General Public Event - Time: 2:00 P.M.

Location:Computer Conference Room Markee Pioneer Student Center

Chair:Carol BealsVice Chair:Ken Wiegman Secretary: Kara McCarville

Recording Secretary:Lisa Merkes-Kress

Elected Members

Area I / Area II / Area III
☐ Marcia Cordts (2018) / ☐Ken Wiegman (2019) / ☐ Hollie Moore (2020)
☐Josh Savoy (2018) / ☐Diana Blindert (2018)
Area IV / Area V / Area VI
☐Mary Jo Durni (2020) / ☐Vacant (2020)
☐Janet Frederick (2019) / ☐Kelly Shea (2020)
Area VII / Area VIII / At-Large
☐Mark Redfearn (2018) / ☐Tweet Leibfried (2018) / ☐Kara McCarville (2019)
☐Carol Beals (2018)

Non-Voting Members


☐ Provost Joanne Wilson
☐Christine Buswell (HR) / ☐Janelle Crowley (HR Dir.) / ☐Todd Carothers (Asst. Vice Chancellor Admin. Svcs)


I / Opening of the Meeting
Call the Meeting to Order
Approval of the Minutes of Monday, November 13, 2017
II / Reports, Announcements, and Administrative Updates / Presenter
  1. .
/ Administrative Updates—Pay distribution update and allocations; Merger update / Todd Carothers
Title and Total Compensation Update / Janelle Crowley
Subcommittee reports: Bylaws and Constitution, Elections and Appointments, Awards and Recognition
UW System update / Carol Beals
III / Unfinished Business / Presenter
Academic Calendar / Patrick Hagen
Resignation-Replacement update / Elections Committee
IV / New Business / Presenter
Exclamation of Students Rights Resolution – 20171106 / Lucas Frey
Emeriti Status Sheri Kratcha / Carol Beals
V / Other
VI / Meeting Close
The next meeting is Tuesday, December 12, 2017
  1. 2
/ Adjournment

The University Staff Senate meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 2:00 p.m. For location, please see the University Staff Senate website. The University Staff Senate agenda is composed of items from many sources. If you wish to have an item placed on the agenda, please submit it to a Senate officer no later than eight days prior to the Senate meeting. The meetings are open to the public and all staff are invited to attend. The agenda is distributed to university staff in advance of the meeting to give the opportunity to contact members of the Senate to express views on topics being discussed.

To request disability accommodations, contact Lisa Merkes-Kress at 608-342-7157 or