Integrating a Book, Movie, TV Show or Other Counseling Resource
into Counselor Preparation Courses:
Media Submissions to Chi Sigma Iota International
Counselors’ Bookshelf
Below are sample assignments for credit or extra credit for inclusion in the following courses:
Mental Health Counseling
Counseling Theories
Developmental Counseling
Counseling Children or Adolescents
Human Development/Developmental Counseling
Discussion Posts for Any Class, including practicum and internship
Diagnosis/DSM or Mental Health Counseling or Counseling Theories
Before class on (insert date) submit your review of a movie or TV show that portrays a mental health problem or diagnosis and/or mental health treatment, personal growth, and recovery from a mental health issue to the CSI Counselors’ Bookshelf on the CSI International website ( Accepted submissions will be posted on the CSI International Counselors’ Bookshelf, a web based clearinghouse for book and media resources on counseling. Students with accepted submissions will be able to list their submission as a publication on their vitae. To submit your movie or TV show, visit click on “Counselors’ Bookshelf”, then click on “Author Guidelines” which provides instructions for what to include in your review. You may also want to click on “Enter the Forum” which is on the same page as the Author Guidelines, so that you may view some accepted submissions. Reviews are to be no longer than 250 words. Finally, when ready to submit your review, click on “Submit a Review” and follow the instructions.
Counseling Children or Adolescents: Bibliotherapy Submission
The purpose of this assignment is to get you to think critically about the Bibliotherapy resources you use and to provide opportunities to develop your skills in academic writing. You will be expected to submit your review of a Bibliotherapy resource to the CSI Counselors’ Bookshelf on the CSI International website ( Accepted submissions will be posted on the CSI International Counselors’ Bookshelf, a web based clearinghouse for book and media resources on counseling. Students with accepted submissions will be able to list their submission as a publication on their vitae. To submit your movie or TV show, visit click on “Counselors’ Bookshelf”, then click on “Author Guidelines” which provides instructions for what to include in your review. You may also want to click on “Enter the Forum” which is on the same page as the Author Guidelines, so that you may view some accepted submissions. Reviews are to be no longer than 250 words. Finally, when ready to submit your review, click on “Submit a Review” and follow the instructions.
Discussion Posts to Chi Sigma Iota International Counselors’ Bookshelf
Sample Assignment or Extra Credit for Any Course
The purpose of this assignment is to encourage you to utilize counseling resources and to think critically about the information you use in your work as a counselor. Visit the Chi Sigma Iota International website ( and make a minimum of (insert number) posts in response to any of the book and media resources listed in the Counselors’ Bookshelf. The Counselors’ Bookshelf is a web based clearinghouse for book and media resources on counseling. To post or add a new discussion thread on the Counselors’ Bookshelf, first go to then click on “Counselors’ Bookshelf”. The Bookshelf has 4 sections on different counseling resources. You will want to click “Enter the Forum” in each section to view the information posted there. To reply to any of the reviews, click on the symbol “Add post” or click on “Add a New Discussion” to start a new thread. Your posts or discussion threads should include your thoughts and comments on the posted review(s) and/or any additional topics or insights you have related to any of the 4 sections of the Counselors’ Bookshelf. Your posts should be a minimum of 3-4 sentences in length.
Human Development/Developmental Counseling
Option I: Extra Credit Assignment
Prepare a 250 word (one page, double spaced) abstract of a book, movie, or television show with implications for use in developmental counseling, per the Author Guidelines listed in the Counselor’s Bookshelf, and submit your review on-line. If you are not a CSI member, submit your review to the instructor for posting. A maximum of two extra-credit reports may be submitted for your grade.
Your review will be in one of four areas: Professional Books; Books that Made Me a Better Counselor; Bibliotherapy; or Movies and TV Shows.
Option II: Assignment for Credit
Goal: To study and present a resource that professional counselors can use to enhance personal growth and wellness or to help clients address issues of concern or normative developmental issues in a positive manner.
Research: Select a particular client population or issue or a common developmental issue. You may wish to select a particular part of the lifespan, such as adolescence, middle adulthood, or later adulthood. Think about books, movies, TV Shows, or other resources that might be helpful in addressing this issue or concerns common to your population. Ideally, the resource is one you have used successfully personally or professionally.
Review: Develop a summary of no more than 125 words (1/2 page; unless you are reviewing a Professional Book, in which case your summary may be as long as 250 words, which would be one page, typed, double spaced). In describing the resource, limit your description to what the author actually said rather than integrating your opinions. This will allow the reader to consider the merits of the book or resource and its possible interest to them.
Reflect: Present your reflections in 125 words or less (1/2 page; unless you are reviewing a Professional Book, in which case your reflections may be as long as 250 words). How has this resource been useful t o you personally or professionally? How might other counselors use this resource to help certain kinds of clients with specific issues? How might clients benefit from reading/viewing this resource?
Share: Go online to the Chi Sigma Iota Counselor’s Bookshelf,, and upload your review.
Benefits: By sharing your knowledge, experiences, resources, and reflections with other counselors, you contribute to the knowledge base in the field and help promote more effective services to clients. Your accepted review may be listed on your vita as a refereed publication.