Rossendale Citizens Advice Bureau
Expenditure sheet –
please state if weekly, fortnightly, four-weekly, quarterly, or annually in each case
Name …………………………………………..……………
EARNED INCOME - please state if weekly, fortnightly, four-weekly, quarterly, or annually in each case / Amount £ / How often1. Your wages / salary (take home)
2. Partners wages / salary (take home)
5. Maintenance/Child Support received
6. Board, etc from official boarders/lodgers
7. Board/contribution from non-dependant children
8. Student Loans and Grants
9. Other (please state)
please state if weekly, fortnightly or four-weekly, in each case
10/11. Job-seekers Allowance (JSA)
12. Income Support
13. Working Tax Credit
14. Child Tax Credit
15. Child Benefit
16. Incapacity Benefit/SSP/ESA
17. Disability Living Allowance - state each component
17. Attendance Allowance
18. Carer’s Allowance
19. Housing Benefit
19a. Council Tax Benefit
20. Other (Maternity, SMP, etc)
21. Other eg Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit
please state if weekly, four-weekly or monthly, in each case
22. State Retirement Pension(s) – you and partner
23. Private or Work Pension(s) - you and partner
24. Pension Credit
25. Other
POSSESSIONS / Estimated Value / Outstanding Debt / Nett
Car(s) No. -
SAVINGS / Amount
Building Societies/banks
Other, eg Credit Union
/ Amount £ / How often
32. Rent
33. Ground Rent/Service Charges
34. Mortgage
35. Other Secured Loans
36. Mortgage Endowment
37. House/contents Insurance
38. Life Insurance and pensions
39. Council Tax
40. Gas
41. Electricity
42. Water
43. Other utilities (coal, oil, calor gas, etc)
44. T V Licence
45. Magistrates Court Fines
46. Maintenance/Child Support
47. Hire Purchase/Conditional Sale
48. Childcare
53. Home telephone
54. Mobile telephone (including dependent children’s)
56. Transport costs e.g. bus, taxi
58. Car Insurance – for each vehicle
59. Vehicle Road Tax - for each vehicle
60. Fuel – for each vehicle
61. MOT and car maintenance - for each vehicle
62. Breakdown or recovery - for each vehicle
63. Parking charges/tolls
65. Food and milk
66. Cleaning and toiletries
67. Newspapers and magazines
68. Cigarettes and tobacco
69. Alcohol
70. Laundry and dry-cleaning
71. Clothing and footwear
72. Nappies and baby items
73. Pet food
75. Health costs (prescriptions, dentist, glasses)
76. Repairs/house maintenance (inc window cleaning)
78. Cable/ satellite rental, internet
79. TV, Video, other appliance rental
80. School Meals
81. Children’s pocket money and school trips
86/87. Other expenditure (excluding your debts, which should be listed on the separate sheet)– please give details