Title Constitution of the LL.M.-JD Connections Organization

ARTICLE I – LL.M.-J.D. Connections:

Section A: Name and Nature.

  1. The name of this organization shall be LL.M.-J.D. Connections, at the Ohio State University Michael E. Moritz College of Law, and shall be referred to as “LL.M.-J.D. Connections”.
  2. The Organization shall be a non-profit, non-political, non-religious, social and cultural organization.

Section B: Purpose.

  1. To serve as a liaison and provide a platform for continuous dialogue and interaction between LL.M. and J.D. students, with a goal of improving student life.
  2. To act as an interconnecting system for students to network amongst themselves, thereby creating an environment that will help in enriching their professional experience.
  3. To serve as a forum for the discussion of academic and professional issues and ideas.
  4. To organize student social and recreational events at Moritz.
  5. To represent the concerns of the LL.M. students in front of the Student Bar Association (SBA).

Section C: Membership.

Membership is open to any students who are currently attending The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law.

Section D: The LL.M.-J.D. Connections Advisor.

  1. The advisor to this organization shall be a full-time administrator, faculty, or staff at Moritz.
  2. The Advisor shall be responsible for providing continuity to the organization and working with the Treasurer to ensure SBA maintains its tax exempt status.

Section E: Non-Discrimination Policy.

LL.M.-J.D. Connections shall not discriminate against any individual for reasons of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, geographic origin, or familial, marital, or veteran status.

ARTICLE II – The Executive Committee Election Process:

Section A:

The election of the Executive Committee (hereinafter “the Committee”) will be held at the end of the third full academic week of the Autumn Semester.

Section B:

The Office of International Affairs [hereinafter “the OIA”] will carry out the Election Process The OIA shall ask from all the LLM students to nominate other LLM students/or themselves to serve in the Committee. The OIA will inform students on all positions available as set forth in this Constitution, including the duties and responsibilities deriving from each position.

Section C:

The LLM students should submit a list of up to 4(four) nominees by specifying the name and position. These nominations will be collected by the OIA, which will then require from the nominees to accept or decline the nomination(s) for the ballot within 48 hours. The nominees have the right to decline or accept one/or all positions that they were nominated for.

Any failure to respond to OIA request within the aforementioned period shall be deemed as a decline to the nomination(s).

Section D:

The OIA shall open the ballot with the final list of nominations and the respective positions after receiving the responses from nominees. The LLM Students will vote the nominees list by selecting one name for each position.

Section E:

Following the voting process, the OIA will publish the results within 24 hours after closing the ballot by indicating the selected Executive Committee.

Section F:

The elected members of the Committee have the right to resign from their position. A notice of such resignation shall be submitted to all members.

Section G: The Executive Committee shall consist of the following positions.

1. The President

2. The Vice-President

3. The Secretary

4. The Treasurer

Article III: The Executive Committee Responsibilities:

  1. The President shall:
  1. Serve as the chief spokesperson for the LL.M.-J.D. Connections organization.
  2. Preside over all meetings of the organization.
  3. Serve as the tie-breaking vote at all the Committee meetings.
  4. Attend and represent student interests at faculty meetings and Student Bar Association.
  5. Officially represent the LL.M.-J.D. Connections organization at Ohio State University and Moritz functions and activities.
  6. Assign duties to members of the Executive Committee as stipulated in Article III of this Constitution.
  1. The Vice-President shall:
  1. Succeed the President in the event of resignation, impeachment or temporarily unavailability.
  2. Shall assist the President in the operations of the association.
  3. Carry out the duties of the President in the President’s absence or incapacity.
  1. The Treasurer shall:
  1. Apply for funds in cooperation for the rest of the Committee. The application for funds shall be submitted whenever there is possibility of receiving funds. In addition, the Treasurer and the Committee shall always submit application for funding for the upcoming LL.M.-JD Connections Organization so funding will be available for the new organization.
  2. Receive and disburse all LL.M.-J.D. Connections organization funds.
  3. Manage the funds of the organization in its best interests.
  4. Present a record of all financial transactions at each Executive Committee meeting.
  5. The Treasurer shall not use the funds for personal needs. Upon resignation, impeachment, or when mandate ends, the Treasurer shall give gave all the bank card and other rights obtained with this duty to the Adviser.
  1. The Secretary shall:
  1. Publish the agenda at least 1 day prior to each Executive Board meeting.
  2. Shall be responsible for notifying members of all meetings, and shall handle official correspondence as delegated by the President.
  3. Attend and take notes at Executive Committee Meetings.
  4. Update members’ roster.
  5. Keep a current and accurate compilation of all Executive Board records and resolutions, and amendments and interpretations of governing documents.

ARTICLE IV – Executive Committee Members Resignation, Impeachment or Unavailability

Section A:

The elected members of the Committee have the right to resign from their position. A notice of such resignation shall be submitted to all members.

Section B:
Any member of the Committee, including the Advisor shall have the right to request a member’s impeachment. A motion for impeachment shall be based on evidence proving wrongful acts or other misdemeanor.

A majority of votes is required to approve such request. In an event of a tie, the Advisor shall have a second vote.

Section C:

In the event of resignation, impeachment or temporarily unavailability of a Committee member, the President shall have the power to assign the duties to another member of the Committee. If the position of the President is vacant due to any of the aforementioned reasons, such power shall be exercised by the Vice-President.

Section D:
Any member of the Committee can declare a temporarily unavailability up to two (2) weeks based on conflict of schedule, or any circumstances that are beyond their control, making it impossible of them to perform their duties. During his or her unavailability, the rest of the members of the Committee will be in charge to perform the duties of a temporarily unavailable member.

Section E:
The mandate of all Committee members ends when the academic year is over.

ARTICLE V – Amendments to the Constitution

Any member of the Committee, including the Advisor may propose changes and amendments to this Constitution.

Any amendment shall require for its adoption the approval of majority of the Committee. In an event of a tie, the President shall have a second vote.

This constitution was last revised by L.L.M Class of 2016