Health and Wellness Committee
Minutes from Wednesday, October 18, 2017
In Attendance: Regina Blosnich, ALW (Chairperson); Chrystal Roderick-FH/SMITH; Kathy Williams, Nurse/GP; Cassandra Gulino-MAS; Jeremy Keefer-AGN; Melissa Balchak-AGS; April Serock-HS; Troy Golden, Administrator; Candy Jordon-Community Rep; Beth Keller and Hannah Abbruzzese-Adagio; Jacquelyn Core-YMCA; Erica Usher –Fayette Drug and Alcohol
Building Reports:
ALW – Walking during recess. Gr K-2 Throwing and catching unit in PE class. Gr 3-5 continuing with volleyball.
FH –Walking during recess. Basketball unit in PE
GP –Just finished the President’s Challenge
MAS – Masontown Munchies program. Walking during recess.
SMITH – Walking during recess. Basketball unit in PE
AGN- Finishing unit on body systems in Health. Ultimate Frisbee in PE class.
AGS - Walking after lunch-weather permitting. Physical activities during enrichment period.
AGHS – Power-Up is doing nutrition education during health class
Parent Representative – Not present
Adagio –Teaching lessons at the high school and working to set up a program for the middle schools.
YMCA – A nutrition information session was held in October related to the blood pressure monitoring program being implemented in the district. These activities are part of the grant the district received.
Fayette Drug & Alcohol – Erica Usher- no activity report.
Central Office – Troy Golden discussed some potential changes regarding a la carte sales at the elementary level.
-No Kindergarten snack purchases
-No more than two snacks purchased with lunch
-Of these two one should be a drink plus a snack
Old Business:
Family Fitness Night – The activity was attended by 80-90 participants. Suggestions for next year’s event were discussed, including a district-wide Yoga event.
New Business:
BHS Grant – The first evening walk has been scheduled for Tuesday, October 31st at 5:00 PM at the AG High School football field. The YMCA will provide water and snack items. Flyers were sent to the schools to be sent home in Wednesday folders.
Buildings are reminded to utilize their $50 walking stipend.
We will register as an “Active Schools Champion” to receive monthly newsletters providing resources, including special events and funding opportunities.
Apple Crunch Day – This will be held on October 24th. Pre-packed apples will be provided by the district.
Health and Wellness Newsletter –
Jeremy Keefer, AG North – NOVEMBER
Kathy Williams, Plava - DECEMBER
Next Meeting: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 @ 2:00 PM