·  “Teased” by Richard J. Margolis
·  Anecdotal recording sheet for teacher
·  Review strategy used in whole class lesson from the day before.
·  Introduce poem for today – How many of you have ever been teased or picked on by a older sibling, cousin, or friend? How did you deal with that? How did you feel?
·  Read the poem first to the students as they follow along. Then echo read the poem.
Model or Guide
·  “I’m going to reread stanza Sometimes/when I’m teased/I don’t cry/I go away. I know that sometimes when I’m upset or my feelings are hurt I go in my room and close the door so I can be alone. So maybe that’s where he is going too. Perhaps he has a special place he goes to so he can calm down.” Model how to record inference next to the line on the poem. Also, model how to draw a little picture of a bed as well because I’m inferring he might be going to his bedroom.
·  “Let’s reread the next three lines. When I come back/my brother and his friends/are doing something else. Write/draw what you may be inferring from these lines.” Have students share out with the group. (He was picked on by his older brother and his friends. They may have teased him about being little or not being able to do something.)
Independent Practice
·  Students will read the rest of the poem independently (last two lines) and draw or write their inferences, while teacher will conference with each child.
·  Students will share out their inferences with the group and allow opportunities for comments, connections, and questions.
·  Make sure to discuss why does the little brother remember what happened, but the big brother and his friends forget? Have you ever had something happen to you and it really hurt so you never forgot? Or have you teased your little sibling and they were really hurt but you didn’t understand why?
Closure: Review what they did and how they might use it in the future.

Reading Comprehension Modules – Page 1