Bella Vista PTSA
2016-2017Teacher Grant Application
Date: ______
Name: ______
Department: ______E-mail: ______
Are you a current member of BV PTSA? Yes___ No ____
(Note: you must be a member of BV PTSA to qualify)
Amount requested (not to exceed $500): $______
Grant to be used for : ______
How will this grant benefit the students or classroom environment? ____________
Approx how many students at BVHS will this grant benefit? ______
I understand that all expenditures will be substantiated with invoices and/or sales receipts.
Do not write below this lin.PTSA use only.
Date application received: ______
Date grant approved: ______
Date Receipts/invoice received: ______
Grant paid to: ______
Date paid ______Awarded Amount $______
Bella Vista PTSA
2016-2017 Teacher Grant Application
Guidelines for Application and Reimbursement
The purpose of the Bella Vista PTSA 2016-2017 Teacher Grant Program is to directly benefit teachers with a one-time grant to:
- Enrich or stimulate the classroom learning environment.
- Assist the teacher in purchasing items that will enhance, promote andfacilitate classroom instruction, lesson plans and student achievement.
The intention of the PTSA is that items purchased with these funds will benefit as many students throughout the day/year as possible, either directly or indirectly.
The program is not intended to fund purchases of basic classroominstructional items generally supplied by the SJUSD such asdesks/chairs, textbooks, computers.
The following is a partial list of items meeting the program’s criteria:
Items of direct benefit to students:
Supplemental instructional materials
Instructional or enrichment CD’s, DVD’s, periodicals
Art/Science/Music tools and/or supplies
Digital cameras (used to document progress/projects)
Items of indirect benefit to students:
Classroom items to store/organize/distribute supplies
Classroom items to support special work areas or projects done in the classroom.
If you would like to participate in this program, please forward your completed Grant Application to Marie Fournier, Teacher Grant Chair via:
An electronic copy of the Grant Application is on the BVHS homepage, Quicklinks, PTSA.
Application submittal is from August 2016, through March 2017.There will be approximately $6,000 total in grants to be awarded. All applications will be reviewed and considered on a first come first serve basis until all the funds are awarded.
When your grant is awarded, you may either:
- purchase the item(s) and submit copies of receipts for reimbursement
- or you may submit an invoice to PTSA for payment directly to source.