St. Edith Stein Catholic Community
2017-2018 CCE &First Reconciliation/First Eucharist
Preparation Registration Form
Family Last Name: ______Mother’s Name: ______Father’s Name: ______
Mailing Address: ______Apt #:______City: ______State: ______Zip Code: ______
Home #:______Father’s Cell#:______Mother’s Cell#:______
E-mail Address: (Mom) ______(Dad) ______
Are you registered in our parish? ______Is your child baptized Catholic? ______
Last Name / First Name / Date of Birthmm/day/yr. / Attended CCE
2016-17 / Class Time Choice
Tuesday or Wednesday
5:45 – 6:45 / Grade in School
1. / Yes / No / Tuesday 5:45 – 6:45
Wednesday 5:45 – 6:45
2. / Yes / No / Tuesday 5:45 – 6:45
Wednesday 5:45 – 6:45
3. / Yes / No / Tuesday 5:45 – 6:45
Wednesday 5:45 – 6:45
4. / Yes / No / Tuesday 5:45 – 6:45
Wednesday 5:45 – 6:45
** A copy of Candidate’s Baptismal Certificate must be submitted for the candidate’s registration to be completed. If we do not receive a copy, the candidate cannot receive the sacrament. If we do not receive a copy, your child cannot be registered in Sacramental Preparation for First Eucharist.
Candidate’s Full Name as it appears on Baptismal Certificate (This is how it will appear on the First Eucharist Certificate):
Candidate’s Date of Birth: ______/______/______Place of Birth: City: ______State: ______
Country: ______
Parent / Guardian’s Name: ______
Father’s Full Name as it appears on Birth Certificate: ______
Mother’s Full MAIDEN NAME as it appears on Birth Certificate: ______
Tuition Rates:
$115.00 per student for Sacramental Preparation Classes; $90.00 for the second student. This covers the cost of textbooks and other supplies
used during the classes.
If you are new to our Religious Education program, there is a onetime registration fee of $100.00 due at registration.
~ Full payment is expected at the time of registration. If there are financial circumstances that prevent you from paying in full, please
contact Melissa Powell at 281-492-7500.
Special Needs:
We will try to work with parents to meet the catechetical needs of children who require accommodations. Please let us know if your child has
any special needs and all student records are kept confidential. *Some restrictions may apply.
Catechists/Volunteer Opportunities:
Please let us know if you are interested in being a catechist. Catechists receive free tuition for one child.If you are interested in
being aCCE volunteer, you must have VIRTUS training. Please speak with Diane Flynn if you have questions regarding VIRTUS. Yes____ I am interested in becoming a CCE volunteer.
Permission / Liability Release:
My child ______has my permission to attend the Sacramental Preparation program at St. Edith Stein Catholic Community. I understand that I am giving my consent for my child to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Eucharist. I also understand that registration and attendance in the CCE program is a requirement for the Sacramental Preparation Program. I release St. Edith Stein and any catechists/aides from any liability for injuries received while on church property.
I agree/do not agree to allow my children to be photographed/video for use of our parish only.
Please provide us with the name of another adult who we can contact in case of an emergency and who also has permission to leave the premises with your child
______/ ______
Printed name of authorized adultHome NumberCell Number
Today’s Date Signature of Parent or GuardianPhone Number
Sacramental Fee: ______Total Due: ______Catechist: ______Catechist Aide: ______
Amount Paid: ______Check #______Cash: ______Date: ____/_____/______Initial: ______