Fran O’Donnell, RN, BSN
Burns/Plastics Clinical Nurse Educator
- Assessing Severity of Burn Injury
- Functions of the Skin
- maintains fluid and electrolyte balance
- protects the body from invasion
- regulates body temperature
- Anatomy
- epidermis
- dermis (includes epidermal appendages)
- subcutaneous tissue
- fascia and muscle
- Assessment of Burn Depth – related to temperature, time of exposure, and thickness of skin
- First degree burn
- caused by sunburn or flash
- involves epidermal layer only
- usually appears red to pink
- is painful to touch
- may become slightly edematous
- heals in 3-5 days (rarely leaves any scar)
- does NOT count in the burn size calculation
- Second degree burn (partial-thickness)
- usually caused by flash, scalds, or brief contact with hot object
- involves the epidermis and part of the dermis
- has vesicles and bullae
- moist appearance – usually red to pale pink
- tactile and pain sensibility is intact – very painful
- develops significant edema
- heals in 7-21+ days with variable amounts of scarring
- Third degree burn (full-thickness)
- usually caused by flame, high intensity flash, electricity, chemicals, or prolonged contact with hot liquids or hot objects
- extends through the epidermis and dermis
- usually appears white, brown or black; may have thrombosed veins
- wound appears dry
- elasticity of the wound is destroyed, so wound becomes leathery and feels firm to the touch
- marked edema and decreased elasticity may necessitate escharotomies
- generally painless to touch
- Escharotomies
- longitudinal incisions through eschar that release constriction
- may be necessary in presence of full-thickness circumferential burns of an extremity or chest.
- assess adequacy of circulation (pulse, capillary refill, movement, numbness, tingling, pain) and elevate
- Zones of injury
- zone of coagulation
- zone of stasis
- zone of hyperemia
- Estimation of Burn Size -- calculating per cent Total Body Surface Area burned (%TBSA)
- Rule of Nines
head and neck9%18%
each upper extremity9%9%
anterior trunk18%18%
posterior trunk18%18%
each lower extremity18%14%
- Lund and Browder Chart (see attached)
- Rule of the Palm
- the patient’s anterior hand is approximately 1% of his body surface area
- useful in estimating burn size of splash-injuries or small burns
- Burns of Special Areas
- face, ears
- hands
- feet
- joints
- perineum
- Care of Some Special Types of Injuries
- Tar, wax
- Chemical injuries
- pathophysiology
- treatment
- chemical burns to the eyes
- Electrical injuries
- pathophysiology
- problems associated with electrical injuries
- types of wounds
-contact points (entry and exit)
-arc wounds
-flame burns
- cardiac
- pulmonary
- gastrointestinal
- renal
- neurologic
- musculoskeletal
- sequelae of electrical injuries
- Burns associated with Child Abuse
- history requiring closer evaluation
- appearance of suspicious burns
- documentation required
- Smoke Inhalation
- Carbon Monoxide poisoning (kills during and immediately following the fire)
- CO from the fire combines with the circulating hemoglobin, bumping the oxygen from its receptor sites
- signs of CO poisoning include confusion, dizziness, headache, nausea
- treatment: administration of 100% oxygen
- Upper airway obstruction
- burns of the face, mouth, tongue, pharynx results in massive edema formation and the potential for airway obstruction
- edema continues to develop for up to about 24 hours
- treatment: intubate to mechanically maintain airway patency
- edema will usually decrease at about post-burn day #3, and the patient may then be able to be extubated
- Pulmonary injury from the chemicals inhaled
- patient develops ARDS over the first 24 hours post-injury
- pneumonia may also occur (sometimes as late as 10 days post-burn)
- Fluid Resuscitation
- Pathophysiology of “Burn Shock”
- fluid shifts
- decreased cardiac output
- electrolyte and hematologic alterations
- renal effects
- central nervous system effects
- compensation for “burn shock”
- effects on skin
- effects on gut
- Fluid Resuscitation (in the first 24 hours post-burn)
- Baxter (or Parkland) formula:
(4ml of Ringers Lactate) x (% burn) x (kg weight) = mls required in first 24 hrs
½ is given in the first 8 hours (calculated from time patient was burned)
¼ is given in the second 8 hours
¼ is given in the third 8 hours
EXAMPLE:4 ml / 70 kg / 50% TBSA = 14,000 ml fluid resuscitation required
(7 liters given in first 8 hours)
- IV access guidelines:
- < 15% TBSA: oral fluids are satisfactory unless electrical burn or other injuries
- 15-40% TBSA: secure one large bore IV in upper extremity; add another if transport will be longer than 45 minutes
- > 45% TBSA: secure 2 large bore IV lines in upper extremities
- Pediatrics (children 0-3 years) – add maintenance fluids as D5¼ NS to Baxter formula
- Evaluation of adequacy of fluid resuscitation
- alert sensorium
- adequate urine output (>30 ml/hr in adult; 1 ml/kg/hr in children up to 30 kg)
- slightly high normal pulse, usually about 100
- normal blood pressure for age
- relief of paralytic ileus or nausea
- Initial Treatment
- History for initial assessment
- type of burn
- history of flame burns / closed-space accident?
- circumstances surrounding the injury (LOC, seizure, fall, crash, blast)
- pre-existing diseases and medications
- first aid measures already taken
- Emergent Care
- maintain an adequate airway and begin oxygen
- assess for associated life-threatening injuries
- initiate fluid therapy
- insert foley catheter to monitor hourly urine output (burns >25% TBSA)
- insert nasogastric tube (burns > 20% if air transport is planned)
- keep patient warm (!)
- elevate burned extremities; monitor pulses
- tetanus prophylaxis
- pain management (small IV doses only)
- psychological support of patient and family
- Advanced BurnLifeSupportBurn Center Referral Criteria:
- full-thickness (3rd degree) burns
- partial-thickness (2nd degree) burns >10% TBSA
- burns of special areas
- face, hands, feet, genitalia, or across major joints
- circumferential full-thickness burns of an extremity or trunk
- electrical injuries
- chemical injuries
- patients with inhalation injury in addition to burns
- patients with pre-existing disease
- patients with concomitant trauma
Wrap patient in dry sheet and blanket for transfer (sterile if you have it; clean if you don’t)
No ice or (cold) soaks
Don’t apply topical antibiotics before transport, unless transfer is delayed.
- Wound Care
- Initial wound care
- isolation: scrubs or gown, mask, gloves
- cleanse wounds; blisters are usually debrided if patient will be admitted
- shave as needed; never shave eyebrows
- topical agents as ordered (not usually necessary at referring hospital)
- Daily wound care
- pain medication is needed prior to dressing changes
- dressings may usually be soaked off
- remove any old cream and gently wash wounds
- debride any loose tissue
- reapply topicals and dressings as ordered
- Assess daily for signs of infection
- cellulitis (redness, heat, swelling)
- darkening of the eschar
- odor
- purulence or greenish drainage
- deterioration of a healing wound
- Assess for early signs of sepsis
- disorientation
- decreased urine output
- metabolic acidosis
- tachypnea
- tachycardia
- paralytic ileus or vomiting
- hyperglycemia
- hyper- or hypo-thermia
- Debridement
- if you can get between dead and viable tissue, the dead tissue should be removed
- mechanical debridement by nurses should not cause bleeding
- some debris will come off with coarse mesh gauze dressing changes
- most patients are not debrided under general anesthesia in the OR
- tangential excision – shave layer by layer until a bleeding (viable) bed is produced (to maximize tissue salvage)
- primary or fascial excision – separate tissue at fascial layer to minimize blood loss
- Topical Antibiotics
- Silver sulfadiazine (Silvadene, Flamazine, Thermazine, SSD)
- a water-soluble cream which is locally non-toxic
- bactericidal spectrum against a wide range of gram+ and gram- organisms and candida albicans
- pain-free application
- softens the eschar; may combine with exudate to form a gelatinous layer
- few side effects: is generally applied once daily
- Mafenide acetate (Sulfamylon)
- a water soluble cream or, or a powder that may be mixed with saline
- bacterial spectrum: gram+, gram – organisms, some anaerobes, but not yeast
- hypersensitivity reactions (rashes) to sulfa are sometimes seen
- Bacitracin and other petroleum ointments
- “benign” topicals which mostly contain moisture
- microbes may become resistant
- typically used for scrapes and abrasions
- Muperacin (Bactroban)
- an ointment used against gram+ organisms
- used when methacillin resistant staph aureus (MRSA) is found in wounds
- should also be applied to nares, when used
- Silver Nitrate (bulky wet dressings)
- AgNO3 isn’t used much anymore because it stains everything black
- A 0.5% solution of AgNO3 in water – keep dressings wet so that concentration of AgNO3 doesn’t increase (concentrated AgNO3 is caustic to wounds)
c.water-soaked dressings are uncomfortable and can leech electrolytes
- Acticoat
- a slow-release silver-impregnated dressing
- silver is released by water (either from the wound or exogenously applied) for about 3 days
- is being used on shallow wounds and donor sites to decrease dressing changes
- Grafting
- Xenograft or Heterograft (used as a biologic dressing)
- animal skin (usually pig) which is used as a temporary wound coverage
- is applied to a clean shallow wound, to protect it until it heals
- dries and separates from the wound, as the wound heals underneath
- Allograft or Homograft (used as a biologic dressing)
- non-self human skin (usually cadaver) which is used as temporary wound cover
- if left in place long enough (> 5 days) it will become vascularized, and will have to be excised in OR to remove it
- if left in place long enough, patient may develop a rejection reaction to it
- used to “buy time” and temporarily close a wound until patient’s own skin is available
- used as a “test graft” to determine if a wound is ready to accept a skin graft
- Autograft
- skin taken from one area of the patient’s body to another
- sheet graft
-whole graft is laid intact on wound
-used in cosmetic areas of the body (face, neck, hands)
-require meticulous care post-op to prevent fluid accumulation beneath it
- meshed graft
-passed through a machine that creates slits in it – so it can be expanded
-is often wrapped, with no dressing changes, for first 3-5 days after application
- donor site – area that gives up skin used in skin graft
-is often more painful than burn wounds
-may be covered with a dressing or topical; heals by epithelialization
- Integra
- is placed on a newly excised wound (after all dead tissue is removed)
- becomes vascularized, forming a “neodermis” over about 3 weeks
- is grafted with thin epidermal grafts after the new dermis develops
- Beings at the time of admission
- Prevention of contractures
- exercising
- positioning
- splinting to maintain stretch
- Minimizing scarring
- elasticized circular bandage initially
- custom fitted pressure garments
- may require silicone inserts
- The nature of scars
- can’t easily predict who will scar, but partial thickness wounds that heal over more than 3 weeks tend to scar the most
- scars will become redder and firmer 6-8 weeks after the wound heals; then will begin to blanche out and soften over about a 1-year period
- Scars may tingle, itch or burn as they mature
- Other post-hospitalization issues
- body-image changes
- role changes
- uncomfortable sensations in burns
- changes in sweating pattern
- fatigue
- return to work / school
- Interventions
- motivational strategies
- reconstructive surgery
- tissue expanders
- make-up consultation
- tattooing (for color match)
- support groups