Endorsements: New ChurchUniversity Attendees
Over 3,100 church leaders have now attended. Here is what some of our attendees from NewChurchUniversity have to say:
“This conference has done more than any other educational experience (including bachelor, master, and doctoral program) to give me the critical tools in ReFocusing a church and the skills to use those tools effectively.”
Jay Ott, ReFocusing Pastor
“God opened my eyes to so much, yet I realized I was committed to so little! He (the Lord) has used this week to bring about motivation and change!”
John Anderson, ReFocusing Pastor
West Virginia
“It saddened and gladdened my heart. I found my focus was not in line with God’s. I though I was doing well just to instruct and grow present children. I did not try and actively fire a desire to win new souls – to allow God to push new found souls. How many have gone to hell in my own town because I did not actively push evangelism? Thanks for creating a God moment for me!"
Wayne Sweely, ReFocusing Pastor
“What I learned at N.C.U. expanded my horizons and gave me a new way of thinking about my congregation as well as my church around the world. N.C.U. addressed more than the needs of my congregation. It spoke directly to the heart of my ministry and gave me new passion and vitality.”
Daniel Morgan, ReFocusing Pastor
“I came to N.C.U. from a church that was ReFocusing in small ways and I didn’t have the knowledge or skills to lead the process. As I go home, I’m prepared to be a refocusing pastor and have a growing passion (fueled by the conference) to do what God calls us to do to fulfill His mission for our church.”
Bob Hasselbring, ReFocusing Pastor
“This week has been extremely helpful in removing doubt about my own abilities and rely totally on the One that has called me. The information presented here helped pull all areas together from the prep work and material done before the N.C.U. Thank you for your devotion to God’s call on all of your lives.”
David Cadle, NewStart Planter
“Thanks Larry! God continues to use your ministry to shape my ministry and fuel my passion. Every pastor ought to take advantage of the resources. But most importantly the opportunity to be infected with your passion!!”
Phil Ketcham, ReFocusing Pastor
“I have read many books and attended several church growth/planting seminars and classes, but none come close to N.C.U. It is the only one I know that meets everyones’ needs, and prepares us to meet the goals that God has laid before us. Thank God for a system like NCS.”
Terry Hedrick, ReFocusing Pastor
“Thanks NCS! As a first time church planter, this conference helped to clarify and confirm in me the process God desires to use to see our new church started! Even after having attended another planting conference (boot camp), N.C.U. has helped to work me through the process more efficiently and completely! The entrance exams, requirement of 1st draft ministry action plan, the conference, and most importantly, the accountability of a coach and process offers me the tools needed to work the plan!”
Jeff Tackaberry, NewStart Planter
“N.C.U. brings together many timeless principles and creates a system that is practical and Biblically based for bringing lost people to Jesus Christ. It is far more than technique – it is the development of principles and a heart to implement them successfully. You cannot lose by being exposed to the N.C.U. process. You will fall in love with Christ and His church in a new and fresh way!”
Leroy Glendenning, NewStart Planter
“Even having planted a church and having gone through the “process” that NCS has set up in planting a new church, I found N.C.U. tremendously helpful. It has not only opened my eyes to new things that would be helpful in the Kingdom work, but it has inspired me to work in a movement that will produce “much fruit.” Thank you for your insights, wisdom, experiences, but most of all, for your heart and passion of reaching lost people to Christ. I am going back with renewed vision and focus and am committed to multiply new churches so that many others would come to know Him! Thank you NCS!”
Kip Hasselbring, NewStart Planter
“N.C.U. is the best conference I’ve ever attended. The presentation grabs your heart and imagination, and gives you the practical tools to do effective ministry – make disciples!”
Tim Prater, ReFocusing Pastor
“I am so grateful for NCS. The Lord sharpened my vision for the future in the last session of NCU – 1,000 new believers in 15 years through 10 new churches.”
Steve Suttles, ReStart Planter
“Before coming to N.C.U. in November, I had reached a fork in the road concerning my ministry in New Orleans. But after this weeks’ classes and instructions, I now have the tools I need…Thank you so much NCU for what you’ve accomplished in my life, heart and ministry.”
Samuel Peterson, ReFocusing Pastor
“Thanks for showing me the importance of a personal refocus before attempting to ReFocus a church. Thanks for rekindling the passion for the church within me. The information you have shared with me along with the spirit in which you presented it has been transformational.”
David Maxwell, ReFocusing Pastor
“New ChurchUniversity has been an eye opening and heart opening experience that I’ll not just remember, but as God wills it, the first days of the rest of my earthly ministry and the very beginning of the visible manifestation of what our Lord has always desired to take place in and through my life. To Him be all the glory!”
Ron Takala, ReStart Planter
“Many times over the course of my 20 years of ministry I wanted and hoped for help in the areas I experienced this week. I am much farther up the road because of this seminar experience. Thank you!”
Lester Champer, ReFocusing Pastor
“I came to N.C.U. with an interest in coaching and discovered so much more. I leave N.C.U. with a greater passion to be a part of the movement of church planting through mothering a new start and helping on my district, as well as coaching.”
Doug Litsey, NewStart Pastor
“For years I have been frustrated in pastoral ministry. Motivation and momentum have ebbed and flowed throughout my tenure. What I failed to establish was a strategic plan that could help me and my church survive the down cycles of motivation and momentum. New ChurchUniversity has given me the principles that I can take home. I can create action plans to ReFocus and help move our congregation. I thank God for you!”
George Gribben, ReFocusing Pastor
“This event helped me reaffirm my passion towards ministry. The principles are practical and adaptable to any size church in any location. I totally agree with strong conviction that we, as pastors and leaders, have as our main priority to have a healthy church, effectively reaching the lost people of our communities. God is interested in what we are doing and how and where we are doing His ministry. God bless you in all you do!”
Kerry Robinson, ReFocusing Pastor
“Although God had over the past 18 months been speaking to me to become an “outward-centered” pastor, N.C.U. was used of God to confirm, encourage, and intensify my vision, purpose and plan. This has been the single most relevant and vital pastoral gathering I have had the privilege of attending.”
T.J. McNew III, ReFocusing Pastor
“This has been a life transforming, eye opening conference. I will go home with a great deal to pray about and to search the heart of God for His direction in my life. This conference is one of the God moments in my life that will be a milestone in my ministry. Thanks for your faithfulness to God’s call. I would recommend this conference to every pastor.”
Bobby Humphrey, ReFocusing Pastor
“I have been praying for some time for a plan that is thorough, comprehensive, and practical for building God’s kingdom. Thanks for allowing God to answer my prayer through N.C.U.”
Gary Bohannan, ReFocusing Pastor
“God has called me to be a church builder and NCS has given me the blueprint and tools to do the job. NCS is one of our greatest “cheerleaders!”
Lynn Johnson, NewStart Pastor
“N.C.U. put together many of the pieces of ReFocusing that I had already been working on. It made clear not only the process, but also the desired end of the process. Biblically based tools to help take my church to a new level have been imprinted on my D.N.A.. I will now, by God’s help, imprint it on the D.N.A. of my local church.”
Greg McDonald, ReFocusing Pastor
“This week challenged me to step in faith, to continue in what God has called me to do in His church. It is great to see in writing and with clarity the mandates and ways to accomplish the call of God. Couple the clarity of the presentation with the ongoing commitment to come along side and this becomes a far reaching and timeless call from God.”
Richard El-Talabani, ReFocusing Pastor
“This event has been instrumental in crystallizing God’s call and vision for my future. Secondly, I am now equipped and supported to run towards that vision.”
Gary Rapp, ReFocusing Pastor
“I’ve been to several conferences in my young ministry. They all give you ideas that may or not fit. New ChurchUniversity gives you a process that easily is shaped to fit many situations. Thanks be to God for your vision to help young pastors life me.”
Duane Boady, ReFocusing Pastor
“After 21 years of ministry and at 45 years of age, I was needing something that would help me to focus on the next 20 years of ministry and NCS did exactly that. NCS challenged me personally as well as a shepherd for our congregation. I feel the tools that NCS gave me is what the Holy Spirit will use in my life to help me be the effective and compassionate leader that I need to be in the future ministry. This session by Dr. McKain on learning to love the church as Christ loves the church was worth the entire fee and conference!”
Phil Edwards, ReFocusing Pastor
“NCS and N.C.U. affords the best opportunity for a pastor to be able to recognize the elements of passion and skills needed to fulfill the “great commission” for their ministry.”
Dr. Phillip Jones, ReFocusing Pastor
“The NewChurchUniversity is a wonderful tool that focuses my attention on the task of ReFocusing my church. I have refocused every church I have pastored, but N.C.U. gave me an orderly format to organize my thoughts and activities. It also gives a process of communication with my local leadership.”
Andy Lochary, ReFocusing Pastor