LD Partnership Board
22nd December 2010 10am – 12 Noon
The Innovation Centre, Room G14
Present:Nigel Braithwaite, Tom Noone, Peter Soothill, Bernie Horne, Rosemary Molyneux, Danielle Place, Lesley Bray, Shabir Elahi
Item No / Item / Action By1 / Opening of Meeting
Rosemary explained that today’s meeting was an additional opportunity,after November’s meeting to give people the chance to continue the discussion on personalisation.
2 / Matters Arising
- Discussion took place on how best to ensure the LD board continues in 2011, despite the inevitable changes across the Council, especially in adult social services. Cllr Mohamed Khan has agreed that Cllr Solkar will begin attending the board meetings in 2011 and will take on the role of chair.
Personalisation will only be understood and accepted if the people with personal budgets are able to tell others about their experiences so that others feel more positive about having a Personal Budget.
Shabir suggested perhaps himself; Nigel and Tom meet outside the formal meeting to discuss their issues re Personalisation as carers.
Bernie, Rosemary and Lesley gave a quick up date on some of the 11 projects under the personalisation programme.
It was suggested we link Personalisation information and updates with the new social care web site
Rosemary to discuss this with GemmaMcMullen
- Discussion and suggestions were shared on possible funds for the board. The board only has a ‘1’ off budget of £5,000
- It was suggested the format of the board remain the same for the time being but all members should give some thought to the commitment needed by everyone if the board was to continue and particularly look at ways of how it could influence decision-making in BwD for people with Learning Disabilities
- It was confirmed that the board meetings are ‘open’ for anyone to come along, as long as they are willing to listen and participate and want to improve the life of people with Learning disabilities living in BWD and their families.
- It was requested that the board note a unanimous and heart felt Thank You to Cllrs David and Karimeh Foster for their commitment and support to the board.
- ‘Be Fair, lets Care’ project.
- Pete updated on initiatives and activities he was involved at CT+. This includes 2 pieces of work to improve Transition for young people coming from children’s services into adult’s services. Also looking at Equality and Diversity and providing training on disabilities by local people with a disability.
- Care Network – James Hadleigh the manager has requested to attend the board to discuss some funding they may have access to. He wants to ask the board their opinions on what it might be useful to spend this money on. James will attend the next meeting
Any Other Business – there was no other business.
Date and time of next meeting
19th January 2011