Life Cycle Plan (LCP) TemplateVersion x.x
Life Cycle Plan (LCP)
<Project Title>
<Team No>
<Team members and roles>
IICSMSw_LCP_Template.doc1 Version Date: 07/30/12
Life Cycle Plan (LCP) TemplateVersion x.x
Version History
Date / Author / Version / Changes made / Rationale08/20/05 / PP / 1.0 / Original template for use with LeanMBASE v1.0 / Initial draft for use with LeanMBASE v1.0
08/30/06 / SK, RT / 1.6 /
- removed Section 4.1.4, 4.3 and 4.4
- added Table template
09/14/07 / SK / 1.9 / Updated Section 3 / Consistent with LeanMBASE 1.9
08/06/08 / SK / 2.0 /
- Removed Section 6.0 Appendix
- Updated Section 1.1, 1.2, 2.3, 3.3
08/13/09 / SK / 2.1 /
- Embedded description in each Table
- Removed Section 2.2 Phases
- Revised Section 3.2 Responsibilities by Phase
- Removed Table of Authorized Stakeholder Representatives
- Removed 4.1.3 Project plan
- To be consistent with ICM EPG template set standard V2.1
- To leanify the life cycle plan
07/30/12 / TK / 2.2 /
- Updated Section 3.2, 5
- Added Section 6
Table of Contents
Life Cycle Plan (LCP)
Version History
Table of Contents
Table of Tables
Table of Figures
1.1Purpose of the LCP
1.2Status of the LCP
2.Milestones and Products
2.1Overall Strategy
2.2Project Deliverables
3.1Project-specific stakeholder’s responsibilities
3.2Responsibilities by Phase
4.1Monitoring and Control
4.2Methods, Tools and Facilities
6. Iteration Plan
6.1 Plan
6.1.1 Capabilities to be implemented
6.1.2 Capabilities to be tested
6.1.3 Capabilities not to be tested
6.1.4 CCD Preparation Plans
6.2 Iteration Assessment
6.2.1 Capabilities Implemented, Tested, and Results
6.2.2 Core Capabilities Drive-Through Results
6.3 Adherence to Plan
IICSMSw_LCP_Template.doc1 Version Date: 07/30/12
1Table of Contents
Table of Tables
Table 1: Artifacts Deliverables in Exploration Phase
Table 2: Artifact deliverable in Exploration Phase
Table 3: Artifact deliverable in Valuation Phase
Table 4: Artifact deliverable in Foundations Phase
Table 5: Artifact deliverable in Development Phase
Table 6: Stakeholder's Responsibilities in each phase
Table 7: COCOMOII Scale Driver
Table 8: COCOMOII Cost Driver
Table 9: Application Count: Screens
Table 10: Application Count: Reports
Table 11: Application Count: 3GL components
Table 12: Application Point Parameters
Table 13: Construction iteration capabilities to be implemented
Table 14: Construction iteration capabilities to be tested
Table 15: Capabilities implemented, tested, and results
IICSMSw_LCP_Template.doc1 Version Date: 07/30/12
1Table of Contents
Table of Figures
No table of figures entries found.
IICSMSw_LCP_Template.doc1 Version Date: 07/30/12
Life Cycle Plan (LCP) Template Version no x.x
1.1Purpose of the LCP
< Discuss the purpose of the LCP>
1.2Status of the LCP
Discuss the status of the LCP especially key differences from previous version, for example
“The status of the LCP is currently at the Operation Commitment Package version number 10.0. This is the version that will be delivered to the client. The major changes from Rebaselined Foundations phase are:
- Two team members, Ritesh Kothari and Jerome Wan, did not continue in Development Phase.
- One core capability, Report and Certificate Generation, is deferred.”
List all possible assumptions for the project life cycle, such as schedule, personnel resources, standard, guidelines, and etc. For example:
- The duration of the project is 24 weeks, which are 12 weeks in Fall 2006 and 12 weeks in Spring 2007.
2.Milestones and Products
2.1Overall Strategy
Identify your overall strategy. Identify the ICSM process you are following and your rationale; Architected Agile or NDI-Intensive or Net-Centric Services. Identify the life cycle phases and its dates, deliverables, milestone and strategy of each phase. For example:
“The Volunteer Tracking System is following Architected Agile process because there is no Non-Development Item or Web service that would fit to most of the core capabilities.
“Exploration phase
Duration: 08/24/09- 9/21/09
Concept: They identify project operational concept, system and software requirement, system and software architecture, and life-cycle plan. These phases prioritize the capabilities, conduct investment and feasibility analysis, and implement the software prototype.
Deliverables: Valuation Commitment Package
Milestone: Valuation Commitment Review
Strategy: One Incremental Commitment Cycle”
Note: More information about ICSM process can be found in ICSM EPG> Delivery Process. Schedule of the class and its milestone can be found in the first lecture of the class.
2.2Project Deliverables
< Identify project deliverables in each phase and its due date, format, and medium>
2.2.1Exploration Phase
The following is an example of deliverables in Exploration phase.>
Table 1: Artifacts Deliverables in Exploration Phase
Artifact / Due date / Format / MediumClient Interaction Report / 9/17/2006 / .doc, .pdf / Soft copy
Valuation Commitment Package
- Operational Concept Description (OCD) Early Section
- Life Cycle Plan (LCP) Early Section
- Feasibility Evidence Description (FED) Early Section
Evaluation of Valuation Commitment Package / 09/27/2006 / .xls / Soft copy
Project Effort / Every Monday / Text / ER system
Project Plan / Every Wednesday / .mpp, .pdf / Soft copy
Progress Report / Every Wednesday / .xls / Soft copy
Table 2: Artifact deliverable in Exploration Phase
Artifact / Due date / Format / Medium<artifact name> / <due data / <format type: .doc, .pdf> / <Medium type:
hard copy, soft copy>
… / … / … / …
2.2.2Valuation Phase
Table 3: Artifact deliverable in Valuation Phase
Artifact / Due date / Format / Medium<artifact name> / <due date / <format type: .doc, .pdf> / <Medium type:
hard copy, soft copy>
… / … / … / …
2.2.3Foundations Phase
Table 4: Artifact deliverable in Foundations Phase
Artifact / Due date / Format / Medium<artifact name> / <due date> / <format type: .doc, .pdf> / <Medium type:
hard copy, soft copy>
… / … / … / …
2.2.4Development Phase
Table 5: Artifact deliverable in Development Phase
Artifact / Due date / Format / Medium<artifact name> / <due date> / <format type: .doc, .pdf> / <Medium type:
hard copy, soft copy>
… / … / … / …
3.1Project-specific stakeholder’s responsibilities
Other than typical stakeholders of CSCI577ab, identified in ICSM EPG> Task: Identify Responsibilities and Skills, which are client, user, maintainer, developer and IIV&V, do you have any project-specific stakeholder? If yes, please identify the role and his/her responsibilities.>
3.2Responsibilities by Phase
< Identify responsibilities of each team member including client, user, and maintainer in each phase. Please note that a document name such as OCD, WinWin Agreements or Prototype is not a responsibility. Examples of responsibilities are identify project risk, develop prototype, acquire NDI, and etc.
The following table is a template for stakeholder’s responsibilities in each phase. >
Table 6: Stakeholder's Responsibilities in each phase
Team Member / Role / Primary / Secondary ResponsibilityExploration / Valuation / Foundations / Development- Construction Iteration / Development- Transition Iteration
Role / Primary Responsibility
Responsibility 1
Responsibility 2
Secondary Responsibility
Responsibility 3
Responsibility 4 / Primary Responsibility
Responsibility 1
Responsibility 2
Secondary Responsibility
Responsibility 3
Responsibility 4 / Primary Responsibility
Responsibility 1
Responsibility 2
Secondary Responsibility
Responsibility 3
Responsibility 4 / Primary Responsibility
Responsibility 1
Responsibility 2
Secondary Responsibility
Responsibility 3
Responsibility 4 / Primary Responsibility
Responsibility 1
Responsibility 2
Secondary Responsibility
Responsibility 3
Responsibility 4
Role / Primary Responsibility
Responsibility 1
Responsibility 2
Secondary Responsibility
Responsibility 3
Responsibility 4
< Identify current and required skills for each role. Please note that if some of your team member does not continue in 577b, you should identify the required role(s) and skills of the new team member. Example of skills can be found at ICSM EPG> Task:Identify Responsibilities and Skills. >
Team members / Role / Skills<Name> / <Role> / <Current skills:>
Required skills:
4.1Monitoring and Control
< Identify the approach you are using in monitoring and controlling your project. Examples are Progress Report, Project plan, and etc. >
4.1.1Closed Loop Feedback Control
Explain how your team gets and provides feedback internally within the team. >
<Describe various kinds of review that your team is using to control your project.
4.2Methods, Tools and Facilities
< Describe methods, tools, facilities and their usage and provider that you used in your project>
Tools / Usage / ProviderRed Ridge 3.0 / Provides examples for user interface and system functionality, is helpful in the development of prototype / CSC
PEAR / Creates a framework and distribution system for reusable PHP components / Open source
<Tool> / <Usage> / <Tool Provider>
< For Architected Agile, use COTIPMO for Architected Agile project for your calculation, for NDI/NCS project, use COTIPMOfor NDI/NCS project for your calculation
Identify the following information in order to estimate the software cost:
-Estimated CSCI577a Effort : X team members at X hrs/week for 12 weeks
-Estimated CSCI577b Effort : X team members at X hrs/week for 12 weeks
-Total estimated effort
-Budget information
-Project duration
-Component modules in your development project.
-Programming language used
For Architected Agile, the example of how to rate scale factors and cost drivers can be found at ICSM EPG> Task: Estimate Project Effort and Schedule using COCOMO II
For the most common mistakes in cost estimation for Architected Agile, please go to ICSM EPGConcept: Common Mistakes in COCOMOII Calculation
You should provide rationale for every cost driver and scale factor of each module.
Note: Refer toBarry W. Boehm, et al, Software Cost Estimation With COCOMO II, Prentice all PTR, New Jersey, 2000 on how to estimate software cost . >
Table 7: COCOMOII Scale Driver
Scale Driver / Value / Rationale<Driver name> / <value> / <comments>
… / … / …
Table 8: COCOMOII Cost Driver
Cost Driver / Value / Rationale<Driver name> / <value> / <comments>
… / …
< Provide screenshot of your COCOMO IIanalysis result and interpret what does that mean to your project. Please note the number of COCOMOII Cost Driver tables (Refer to Table 8) is equal to the number of software modules in your project.More information can be found at ICSM EPG> Task: Estimate Project Effort and Schedule using COTIPMO for Architected Agile Project.
< For NDI/NCS project, COTIPMOfor NDI/NCS project is based on COCOMO II Application Point, so please use Table 9 - 12instead of using Table 7 and 8.More information can be found at ICSM EPG> Task: Estimate Project Effort and Schedule using COTIPMO for for NDI/NCS Project. >
Table 9: Application Count: Screens
Screen / Number of views / Number of source of data tables / Complexity level / Rationale< Screen name > / <value> / <value> / <value> / <comments>
Table 10:Application Count: Reports
Report / Number of sections / Number of source of data tables / Complexity level / RationaleReport name > / <value> / <value> / <value> / <comments>
Table 11:Application Count: 3GL components
Component / RationaleComponent name > / <comments>
Table 12: Application Point Parameters
Parameter / Value / RationaleDeveloper's Experience and Capability / <value> / <comments>
ICASE Maturity and Capability / <value> / <comments>
6. Iteration Plan
6.1 Plan
< Provide a high-level overview of the content of the given iteration. Indicate which Life cycle milestones will be addressed. >
6.1.1 Capabilities to be implemented
< For the milestone identified above, identify the capabilities that will be implemented in the upcoming iteration. Identify the features, requirements or use–cases that are being developed (implemented, tested, etc.) for this iteration.Each component should be accounted for in at leastone iteration. All requirements should be implemented and tested (or re-negotiated) by the completion of all the iterations. Be mindful of implementation dependencies. Document complex dependencies and communicate them to the appropriate development staff. >
Table 13: Construction iteration capabilities to be implemented
ID / Capability / Description / Priority / Iteration< ID > / < Capability > / < comments > / <value> / <value>
6.1.2 Capabilities to be tested
< For the milestone identified above, identify the capabilities that will be tested in the upcoming iteration.
Identify the software features and combinations of software features to be tested this iteration. This may also include non-functional requirements or extra-functional requirements, such as performance, portability, and so forth.
Additionally you may need to test every requirement listed in the WinWin Agreements DC package, non-requirement component features such as COTS capabilities and quality, API functionality, etc. >
Table 14: Construction iteration capabilities to be tested
ID / Capability / Description / Priority / Iteration< ID > / < Capability > / < comments > / <value> / <value>
6.1.3 Capabilities not to be tested
< Identify notable features, and significant combinations of features, which will not be tested this iteration and why (e.g. a given feature uses a feature which will be implemented in following iteration). >
6.1.4 CCD Preparation Plans
< Identify the clients and other users who will be involved in the Core Capability Drive-through, the usage scenarios that it will support, and the specific CCD preparation plans and milestones. These may include
-user context-setting
-site preparation dry runs,
-feedback forms, and
-CCD risk management plans. >
6.2 Iteration Assessment
6.2.1 Capabilities Implemented, Tested, and Results
Describes,in brief, the capabilities that were implemented and the test results.The capabilities implemented and tested do not necessarily need to match the ones listed in section 6.1 because some capabilities may have been pushed to the next iteration. >
Table 15: Capabilities implemented, tested, and results
ID / Capability / Test Case / Test Results / If fail, why?< ID > / < Capability > / < TC-XX / Pass/Fail / < comments >
6.2.2 Core Capabilities Drive-Through Results
Briefly summarize the feedback you received fromyourclient(s).Youneedtobespecificenoughtocoverthecriticalcapabilitiesorscenariosthat were discussed,demoed,orshown.YourdescriptionsMUST,butnotlimitedto,coverthefollowingareas:
- Positive feedbacks
- Improvements needed/suggested
- Changes to‐be considered (Reprioritized capabilities, requirements, GUI, etc.)
- Risks (New risks introduced, risks mitigated, etc.)
Note: Makesuretobespecifictothecapabilitiesshown/demonstrated/driven-through.
Simply statingthattheclientslikedthecapabilitiesisnotsufficient.
6.3 Adherence to Plan
< Describe how well the iteration ran according to plan. Was it on budget and on time? Is there any uncertainty in the Software Development Status? Provide some insight to avoid mistakes for future iterations. >
IICSMSw_LCP_Template.doc1 Version Date: 07/30/12