“Profi[t] with Wind” Workshop Series

Guest at the 24th Wind Energy Days Conference of Spreewind GmbH

On November 11, 2015, the wind turbine experts from Bachmann Monitoring will be holding the one-day workshop series “Profi[t] with Wind” for the eighth time. This year this established event will take place for the first time as part of the 24th Wind Energy Days conference in the “Van der Valk Resort” in Linstow. With the central theme of “Economics and Technology” as its main focus, the workshop is aimed at operators, plant managers, suppliers, maintenance companies, assessors as well as insurers in the wind energy sector.

This year Prof. Jochen Twele will be moderating the panel made up of several experts and well-known co-organizers. Keynote speaker, Dr. Mathias Harnack, CEO of Investment & Beteiligung of RCM GmbH in Dresden, will be showing in his opening lecture how an overall concept can bridge the apparent contradiction between economically viable solutions and innovative technology.

Other focus topics include “Rotor blades and all related aspects”, ice detection, detection of blade damage, imbalance: Here the experts will be presenting competing systems and measuring procedures in particular. The other focuses cover the “technical challenges arising from direct marketing” in post EEG (Renewable Energy Sources Act) operation and “profitable information acquisition with existing plant data”, e.g. robust and self-monitoring communication solutions as a basis for successful grid integration. The workshop will close with an evening event in which the “Singing Barkeepers” will provide us with some enjoyable entertainment.

To register and for further information on the agenda and the speakers, visit http://www.windenergietage.de and http://cms.bachmann.info/en/current-issues/know-how-transfer/at-a-glance/.


Van der Valk Resort Linstow

Krakower Chaussee 1

18292 Linstow

Room Charleston 2

Time: 09:30 a.m. – 17:30 p.m.

Bachmann Monitoring GmbH develops and sells online measuring systems and system solutions for the permanent worldwide condition based maintenance of decentralized plants such as wind turbines and ships. In an extensive service concept, the vendor and type independent condition monitoring systems considerably increase the investment security of wind turbines. Bachmann Monitoring GmbH currently monitors over 3,500 wind turbines worldwide. The portfolio serves 23 different wind turbine manufacturers with 54 turbine types and outputs of 600 kW to 6 MW. The specialist monitoring company located at the Jena/Rudolstadt technology base for 15 years has been a subsidiary of Bachmann electronic GmbH in Feldkirch, Austria, since 2010. The remote centers in Asia and America currently under development are also provided with technical support from the Rudolstadt site.

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»Profi[t] with Wind« is a workshop series for decision-makers of the wind energy industry, organized by inspiring companies of the branch and with speakers from industry, science and research.

Picture credits: Bachmann Monitoring

Further information:

Bachmann Monitoring GmbH
Mr. Holger Fritsch
Fritz-Bolland-Straße 7
07407 Rudolstadt
Tel. +49 (0)36 72 / 31 86-104
Bachmann electronic GmbH
Ms. Christina Mathis
Kreuzäckerweg 33
6800 Feldkirch, Austria
Tel. +43 (0)55 22 / 34 97-1303
Corporate Headquarters:
Bachmann electronic GmbH
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A-6800 Feldkirch, Austria
P +43 (0) 55 22 / 34 97-0
F +43 (0) 55 22 / 34 97-1102
www.bachmann.info / Legal form:
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