/ Board of Directors/Volunteers

Please complete this survey about your organization and the expectations of board members and volunteers. We will make the document available for our alumni to review as they consider organizations and boards in which to become active.

Date survey completed and submitted to SLI: July 21, 2011

Organization Name: / The Foundation for Sustainable Senior Centers of Scottsdale
Address: / P.O. Box 72138, Phoenix, AZ 85050
Phone Number: / NA / Email: /
Website: / www.sustainableseniors.com
Current President: / Travis Yarlagadda
Phone Number: / 4807726134 / Email: /
Staff Contact:: / NA
Phone Number: / NA
Email: / NA
What is your organization’s mission statement?
To be a city wide resource for those seniors who have had their finances, health and safety affected by external factors beyond heir control. Maintaining the dignity of the individual at all times is paramount, to ensure they can celebrate life and reach their fullest potential.
Description of organization’s primary activities and/or events (60 words or less):
The goal of the foundation is to raise funds either through donation, sponsorship and events.
When does your board of directors meet? If dates and times are pre-set, please list (example: third Thursday of each month during lunch).
First Tuesday of each month: 2011: August 2, Sept 6, Oct 4, Nov 1, Dec 6
What is your expectation for a board member outside of attending meetings? (Examples: volunteer eight hours a month, fundraise, attend annual convention, etc.)
Attend monthly board meeting, one year commitment, $25 non-profit membership donation, assist with raising funds and fundraisers.
How much time outside of board of directors meetings is expected of a board member?
Depends on the position and project.
Is there a fiscal annual board contribution expectation of each board member?
No Yes Dollar amount: $25.00
Is there an annual fundraising expectation of each board member?
No Yes Expectation:
Is it possible to attend a board meeting before submitting interest to being a member? Yes No
When do board member terms begin? / TBA
How long are board member terms? / 1 year
What is the maximum number of terms a board member can serve? / NA
When are applications or nominations considered? / Throughout the year
What are the requirements prior to applying to join your board? (Example: paid member, completed program, residency, occupational experience, no requirements, etc.)
What is the process to become a board member with your organization?
Applicants will need to submit their resume to the Foundation. The applicants will be reviewed by a nominating committee and nominations will be submitted to the board for an optional interview and vote.
If someone is interested in joining your board, who should they contact? (Please provide contact info even if already listed above.)
President of the Foundation
Travis Yarlagadda
Phone: 4807726134
Description of volunteer opportunities (other than the board of directors) within the organization:
Awareness and Fundraising Committees
What are the requirements of being a volunteer?