Grade 5—ELA: Language

Standards / Skills / Suggested sample teacher activities/materials / Assessment / Notes
Conventions of Standard English
L 5.1 (DOK 1, 2)Within the context of authentic English writing and speaking...
L 5.1a (DOK 1, 2)
Produce complete sentences, recognizing and correcting inappropriate fragments and run-ons. / Refer to progression tables in standards to which skills are to be continually used and practiced.
/ 5-1: T48-49 Lesson 1 / Lesson 1
L 5.1b (DOK 1, 2)
Produce complex and compound-complex sentences. / Produce complex and compound-complex sentences / 5-2: T278, T279
Lesson 9
L 5.1c (DOK 1, 2)
Rearrange complete simple and compound sentences of variety of lengths. / Rearrange complete simple and compound sentences of variety of lengths. / 5-1: T208
Lesson 3
L 5.1d (DOK 1, 2)
Ensure pronoun-antecedent agreement. / Ensure pronoun-antecedent agreement. / 5-3: T52-53
Lesson 11 / Lesson 11
L 5.1e (DOK 1, 2)
Explain and use linking verbs. / Explain and use linking verbs. / 5-2: T54-56
Grammar Lesson 6 / Lesson 6
L 5.1f (DOK 1, 2)
Use verb tense to convey various times and sequences. / Use verb tense to convey various times and sequences. / 5-3: T32-T34
Grammar Lesson 12 / Lesson 12
L 5.1g (DOK 1, 2)
Use relative pronouns (who, whose, whom, which, that). / Use relative pronouns (who, whose, whom, which, that).
L 5.1 h (DOK 1, 2)
Use relative adverbs (where, when, why) / Use relative adverbs (where, when, why) / 5-4: T126-128
Lesson 17 / Lesson 17
L 5.1 i (DOK 1, 2)
Use correlative conjunctions (either/or, neither/nor) / Use correlative conjunctions (either/or, neither/nor) / 5-2: T278-T280
Grammar Lesson 9
L 5.1 j (DOK 2,3)
Resolve issues of complex of contested usage, consulting reliable references as needed. / Resolve issues of complex of contested usage, consulting reliable references as needed. / Grammar snap video on thinkcentral, throughout grammar, super teacher
L 5.1k (DOK 1)
Use coordinating and subordinating conjunctions. / Use coordinating and subordinating conjunctions. / 5-2: T205-T206
Grammar Lesson 8 / Lesson 8
L 5.1 l (DOK 2)
Explain the function of coordinating conjunctions. / Explain the function of coordinating conjunctions. / 5-2: T205-T206
Grammar Lesson 8 / Lesson 8
L. 5.1m (DOK 1)
Use possessive nouns. / Use possessive nouns. / 5-4: T275-276, Grammar snap video
L 5.1n (DOK 1, 2)
Explain the function of a noun. / Explain the function of a noun. / 5-1: T80-T81
Grammar lesson 4
L 5.1 o (DOK 1, 2)
Form and use the progressive (e.g. I had walked; I am walking; I will be walking) / Form and use the progressive (e.g. I had walked; I am walking; I will be walking) / 5-2: T54-56
5-3: T132-134
Grammar lesson 6, 12
L 5.1p (DOK 1, 2)
Form and use the perfect (e.g. I had walked, I have walked, I will walk) verb tenses. / Form and use the perfect (e.g. I had walked, I have walked, I will walk) verb tenses. / 5-5: T128-130
Grammar Lesson 22 / Lesson 22
L 5.1q (DOK 1, 2)
Use helping and modal auxiliaries (e.g. can, may, must) to convey various conditions. / Use helping and modal auxiliaries (e.g. can, may, must) to convey various conditions. / Grammar snap video on thinkcentral, throughout grammar, super teacher
L 5.1r (DOK 1)
Explain the function of a verb. / Explain the function of a verb. / 5-2: T54-56
5-3: T132-134
Grammar lesson 6, 12
L. 5.2(DOK 1)Within the context of authentic English writing and speaking...
L 5.2a (DOK 1)
Use commas and quotation marks in dialogue. / Use commas and quotation marks in dialogue. / 5-2: T352-324
5-3: T206-207
Grammar Lesson 10, 13 / Lesson 10, 13
L 5.2b (DOK 1)
Add prefixes and suffixes to base words (e.g. sitting, smiled, cries, happiness). / Add prefixes and suffixes to base words (e.g. sitting, smiled, cries, happiness). / Spelling lesson 2, 8, 15, 18, 20, 24, 26
L 5.2c (DOK 1)
Spell grade-appropriate words correctly, consulting references as needed and/or using spelling patterns and generalizations (e.g. word families, position-based spelling, syllable patterns, ending rules, meaningful word parts). / Spell grade-appropriate words correctly / Journeys Spelling Lesson 1-30
L 5.2d (DOK 1)
Form and use possessives. / Form and use possessives. / 5-6: T40-42
Grammar lesson 26
L 5.2e (DOK 1)
Use correct capitalization overall. / Use correct capitalization overall. / 5-1: T280-82
Grammar lesson 4 / lesson 4
L 5.2f (DOK 1)
Use a comma to separate an introductory element from the rest of a sentence. / Use a comma to separate an introductory element from the rest of a sentence. / Grammar Lesson 10, 13, 14 22 / Lesson 10
L 5.2g (DOK 1)
Use underlining, quotation marks, or italics to indicate titles of works. / Use underlining, quotation marks, or italics to indicate titles of works. / Grammar L20, 24 / Lesson 24
Knowledge of Language
L 5.3 Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.
L 5.3a (DOK 2, 3, 4)
Expand, combine, and reduce sentences for meaning, reader/listener interest, and style. / L 5.3a (DOK 2, 3, 4)
Recognize language conventions for reading, writing, listening, and speaking
Recognize various sentence structures
Apply knowledge of language conventions when reading, writing, and listening
Use knowledge of language conventions when speaking
Expand, combine, and reduce sentences for meaning, interest, or style / 5-2: T130, T206
5-3: T361-T362
5-4: T200, T358
5-5: T36-T37
L 5.3b (DOK 2, 3, 4)
Compare and contrast the varieties of English (e.g., dialects, registers) used in stories, dramas, or poems. / Recognize language conventions for reading, writing, listening, and speaking
Recognize varieties of English used in stories, dramas, or poems
Apply knowledge of language conventions when reading, writing, and listening
Compare/contrast the varieties of English used in stories, dramas, or poems
Use knowledge of language conventions when speaking / 5-1: T183, T188-T189
5-2: T101, T110-T111, T119
5-4: T253, T256-T257
5-5: T271 / Lesson 3, 19
Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
L 5.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 5 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.
L 5.4a (DOK 1, 2, 3)
Use context (e.g., cause/effect relationships and comparisons in text) as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase. / Identify common context clues
Determine the meaning of words by examining a text / 5-1: T40-T41, T198-T199
5-2: T334-T335
5-5: T46-T47, T268-T269 / Lesson 1, 3, 10, 21, 24
L 5.4b (DOK 1, 2, 3)
Use common, grade-appropriate Greek and Latin affixes and roots as clues to the meaning of a word (e.g., photograph, photosynthesis). / Identify and define Greek and Latin affixes and roots
Determine the meaning of words using Greek and Latin affixes and roots
Choose from a range of vocabulary strategies to determine a word’s meaning / 5-1: T122-T123
5-2: T270-T271
5-3: T272-T273
5-4: T266-T267 / Lesson 2, 9, 14, 19, 27, 29, 30
L 5.4c (DOK 1, 2, 3)
Consult reference materials (e.g., dictionaries, glossaries, thesauruses), both print and digital, to find the pronunciation and determine or clarify the precise meaning of key words and phrases. / Use common reference materials (print and digital).
Use reference materials to find pronunciation
Use reference materials to find pronunciation / 5-2: T120-T121
5-3: T44-T45, T198-T199
5-4: T118-T119, T266-T267
5-5: T120-T121, T194-T195 / Lesson 11, 13, 17, 22
L 5.5 (DOK 1, 2, 3) Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings.
L 5.5a (DOK 1, 2, 3)
Interpret figurative language, including similes and metaphors, in context. / Identify similes and metaphors
Interpret figurative language using similes and metaphors / 5-1: T114
5-2: T254
5-3: T124-T125
5-4: T344-T345
5-5: T29, T34-T35, T251, T258-
T259 / Lesson 12, 20
L 5.5b (DOK 1, 2, 3)
Recognize and explain the meaning of common idioms, adages, and proverbs. / Recognize idioms, adages, and proverbs
Explain the meanings of idioms, adages, and proverbs / 5-1: T28
5-2: T120-T121
5-3: T104, T124-T125
5-4: T344-T345
5-5: T183, T194-T195 / Lesson 3, 7, 12, 20, 23, 28
L 5.5c (DOK 1, 2, 3)
Use the relationship between particular words (e.g., synonyms, antonyms, homographs) to better understand each of the words. / Define homograph
Identify synonyms, antonyms, and homographs
Utilize synonyms, antonyms, and homographs / 5-2: T46-T47
5-4: T190-T191
5-5: T342-T343 / Lesson 6, 18, 25
L 5.6 (DOK 2, 3)
Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases, including those that single contrast, addition, and other logical relationships (e.g., however, although, nevertheless, similarly, moreover, in addition). / Acquire grade appropriate general and domain-specific academic words
Know words that signal contrast, addition, and logical relationships
Use grade appropriate general and domain-specific academic words
Use vocabulary that signals contrast, addition, and other logical relationships
Use general and domain-specific academic words and phrases
Use words that signal contrast, addition, and other logical relationships / 5-1: T267
5-2: T34-T35, T36-T37, T186-
T187, T191, T198, T334-T335
5-3: T113, T188-T189, T193,
5-4: T200
5-5: T337 / Lesson 1-30