module guide
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Adlib Information Systems
Adlib Serials module for Windows 1
1. Introduction 1
1.1. Serials module: scope and purpose 1
1.2. Components 1
1.3. Relationship to other modules 2
1.4. Basic Adlib functions 2
2. Serials module procedures 3
3. Tasks 5
4. Supplementary files 7
4.1. Readers 7
4.2. Distribution list management 10
4.3. Persons and institutions (contains supplier data) 12
4.4. Cost centres 15
4.5. Currencies 17
4.6. Letters 18
4.7. Languages 19
4.8. Layout distribution list 20
4.9. Charging details 22
5. Serials 25
5.1. Setting up a subscription to a serial 25
5.2. Renewing / cancelling subscriptions 34
5.3. Checking in serials 34
5.4. Copies in circulation 37
6. Payments 39
7. Printing letters 41
7.1. Printing letters 41
7.2. Printing an order letter for a specific serial 42
Appendix 1: Index 43
1. Introduction
1.1. Serials module: scope and purpose
The Serials module is one of the integrated modular components of the Adlib Library application. The other modules are the Catalogue, Acquisitions, Loans and Public Access Catalogue modules.
The Serials module has links to all these modules, but can also be operated as a separate application. For the purposes of this manual, the functionality is described as if the module were operating as a component of an integrated library management system.
The Serials module supports the following procedures:
- Creation of subscription records
- Checking-in of issues
- Monitoring of circulation
- Handling of returns
- Renewal or cancellation of subscriptions
- Handling of payments
- Printing of letters
1.2. Components
The Serials module consists of a series of linked files. The main file is the Subscriptions file. This file is supported by a number of supplementary files which store details on suppliers, cost centres, currencies, standard letters, language-specific texts, and readers.
1.3. Relationship to other modules
The Serials module is fully integrated with the other modules of the Adlib Library application. The links operate as follows:
• The Serials file is a dataset in the catalogue. Data can be entered directly into this dataset via the Serials module. The bibliographic details are thus automatically written to the catalogue.
• The Borrowers file (known in the Serials module as the Readers file) is shared with the Loans module and the Acquisitions module (in the latter case, the borrowers are requesters). These names therefore do not have to be rekeyed.
• The supplementary files Persons and Institutions (Suppliers), Cost Centres, Currencies, Letters and Languages are also used by the Acquisitions Module.
1.4. Basic Adlib functions
Basic Adlib for Windows functions, such as searching, menu operation, data entry, editing, and output, are described in the Adlib User Guide.
This manual describes the functionality of the Serials module as a whole and the various tasks you can carry out. Where necessary, the function of a specific field is explained. For a description of the function of the other fields, please consult the context-sensitive help by clicking , by pressing <F1> or by selecting the Screen info option from the Help drop-down menu.
2. Serials module procedures
When you work with the Adlib Serials module, you will normally go through a number of steps in a fixed sequence. The normal working sequence is as follows:
- When you first start working with the Serials module, you have to fill the supplementary files (Persons and institutions for the supplier details, Cost centres, etc.). You need these supplementary files in order to manage subscriptions and check in issues.
- Once you have entered the details required in step 1., you can start adding serials using the Serials option on the main menu.
- When you have created a new serial record, you can print an order letter for it using the Print order letters option on the main menu.
- When issues arrive, you can check them in using the Check in serials option. A distribution list will automatically be printed for each issue that has been checked in after you save the record. You can keep track of copies in circulation using the Copies in circulation option.
- Using the Print claim list option, you can check whether it is necessary to send claim letters for copies. If a copy fails to arrive by the expected date, you can print a claim letter using the Print claim letters option on the main menu.
- Payments for subscriptions can be reviewed and edited using the Payments option on the main menu.
- You can batch print renewal or cancellation letters for serials (after identifying a subscription for renewal or cancellation).
- Finally, you can clear up the receipt history (purge issues) after a certain period, either manually or automatically.
3. Tasks
When you start up the Adlib Serials module, you will first see the main database menu of the module. From here, you can, if you wish, select a different language to work in.
From here, you can carry out various types of tasks:
§ Entering, editing or viewing data in supplementary files.
§ Entering, editing or viewing subscription data.
§ Checking in issues.
§ Recording and viewing payments.
§ Creating and viewing distribution lists.
§ Entering, editing or viewing details on readers.
§ Monitoring copies in circulation.
§ Printing letters.
§ Purging issues.
These tasks will be discussed in detail in the following sections.
Adlib Serials module Supplementary files
4. Supplementary files
By supplementary files, we mean those files that are necessary for the various aspects of the Serials module apart from the Catalogue and the Subscriptions file:
§ Readers
§ Distribution lists
§ Persons and institutions (contains supplier details)
§ Cost centres
§ Currencies
§ Letters
§ Languages
§ Layout distribution list
§ Charging details
You can enter new records by selecting a file and then clicking the New Record button , or by using the New Record option in the Record drop-down menu. Naturally, you can always edit any data you enter here afterwards. To do this, use the available access points to find the record you wish to edit, then click the Edit record button . After editing the record, save it by clicking again, or by clicking the Save record button .
4.1. Readers
The readers are also the borrowers in the Borrowers file of the Loans module, and they may also be the requesters in the Acquisitions module. The details you enter here are used when distribution lists are printed.
n Address details tab
If you enter an e-mail address in the E-mail address field the address will be underlined when you save the record, indicating that it is linked. You can send an e-mail directly by clicking the link.
n Letters tab
In the Letters tab, you can link types of letters to a borrower. These letters are only used in the Loans and Acquisitions modules.
n Miscellaneous details tab
In the Cost centres field, enter the cost centre for the reader, if you have chosen ‘Use budget per reader’ as your charging method (see section 4.9).
In the event of a reader’s temporary absence, e.g. because he or she is on holiday, you can exclude the reader from the circulation system for that period and thus remove the reader’s name from the distribution list for that period. In the Blocked from field, enter the start date of the period during which the reader will be absent, and enter the end date in the Blocked until field.
If you don’t know the end date yet, you can leave this field empty.
n Management details tab
This data is generated automatically and cannot be edited.
4.2. Distribution list management
The edit form of a distribution list:
Adlib supports the creation of distribution lists for copies in circulation.
List name Start by entering a unique name for the distribution list, e.g. the name of the serial and the department.
Description Here, you can enter a more detailed description.
Title(s) You cannot enter any data here. This field is filled automatically when a distribution list is linked to a reader.
Destination Use this field to add readers to a distribution list. Using the link screen, which you call up by clicking the List button , you can select an existing reader from the Readers file. If you enter a name that is not yet in the Readers file, and you then leave the field, Adlib will ask if you want to add that name. You can add subsequent readers using the Append occurrence beneath button or by pressing ctrl-enter.
The order in which readers appear on the list is the same as the order in which the readers are allocated a loan period.
Return to libr. You can specify for each reader whether they are to return the copy to the library. If this option is set to No, the reader will be considered responsible for passing the copy on to the next reader on the list. This type of circulation is called uncontrolled circulation or circular routing. If this option is also set to No for the last person, he or she may keep the copy. If the option is set to Yes, the reader must make sure that the copy is returned to the library by the date calculated by Adlib (this date will be printed on the list). This type of circulation is know as controlled circulation, or radical routing.
Read period Here, you can enter the number of days the reader is allowed to keep the copy. The default setting is three days, but you can alter this if you wish.
Footer You can add a foot text to be printed on the distribution list. You can incorporate a footer for use in all distribution lists using the Layout distribution list file. (See section 4.8).
If you now check in a copy of a serial, Adlib will check whether that serial is linked to a distribution list. If so, a distribution list will automatically be printed containing data on the specific issue and the names of interested readers.
N.B. in the case of double subscriptions, create two distribution lists (with unique names).
4.3. Persons and institutions (contains supplier data)
This is where you enter data on suppliers. These are the same suppliers as those that are used by the Acquisitions module. The suppliers are stored in the Persons and Institutions file, which is also used in the Catalogue Management module.
n Name information tab
The Persons and Institutions file incorporates ‘domains’ (see also section A15.21 in the Adlib User Guide). This means that a new supplier has to be given the domain ‘supplier’ in order to be distinguished from other persons and institutions. In the Name type field (this is where you specify the domain), select Supplier from the drop-down list box. If you are about to enter a new supplier, it might be a good idea to check whether that supplier already occurs.
You can then enter details on address, telephone /fax /e-mail and contacts pertaining to the supplier.
n Supplier details tab
In the supplier details tab you can enter any other details on the supplier and also names of letters.
Customer no. Here you can enter the number or code that you have been given by your supplier.
Discount % Discount stands for the standard discount percentage given to you by your supplier. This percentage is applied as standard when materials are ordered from this supplier, but can also be adjusted per order.
Delivery time Enter the standard delivery period for this supplier in days. This is used to calculate the expected delivery date when orders are placed. This date can be changed at any time.
Language Here, you can indicate the language to be used in correspondence with the supplier. This is independent of letters you link to the supplier. The language setting here determines the language used for printing the field headings (e.g. Title and Order no.). These terms are retrieved from the Languages file.
Currency Enter the currency used by the supplier. For example, if the supplier is based in France, you should enter the code for the French franc. A list of currency codes can be viewed by clicking the List button . If this field is left blank, a default value will be entered.
Letters Here you can indicate which body texts pertain to this supplier. When letters are printed, (from the main menu), the supplier name is used to retrieve and print the appropriate letter information. In the various fields under this heading, fill in names of letters in the letters file. You can find them by clicking the List button or make a new letter using the Edit linked record button .