P.O. Box 490
Veribest, Texas 76886
Bobby Fryar-Superintendent Jim Meredith–Secondary Principal
Denise Dusek-Business ManagerKalum McKay–Elementary Principal
Tara Molina – District Secretary Leah Zaruba -- Campus Secretary
325-655-4912 325-655-2851
TEACHER:Donna TaylorSCHOOL:VeribestHigh School
COURSE:Precalculus TEXTBOOK: Precalculus with Limits: A Graphing Approach
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This two semester course will cover first trigonometric functions, circular functions, laws of sines and cosines, vectors, and complex numbers in problem solving and second using symbolic reasoning in mathematical situations and in expressing generalizations.
GRADING PROCEDURES: Each six weeks will consist of 40% tests, 60% daily work (quizzes, projects, homework, labs, and groupwork). Students should know their grades at all times by keeping their own record or logging onto the gradebook. At the end of the six weeks, two daily grades will be dropped.
In accordance with grading guidelines a student shall be permitted a reasonable opportunity to correct a test. Test corrections will be allowed on every test. Students must show all work, get the correct answer, and explain what he/she did incorrectly or explain how to properly work the problem. Upon completion, the student will retest over missed questions similar in nature. Half credit will be added to the original test score for successfully meeting the test correction requirements and demonstrating mastery on the retest. A due date giving ample time for the student to complete corrections and the retest will be given at the time tests are returned. Test corrections, along with all other work, will not be accepted late.
ASSIGNMENT POLICY: All homework must be turned in on the assigned due date. NO LATEWORK WILL BE ACCEPTED! Any assignment not turned in on time will result in a zero. After two zeros are earned, the parent will be contacted. A student with three zeros will be referred to the principal (see page 53 of the student handbook).
MAKE-UP POLICY: We will follow the guidelines as stated in the student handbook.
PLAGIARISM: Grade reductions can occur as stated in the student handbook.
Grade Reports: Progress reports will go out approximately 3 weeks into each grading period. These progress reports must be signed by the parent/guardian and brought back the next class day. Getting a progress report signed and brought back will result in a daily grade of 100. Not returning a signed progress report will result in a daily grade of 0. Report cards are issued every six weeks. These must be signed and returned to your second period teacher.
Math is not always about getting the correct answer. Most of the time, the mathematical process is more important. This is why I require that all students must show their work at all times unless instructed otherwise by the teacher. Writing down answers only will not be accepted.
- Be polite.
- Be prompt.
- Be prepared.
- Be productive.
- Be positive.
COMMUNICATION: Parents should feel free to call (655-2851) or e-mail () me with any questions regarding your child. I will respond as quickly as possible.
TECHNOLOGY: Students will be using a graphing calculator and with prior approval a personal electronic device. Students will be issued and responsible for a graphing calculator owned by Veribest ISD. Should students choose to provide their own calculator, please purchase a TI-84+ or TI-nSpire.
Step 1:Go to
Step 2: Click on Sign Up in the top right corner of your window
Step 3:Fill in all fields that have a red asterisk (*) and click Sign Up
Step 4:Once completed, you can then click on the Homepage link to be taken directly into your new CengageBrain account
Step 5: Please record username ______and password ______
Course Key: CM-9781285867786-0000108, Desmos, GeoGebra
TEXTBOOK APPS: Desmos, GeoGebra
I am looking forward to a great school year!
Mrs. Taylor
Course Syllabus and Classroom Management Plan Acknowledgement
Subject: Precalculus
This is to certify that I/we received a copy of the course syllabus and the classroom management plan.
Parent/Guardian Name (Printed): ______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Phone: ______
Parent’s E-mail Address: ______Date: ______
Student’s Signature: ______Date:______
Student Name (Printed): ______
Student Email:______
Book Number: ______
Calculator Number:______