Western Montgomery Career and Technology Center
Metal Technology Program
Mr. Andrew Klein
Teacher Contact:Mr. Andrew Klein 610-489-7272, Ext. 119
Director: Chris Moritzen
Principle: Robert Weneck
Guidance Counselor: Candice Landis
Course Description:
Students in this program work with full size industrial machine tools and welding equipment to develop the foundational skills needed to pursue a career in a variety of metalworking occupations. This equipment includes engine lathes, milling machines, drill presses, surface and pedestal grinders, power band saws, computer numerical controlled (CNC) equipment, gas torches, plasma torches, electric arc welders, MIG welders, and TIG welders. Also emphasized in this program are industrial drawing interpretation, precision measurement, inspection processes, layout and assembly procedures, and safe work habits. Introduction to CNC set-up, operation, and programming is included in the course instruction. As a Metal Technology student at WMCTC you will have the opportunity to earn industry certifications from the National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS). Program graduates have the ability to enter into employment, apprenticeship programs, and post -secondary education.
Precision Machining Technology 2nd edition
Modern Welding
Machine Trades Print Reading
Machining Fundamentals
Machinery's Handbook
(Purchased by Student)Precision Machining Technology Workbook and Projects Manual
Welding Workbook - TBA
Teacher Expectations
All students are expected to:
- Show respect
- Be aware of and obey all safety rules
- Learn and work in a safe and efficient manner
- Be punctual
- Manage their time in class effectively
- Work on task and only on their assigned projects
- Accept responsibility
- Come to class prepared to learn, and with the necessary materials
- Participate in lectures, demonstrations, and learning activities
- Follow all rules stated in the student handbook
A brief note about RESPECT………
Students are to respect everything in the classroom. This includes: the teacher, your peers, desks, books, tools, equipment, machines…………….EVERYTHING!
Students will respect other people’s feelings and the opinions of others.
Inappropriate language/behavior will not be tolerated!
Academic Calendar:
Semester One: Safety/Housekeeping/Fire Safety, hand tools and benchwork, basic layout, introduction to measuring tools, print reading, sawing machines, introduction to shielded metal arc welding
Semester Two: Drilling machines, introduction to milling and turning operations, introduction to MIG welding, mechanical hardware, resistance welding, Oxy/fuel welding, job seeking skills
Semester Three: Intermediate milling and lathe operations, intermediate shielded metal arc welding, advanced print reading, intermediate MIG welding
Semester Four: Quality control, metallurgy, materials, grinding operations, advanced drilling operations, mechanical hardware
Semester Five & Six: Advanced welding processes, computer numerical control, oxy/fuel cutting, occupational math
Daily Classroom Schedule/Procedures:
The daily instructional schedule will combine instruction on the theory applied to machining and welding skills, as well as performance tasks that are practiced and assessed in the labs. Various learning activities will be utilized to guide students in acquiring the knowledge necessary to work safely and effectively. Depending on the concept being taught, students should expect a daily theory lesson of 20-40 minutes with the remaining time focused on hands-on work in the lab.
Attending PE/Health class once per week is required.
Quarterly grades are weighted according to the following percentages:
Daily attitude/work ethic20%
The Western Montgomery CTC grading system is defined as:
F 70 >
Students are required to participate in certification testing through the National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS). The registration and certification fees are of no cost to the student. At various intervals in the curriculum students will participate in the NIMS testing process.
Career & Technical Student Organizations:
Skills U.S.A.
Uniform & Safety Requirements:
Uniform is required each day, except during gym/health classes. Safety glasses, work boots, and proper shop attire are required. Refer to the summer welcome letter for specific uniform rules and regulations.