Trucking Jobs: Employment Assistance for Good Jobs Now

Job Placement Assistance Services
Nevada Desert Truck Driving School provides job placement assistance services to every student who wants it while enrolled in school, as well as after graduation. Graduates can contact the school at any time for assistance in locating a job, and to take advantage of Nevada Desert Truck Driving School network of many high quality local, regional and national employers that hire Nevada Desert Truck Driving School students. No school can guarantee a student a job, but we guarantee that we will use our best efforts to prepare and assist you. And we are proud of our placement success. Although placement rates for specific schools vary over time and based on the economy and transportation industry, Nevada Desert Truck Driving School has successfully assistedthousands of graduates find good, middle class truck driving jobs. Ask any of our graduates and they will likely tell you that if you want a professional truck driving job, Nevada Desert Truck Driving School staff can help you find one!
  • First and foremost, theNevada Desert Truck Driving School Certificate of Completion gives you the credentials required by so many trucking employers. It tells the employer that you’ve been trained to one of the highest standards for entry level drivers. Few carriers will hire you without these credentials, even if you are licensed.
  • Our experienced staff will assist you in evaluating employers, developing interviewing skills, completing job applications and making contact with your companies of choice.
  • We are dedicated to assisting students in bringing together their educational background, work experience and personal preferences to secure the job they want.

The Trucking Industry
The trucking industry contributes an enormous amount of money to the economy. The combination of common carriers and private truck fleets can account for over $175 billion of annual revenue. To meet the freight demand that generates these revenues, the hiring needs of many large trucking companies is substantial. The more drivers a company hires, the more freight they can haul. And there is a huge amount of cargo to be transported. As the saying goes, "if you got it, a truck brought it." Although railway service can move freight long distances, only trucks can deliver it directly to most customers.
As a result, industry statistical reports show what a huge demand for drivers there is, and why being a professional truck driver is such a great occupation. The American Trucking Associations reports that through the year 2015, an estimated 539,000 drivers will need to be hired. This means about 54,000 drivers per year will be needed as the industry grows and experienced drivers retire. In fact, ATA studies show that right now there is an estimated shortage of 20,000 drivers. The driver shortage could grow to 111,000 drivers by the year 2014.
Moreover, the Occupational Outlook Handbook published by the U.S. Department of Labor reported that "opportunities should be favorable for persons interested in truck driving. This occupation has among the largest number of job openings each year."

But to take advantage of the demand for truck driving jobs, you need the right training from professionals. We provide the skills that make you marketable, give you confidence and offer the opportunity to give you freedom and lifetime job satisfaction.
The Life of a Professional Truck Driver has Changed
Trucking is not what it was ten years ago, or even two years ago. It’s changing for the better. Companies realize that in order to attract good drivers they need to make driving a comfortable and enjoyable profession. The response of the industry has been to provide better pay, newer, more advanced equipment, and excellent benefits. While trucking is a demanding job and employment trends are affected by the economy, being a professional driver can be exciting and satisfying.
  • Newly trained drivers typically earn $37,000 to $41,000 per year according to industry data such as the U.S. Department of Labor and the American Trucking Associations. Drivers can earn up to $44,000 their first year out of a good school. The average experienced driver earns over $50,000 plus benefits, according to ATA industry estimates. Motivated drivers with some experience can earn well over that amount. Owner-operators, teams and specialized equipment drivers can earn over $100,000 per year, although that is not typical.
  • Trucks are also being redesigned to accommodate the needs of drivers. Most companies operate fleets of virtually new trucks. Many have spacious "condo" cabs with full beds, TVs/VCRs and refrigerators. The trucks have special "air ride" suspension systems to allow a comfortable drive. Most communication is now done by satellite and computer, which increases efficiency and reduces paperwork. Truckers now often talk by e-mail and surf the Web from their trucks!
  • Benefits offered by trucking companies have also improved to meet drivers’ demands. Companies usually offer full insurance (health, dental, vision, life and disability), paid vacation/holiday/sick days, profit sharing, stock options, retirement plans such as 401(k)s, tuition reimbursement plans, ride-along programs, and other benefits. They also recognize that getting a driver home to his or her family frequently is very important. Good employers make every effort to get you home on a regular basis.
Whether you become a truck driver is a personal decision. It requires careful thought about the lifestyle and family impact, the economy, your judgment about the job prospects for the type of position you want, and many other factors. For each student, enrolling in truck driving school requires research and consideration of these factors. Thousands of Nevada Desert Truck Driving School students have made the decision to change their lives for the better. We hope to see you on the road soon!