2825-A Longley Lane PO Box 11130 Reno, NV 89520-0027 Center: (775) 353-8900 Dispatch: 322-3647 (DOGS) Fax: 353-8905

Barry Brode, Animal Services Manager

Jana Atkinson and Jerri Robison, Program Coordinators

2825-A Longley Lane PO Box 11130 Reno, NV 89520-0027 Center: (775) 353-8900 Dispatch: 322-3647 (DOGS) Fax: 353-8905




City, State, Zip


Thank you for your interest in becoming a volunteer with Washoe County Regional Animal Services (WCRAS). We are the largest shelter serving the northern Nevada area. Volunteers enhance our operation by assisting with greeting visitors, assisting citizens with lost and found animals, helping with the care of the animals, rescue and foster placement and assisting the shelter staff where needed.

Please fill out the volunteer application indicating your area of interest and return to the shelter, 2825-A Longley Lane between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., fax it to 775-353-8905, or mail it to:

Washoe County Regional Animal Services

Attn: Jana Atkinson or Jerri Robison

P.O. Box 11130

Reno, Nevada 89520-0027

Upon receipt of the application, a volunteer coordinator will contact you to set up a time for orientation.

If you have any questions, please call 353-8900.


Jana Atkinson, Office Support Specialist

Washoe County Regional Animal Services

Application Form


Address:______City, State, & Zip:______

Home Phone:______Cell Phone:______


Any medical conditions or allergies that we should be aware of: Yes No

If yes, please explain:______


Emergency contact:______Relationship:______

Phone number(s):______,______,______

What days and hours are you willing to volunteer?______

Please list any previous animal experience:______

Are you available to assist in an emergency situation (example: help evacuate animals

during a flood and fostering them? ______


**********************OFFICE USE ONLY*****************************

Reviewed By: ______

Volunteer Coordinator Date

Reviewed By: ______

Shelter Staff Date

Date Pre-volunteer interview/orientation completed:______By:______

Scheduled Date for Shelter Training:______By:______












Washoe County Regional Animal Services (WCRAS) is committed to providing quality care for the animals impounded at the Animal Services Shelter. To this end, the attainment of highly motivated and skilled individuals participating in volunteer activities shall remain a fundamental goal of this division.

Animal Services has developed and implemented the "Volunteer” program to meet this objective. The program will remain a functional support unit of the Animal Services Division and shall receive staff support for training and coordinating volunteer activities.

The Volunteer Training Guideline is an integral feature of the program providing a sound structure and basic foundation for the learning process that each volunteer will undergo. The parameters of training will be determined by the needs of the volunteer, the program staff and the Manager of Animal Services. The standards of proficiency set by the program are meant to ensure that each volunteer completing the training will have received the necessary instruction and guidance to meet the standards of the division. These guidelines will also serve as standards for the acceptance of a trainee as a permanent volunteer.


Washoe County Regional Animal Services, Volunteer Training Program has been designed and implemented to facilitate the achievement of the following objectives:

1. To produce a highly trained and positively motivated animal services volunteer capable of meeting or exceeding standards of performance required by Washoe County Regional Animal Services.

2. To provide equal and standardized training to all new volunteers and to provide training in those areas where the volunteer would like to participate.

3. To create an environment in which the volunteer may develop new skills.

4. To ultimately increase the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the division and volunteer efforts by enhancing the climate of professionalism and competency demanded by the ethical standards of Animal Services.


Your interest in becoming part of a volunteer effort is to be commended. Participation in a volunteer program is a satisfying task that may be undertaken by caring and concerned individuals. Our goal is for you to perform the volunteer activity of your choice to enrich your volunteer experience.

Volunteers are needed for a variety of activities. These activities include but are not limited to: feeding and caring for animals, cleaning kennels and cages, unfolding newspapers, scanning for microchips, data entry, answering phones, animal behavior evaluation, janitorial and grounds keeping duties, greeting customers, helping with rescuing and foster placement and exercising dogs.

We wish you patience, tolerance and fortitude in your volunteer efforts and thank you for your participation.


1. Signing In:

When reporting for volunteer duties, immediately sign in at the front desk. Kennel access keys #2 and # 2507 are available at the front desk. The keys are to be returned to the front desk when you sign out at the end of your shift.

2. Scheduling:

The volunteer program is depends upon you working on the day and time you are scheduled. If you are unable to work on your scheduled day, please let the volunteer coordinator know at 353-8900 as soon as possible.

3. Training Requirements:

In addition to completing a review of the volunteer guidelines, you will spend time working with employees on a task by task basis.

4. Dress Code:

Please wear comfortable, clean, presentable clothing. Sandals and open toed shoes are not allowed due to slippery floors in the kennel area. There are volunteer smocks available to wear during your volunteer hours. You should be aware that you could bring germs home to your own pets so take the necessary precautions to prevent cross contamination.

5. ID Badges:

Please wear your name tag each and every time you volunteer.

6. Grievance Procedures:

If you have a concern with any aspect of the program, please notify an on duty supervisor.

7. Resignation Procedures:

Upon leaving the program, please let an on-duty supervisor know.

8. Euthanasia:

Not all animals are adoptable and not every animal can be saved. Should you have a concern about the euthanasia process, please contact a supervisor.

9. Confidential areas:

Volunteers are not permitted in the euthanasia room, euthanasia refrigerator, or crematory area.

10. Media Releases and Advertisements:

The manager or manager’s designee must authorize any web sites, media releases and/or advertisements containing a reference to Washoe County Regional Animal Services. Animal Services may request a copy of the article, video, or web site.

11. Customer Service:

In the interest of making customer service our priority, all volunteers will direct customers to employees with questions regarding policy or procedure that the volunteer may not be able to answer.

12. Animal Services Assistance:

Showing an active interest in and dedication toward Animal Services through enthusiasm, motivation and professionalism is desirable. Respecting and supporting the duties, roles and responsibilities of fellow volunteers and county personnel is an integral ingredient to a successful volunteer program.

13. Policies and Procedures:

Questions about policies and procedures and how they apply should be directed to the manager or manager’s designee.

14. Age Requirements:

Volunteers must be 18 years of age or older.

15. Contacting employees at home:

Shelter employees may be contacted at home only when the volunteer has the employee’s permission.

16. Animal Bites:

If you are injured or bitten by an animal at Animal Services, contact a supervisor immediately for first aid, medical attention and reporting procedures.

17. Animal Exercise Area:

When exercising animals in the exercise area or walking animals, make sure to pick up and dispose of all feces.

19. Injured/Ill Animals and Animal Carcasses:

From time to time volunteers may witness injured/ill animals or animal carcasses. Should you have difficulty dealing with this aspect of our facility, please speak with a supervisor.

Indemnity and Hold Harmless Agreement

Volunteer Service or Maintenance – Washoe County

Release of all Claims and of Liability

The undersigned does hereby certify that I am over 18 years of age and in good physical condition and capable of performing the required tasks as described below, and hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors and assigns or any person for whom I have or may have legal authority to represent, release, and forever discharge Washoe County, its respective officers, employees, and agents from any and all liability, claims, demands, damages, actions or causes of action arising from or by reason of any injury to or death to me or any person or any damage to or destruction of property resulting from or with the Volunteer Service or Maintenance described below, or any other activity of the undersigned at the direction of Washoe County, whether or not such injury, death, or damage is caused or alleged to be caused by the negligence, active or passive, of Washoe County, its officers, agents, and/or employees.

This Release, Indemnity and Hold Harmless Agreement, is given in consideration of, and as a condition to Washoe County, its officers, agents, and employees permitting the undersigned to perform said Volunteer Service or Maintenance.

This Release includes, but is not limited to, any claim, demand, or cause of action which might be caused by any act or failure to act of Washoe County, its officers, agents, and/or employees.

I expressly agree to be responsible for defending and paying or otherwise resolving any claims against Washoe County, its officers, agents, and/or employees where such claims are based on or alleged to be based on actions of or the failure to act on the part of myself, at no cost to Washoe County.

I, the undersigned, have read this Release, Indemnity and Hold Harmless Agreement, and understand all its terms. I hereby execute it voluntarily and with full knowledge of its significance.



Description of work to be performed:


Check List:

□ Application packet given out

□ Application received

□ Copy of NDL or ID

□ Original packet to file

□ Copy to Volunteer Coordinator

□ Orientation Completed

□ Entered into Chameleon

□ Filed



I have received, read and understand the aforementioned Standard Operating Procedures.

NAME (PRINTED): ______

SIGNATURE: ______DATE: ______

The original signature page will be kept on file at the Animal Services Center.