Project / Performance Assessment Choices
Due Date ______
This project will be a major grade. From the choices below, choose one as your project for Antigone. If you have an original idea that you would like to pursue, please see me to discuss it. Be creative; do your best…good luck and have fun! You will share your work with the class.
1. The Greek Theatre Mask – Research the Greek Theatre Mask to learn about its origins, the materials from which it was created, its purposes, and its original characteristics. Create your own mask with these ideas in mind. Your mask should be similar to those of the ancients Greeks’; it should be larger in scale, have exaggerated facial expressions and contain a device that amplifies sound. When you present your mask, be prepared to explain all of the above information in addition to how you created it.
2. Martyrs – What is a martyr? How does Antigone fit the description? In this project, you will choose 5 other martyrs to research. (A few suggestions could include Susan B. Anthony, Martin Luther King, Jr., Joan of Arc or protestors of the Vietnam War.) Create a poster of the 5 martyrs you’ve chosen. Explain the significance of each martyr - how does he/she/they fit the description? What is the connection toAntigone? How are the martyrs you’ve chosen similar or dissimilar to Antigone?
3. The Family Tree- Create a family tree of Antigone’s family using photos of modern actors and actresses or celebrities. This family tree should be very detailed; you need to include as many family members as you can. Use you artistic and creative abilities! Be prepared to explain your family tree and how it helps further explain the plot of Antigone.
4. The Comic Strip – Use a comic strip format to illustrate Antigone. You should have several frames to explain the sequence of events which make up the plot.
5. The Parody, Poem or Song - In contemporary usage, parody is a form of satire that imitates another work of art in order to ridicule it. It can also be used to poke affectionate fun at the work in question. Create a parody of Antigone, demonstrating your knowledge of parody and of the play. Instead of a parody, you may choose to write a poem or song that also demonstrates your knowledge of the play. Create a visual aid to go along with your parody, poem or song.
6. Figurative Language – Sophocles uses many literary devices (metaphor, simile, dramatic foil, to name a few) that enable the reader to further understand the characters, conflict, and plot. Demonstrate your knowledge of figurative language by choosing 5 images from Antigone. Create a poster depicting these images. You may choose to do a “3-D poster” instead of simply illustrating the images. When choosingan image, be sure you are able to explain the literary device and its significance.
7. Your Original Idea – Please see me before you begin working on your own project idea.
Collaborative Literature Project Rubric
Criteria / Points0 - 1 / 2 / 3 - 4 / 5
Elements of assignment / Quite a few of the elements of the literature assignment are missing. The information provided is basic. / A number of the elements are missing or done poorly providing only basic information. / One or two elements are missing or done poorly. Most of the elements are present and demonstrate thoughtful and meaningful connections. / All of the elements for this assignment are present. The content displays a variety of viewpoints and explanations, synthesizes and analyzes information, and provides meaningful relationships between concepts and ideas. / ____
Collaboration and cooperation / Only one or two persons actively participate; No effort made to assign roles to group members / Responsibility is shared by 1/2 the group members; Students assigned roles but roles were not consistently adhered to / Responsibility is shared by most group members;Students show adeptness in interacting; lively discussion centers on the task / Responsibility for task is shared evenly; Each student assigned a clearly defined role; group members perform roles effectively / ____
Cultural connections / Little evidence of connection between culture and literature is shown. / Some connection between culture and literature is evident although the statements or observations are tentative and not explored thoroughly. / Clear evidence of connection between culture and literature is shown. The connections may be obvious and not original or unique. / Strong relevant connections are made between culture and literature. The connections are meaningful and original. / ____
Appearance and Presentation / The overall appearance and presentation makes the project difficult to understand. Little to no effort. / The overall appearance and presentation do little to add to the project. Inadequate effort. / The overall appearance and presentation is good. There is evidence of effort. / The overall appearance and presentation is exceptional. One can tell that a great amount of care and effort was put into this project. / ____
Total ____ x 5 ----> / ____/100
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