on the findings and their initial thoughts on future priorities for Derbyshire Sport. Members of the team are also delivering a version of the presentation to various network meetings that are taking place over the next couple of months.
HL/IF to set up a meeting, with DL’s help, with senior PH staff to discuss the trends and future implications.
Going forward, decisions will need to be made on whether the aim is to increase all the different participation indicators or focus on a particular indicator. RT clarified that Sport England’s funding is linked to the 1x30 sport indicator.
Copies of the presentation are available. / HL/IF/DL
7. / Directors’ Report
IF drew out key points from the Directors report.
Nikki Sargeson will return to work from maternity leave in July 2015 three days per week. Matt Halfpenny has been offered a full time permanent post as Marketing and Communications Assistant. Chloe Maudsley will return to work from maternity leave in July 2015, three days per week. Andy Fuller (who was already on contract to us for other work) is going to work 3 days per week on coaching, until Suzanne returns from maternity leave.
The search for new office accommodation is on-going. A new consideration is the possible additional cost of business rates.
An application to Sport England has been drafted for funding towards the governance review. An invitation to quote is ready to be sent out to ‘approved’ firms. It is hoped that this work will start shortly.
Districts are now drawing down the Public Health Physical Inactivity funding and work is now starting on the ground. A number of districts have appointed a new post or extended the hours of an existing post to set up and deliver new opportunities.
There will be an update on the work for young people at the next Executive Group meeting in September. This will include the findings of the external review currently underway and due to be finalised by the end of July.
The external review of DIS is almost complete and Oak Consultancy are due to present their findings at the DIS management group meeting on 26/06/15. They will be producing a business plan and a marketing plan to take the programme forward. DL congratulated Abbie Wood, a DIS athlete on her success in swimming at the European Games.
Sport England have just fed back that Derbyshire Sport is 1 of the 10 CSPs nationally to be awarded funding (£11,500) to develop the use of Sport England ‘Club Matters’ resource in the county.
HL outlined progress made on the development of a county cycling plan which will be out for consultation in early July until 30 September 2015. Members are asked to share the consultation draft through their networks to give as many people/organisations as possible the chance to comment.
The Executive Group noted the report.
8. / Finance Report
1.1 MB presented the end of year accounts, signed off by Derbyshire County Council management accountants. The total surplus to be carried forward is £1,091,223 of which the year-end unrestricted surplus is £188,588. £25k budgeted for office costs and service charges for 2014/15 have not yet been claimed by DCC. This £25k has therefore been ‘saved’ in the contingency budget code increasing this to £125k.
She reported that based on the agreed carry forward figure the budget presented at the Executive Group meeting in March had been revised slightly and this revised version would be presented to the Partnership Group for approval at the AGM in July.
The revised projections are shown in the table below. These projections take account of the staffing changes detailed in the Directors’ report.
2015/16 / 2016/17 / 2017/18 / 2018/19 / 2019/20
Projected core income / -£642,367 / -£614,880 / -£554,880 / -£554,880 / -£554,880
Projected core expenditure / £676,217 / £669,200 / £692,900 / £699,300 / £705,300
Projected unrestricted funds carry fwd / -£141,895 / -£67,575 / £85,445 / £244,865 / £410,285
The Executive Group:
Approved the 14/15 management accounts and final year-end position.
Approved the revised budget for 2015/16.
9. / Delivery Plan report 2014/15
MB presented the report on the 2014/15 delivery plan. It was noted that a slightly lower percentage of actions had been completed in 2014/15 than 2013/14 and this was partially a result of the staffing changes in the year. It was reported that for the 2015/16 delivery plan new rag definitions would be used to allow an appropriate rag of amber at the end of the year.
It was agreed that the delivery plan includes too many actions/indicators and that this could be considered as part of the governance review.
The Executive Group:
Noted the progress towards targets in the 2014/15 delivery plan
10. / Strategy Map and Balanced Score Card
MB explained the strategy map and balanced score card model being promoted by CSPN. It was noted that the need to have a short list of key indicators to monitor the health of Derbyshire Sport was identified as part of the Quest process.
There was some discussion about the draft indicators proposed and that not all seemed relevant e.g. number of DIS athletes, number of opportunities on websites. Other DIS indicators need to be revised to reflect the indicators recently agreed by the DIS management group.
It was agreed that members should provide any feedback on these indicators to MB by 10/07/15 and that based on this MB should produce a revised, shorter list.
The Executive Group:
Noted the draft strategy map 2015/16
Noted and proposed revision of the draft list of balanced scorecard indicators / All
11. / AOB
There was no AOB.
DL thanked all for their attendance.
12. / Dates of Future Meetings
Executive Group
30/09/15 – 16:00 – 18:00, Matlock Football Club
25/11/15 – 16:00 – 18:00, Matlock Football Club
21/07/15 – 15:00 – 17:00, Christian Life Church, Britannia Road, Storforth Lane, Chesterfield S40 2TZ
Partnership Group
26/01/16 – 15:00 – 17:00 , venue tbc