
The Elizabeth Woodville School

Meeting: Full Governing Body / Date:Thursday 8thMarch 2018
Chair: Tim Read (TR) / Clerk:Teresa Elkin (TE)
Apologies:Julie Taken (JT) / Absent:
In attendance: Jez Bennett (JB) Principal; Shelagh Dunlop (SD); Tim Read (TR); Howard Miller (HM); Jason Abbott (JA); Sonya Amor-Marshall (SAM) Business Manager;David Barker (DB); Dr Jamie Clarke (JC) CEO Tove Learning Trust;Sue Christopher (SC); Fran Brill (FB);Pippa Smith (PS) Assistant Headteacher; Jo Chitty (JCY); Chris Watt (CW) Observer.
Action By / Date
1.1 / The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.
It was agreed that the meeting was quorate.
1.2 / Apologies for absence were received fromJulie Taken, which were accepted. Jez Bennett advised governors that Julie Taken has resigned as a Staff Governor as she is leaving the school at Easter.
2.1 / There were no interests declared.
3.1 / There was no other business declared.
4.1 / The minutes of the meeting were agreed, signed and placed in the minutes file.
4.2.1 / Matters Arising
Item 5.2: It was advised that all governors have been issued with school email addresses – Jez Bennett to ask Jane Karaolis to provide instructions for governors re: accessing GO4Schools.
Item 6.5: Single Central Register – Governors were asked to read the document ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ before the next FGB meeting.
Item 7.1: Governors were advised that the AIP has been updated with more milestones.
Item 10.4: It was advised there was an error and the minutes should read ‘Patricia Brierley’.
Item 10.4: The SEN report is an agenda item. / JB
All / ASAP
By 3rd May
5.1 / There was no update to further reporting. The gas leak on the south site has been addressed and all students were safe.
Staff are completing online Prevent training – the link will be sent to governors. Governors were asked to email a copy of their Prevent certificate to Michelle Saint in HR – for the file. This will help with GDPR compliance. / JB / ASAP
6.1 / Resources Committee 8th March 2018
David Barker provided a summary of the committee:
  • Update to the five year budget forecast;
  • 2018/19 allocation is lower than planned – the National Funding Formula implied an expected increase of 2.8%;
  • There is disagreement between the school and the ESFA, due to lower funding of Sixth Form pupils, consequently there is an in-year deficit of £350k;
  • The Headteacher has implemented cost savings and will continue to look for more savings.
Fran Brill added that increased class sizes and reduced school days, are options.Tim Read questioned what such a plan would mean to the school?Jamie Clarke reminded governors that a minimum of 24 hours of teaching has to be delivered each week but it could generate approx. £40k in cost savings.
Jason Abbott questioned whether an option is an increase in the number of students?Jamie Clarke advised that this would only provide a long-term benefit due to the lag in funding. Howard Miller advised that there have been intense discussions regarding the catchments around both school sites and how additional students could be attracted to the school and could consider options such as transport for students further away from each site.
Sonya Amor-Marshall advised that the school was advertising via Tesco in the four months leading up to the open evenings and the school could run a bus from Castlethorpe and Hanslope if required. Colleagues discussed pupil numbers and options for attracting extra students and the effect of lag funding.
6.2.1 / Curriculum and Standards Committee 8th March 2018
Shelagh Dunlop provided a summary of the committee:
  • The Sixth Form will continue to be problematic – Jez Bennett advised that it is subsidized by the rest of the school;
  • Jamie Clarkestated that Trustees will advise that the money needs to be sustainable and a balanced budget will be required;
  • There was a focus on teaching and learning;
  • Sharan Matharu carried out observations in February and a staff change summary was discussed;
  • Overall, the picture is not good and the school would admit that its own judgement would be ‘Requires improvement’ – there has been some improvement in the number of good lessons, “there are green shoots, but there is still significant work to do”;
  • Sharan Matharu has created an action group to address issues;
  • Committee governors will be observing teaching on learning walks to see marking and behaviour etc.;
  • There will be a working group of governors to meet with the Senior Leadership Team to discuss Sharan Matharu’s report in finer detail;
  • The next round of observations will be in June and the school needs to be able to do this themselves as Sharan Matharu will not be in school next year;
  • Support for teachers was outlined and those requiring extra help have been attending the ‘Developing Teaching’ course;
  • Sue Christopher requested that staff be able to join learning walks to see examples of good practice.

6.2.2 / Tim Read advised that there needs to be an increasing pace to the improvement of teaching and learning, there needs to be further developments within, with less reliance on external specialists.
The DfE will be back to visit to school in June and the outcome will be harsh if the school and governors are not seen to taking action. Tim Read stated that the school would be judged by the exam results in the summer. Fran Brill added that the pace has to sustainable.
6.2.3 / The feedback from 1:1’s is that students do not get enough time with staff and there will be a re-developed Tutor Programme so that Tutors have a better idea as to where students are.
6.2.4 / Members of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) have asked for sight of agendas and minutes, the Clerk agreed to obtain SLT email addresses, to circulate. / TE / ASAP
6.2.5 / Jason Abbott requested that the Trust continues to support the school. Chris Watt confirmed that, “the Trust is here for the long term”. The work that needs to be done by the FGB is greater than ever and knowledge of the schools needs to be greater than ever before.
Jamie Clarke advised that the school would commit to more days for Sharan Matharu’s support in the summer term if funding were available.
7.1 / Jez Bennett advised that the Senior Leadership Team was working “incredibly hard” and thanked them for their work at the time of transition. Jez Bennett was also very appreciative of the support ofSharan Matharu and the Trust.
Jez Bennett highlighted the outcomes in the report, which was circulated to governors prior to the meeting, “outcomes are heading in the right direction”.
7.2 / The number of students forecast for September 2018 are good and higher than previous years. The south site will be full and the north site, nearly full.Tim Read asked if the numbers are all first choices for the school?Jez Bennett confirmed that the numbers include second and third choices.
7.3 / Attendance
Attendance is stable and is similar to last year, there have been a significant number of long-term successes.
7.4 / Staff Changes
Jez Bennett provided a summary of movers, there are some good appointments and this will be reviewed again at the next FGB. The Clerk to add to the agenda. David Barker asked if there was a theme behind staff that are leaving?Jamie Clarke advised that with a focus on improving teaching and learning, some teachers decide to be elsewhere.
Tim Read enquired whether exit interviews were conducted?Sonya Amor-Marshall confirmed that she conducts the interviews; Tim Read expressed a concern, stating that management should undertake these. Sonya Amor-Marshall assured governors that she and Michelle Saint from the HR team would aim to identify any trends in colleagues’ reasons for leaving. Tim Read enquired whether governors would get tosee these? Sonya Amor-Marshall agreed to share.
Chris Watt proposed that Sponne management should interview leavers from Elizabeth Woodville School and vice versa. / TE
SAM / 3rd May
When Avail.
7.5 / Jason Abbott asked if March figures would be available shortly? Jez Bennett confirmed that they be accessed via Go4Schools.
7.6 / SEF
There were no updates for report.
7.7 / AIP
More milestones have been included in the plan and it has been RAG-rated.
8.1 / The plan was circulated to governors prior to the meeting – everyone was reminded that the report is Highly Confidential. The document ‘Week by Week DfE actions’ was shared with governors. Fran Brill expressed concern that the school was setting itself up to fail with a demanding action plan.
8.2 / DfE Visit
Governors were informed that it was a good visit by Bethan Owen across both school sites. Jez Bennett advised that he was disappointed that she did not observe better teaching on the day, but her judgments were also “harsh”. The visit was focused on Year 11 and she met Tim Read and members of the Trust. The inspector was positive about the school’s Middle Leaders and was happy to see the challenge posed by governors, in the minutes of the meetings.
8.3 / Jamie Clarke informed governors that this was a fair report from the DfE and it made very clear what needs to happen, but the report shows that the DfE is re-assured that the school has the capability to improve –the sense of urgency is apparent.
8.4 / Jamie Clarke confirmed that he would be conducting a Pupil Premium review in school tomorrow, 9th March.
9.1 / Pippa Smith re-issued the SEN report to governors – this is now a more focused and succinct document.
Pippa Smith also circulated the document ‘SEND Action Plan 2017/18’. Fran Brill questioned whether its an “increasing or declining picture?” Pippa Smith confirmed that the situation is much healthier and the school has made headway, but progress is still not sufficient – there should be more green in the document. Pippa Smith advised that there needs to be more progress, more quickly.
9.2 / Jason Abbott asked ‘What is the barrier to the pace of change?”Pippa Smith explained that it is due to the guidance and coaching in place, there needs to be a sense of urgency and working “smarter”.
Jamie Clarke questioned whether reports have been sent to parents, as a priority? If the procedure is not followed, then the school will not be entitled to funding.Jamie Clarke reminded that this is a statutory duty of governors, for which they are responsible. Fran Brill asked what is blocking the issuance of reports?Jamie Clarke advised that governors would meet their statutory requirements if the school sends letter of report to parents. Pippa Smith explained that it’s due to the availability of detailed information. Governors asked that there should be urgency placed upon the distribution of required paperwork. / PS / ASAP
9.3 / Howard Miller highlighted that there was a lack of clarity regarding the adequacy of support from external agencies, which was discussed at the last FGB meeting. Governors held a robust discussion regarding their responsibilities and the problems with the quality of external provision. Fran Brill asked, “What is the alternative?”Jamie Clarke advised that it is the job of Senior Leaders to explain the solution in determining external providers.
9.4 / Pippa Smith confirmed that financial constraints have resulted in the school itself managing higher needs pupils. Howard Miller proposed that its necessary to review individual cases to decide on phasing to ensure that the school is meeting its responsibilities.
Tim Read summarized the situation, which is due to a lack of money or lack of quality provision. Tim Read confirmed that the school has made applications but has been turned down, Pippa Smith explained to governors the differences between dealing with Milton Keynes Local Authority and Northamptonshire County Council. Jez Bennett confirmed that the school is not failing its statutory responsibility to provide education for students on Education Healthcare Plans. Tim Read added that there is close monitoring of staff that are delivering this.
10.1 / Jez Bennett advised that there is a consensus between parents and staff in the recent survey and summarized the outcome. The school tie will be retained and proposed that that there is some form of lighter uniform for the summer term – which will be allowed at the Headteacher’s discretion. Governors agreed to these proposals, based on the outcome of the survey.
11.1 / Jamie Clarke advised that there were no developments.
12.1 / Shelagh Dunlop shared the dates of scheduled governor visits:
  • Monday 12th March – south site
  • Monday 19th March - north site

12.2 / Jamie Clarkeconfirmed that the DfE are planning to visit the school again in the summer term.
13.1 /
  • Thursday 3rd May 2018 – Jo Chitty and David Barker offered apologies
for the next FGB meeting.
  • Thursday 21st June 2018

The meeting was closed by the Chair at 8.38 pm

Action Points / Responsible / Date to
4.2.1 / To ask Jane Karaolis to provide instructions for governors re: accessing GO4Schools. / JB / ASAP
5.1 / Staff are completing online Prevent training – the link will be sent to governors. / JB / ASAP
6.2.4 / Members of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) have asked for sight of agendas and minutes, the Clerk agreed to obtain SLT email addresses. / TE / ASAP
7.4 / To add Staff Changes to the next FGB agenda.
To share with governors,any trends in colleagues’ reasons for leaving. / TE
SAM / 3rd May
When Avail.
9.2 / Governors asked Pippa Smith to ensure that there should be urgency placed upon the distribution of required SEN paperwork. / PS / ASAP

Signed:...... Date: ……………………………

Governing Body Chair

For the purposes of the Minutes, the term “school” and “academy” are interchangeable.


Minutes of the Eighth Governing Body meeting, Elizabeth Woodville School, 8th March 2018