Jan. 23, 2017
The Litchfield Township Board of Trustees met in regular session on Monday, Jan. 23, 2017, at the Litchfield Town Hall after the requirements of the Sunshine Law were met by notification and posting. Chairman Wargo called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. with Trustees Horvath and Pope present. There was an audience of 8. All stood to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Trustee Wargo made a motion to approve the minutes from the Dec. 26th regular meeting as written; second by Horvath. Voting yes: Horvath, Pope, Wargo. Motion carried. Trustee Horvath made a motion to approve the minutes from the Jan. 3rd special meeting as written; second by Wargo. Voting yes: Horvath, Pope, Wargo. Motion carried.
Erica Graffein from the auditor's office was present. Erica stated that the 1st half tax bills will be due by Feb. 10th . Erica also stated that the last date to renew dog tags is Jan. 31st. Erica explained that Homestead Exemption applications are always being accepted at the Auditor's Office; military personnel with permanent unemployability receive an additional reduction in taxes. Erica stated that residents should contact the Auditor's Office for more information. Trustee Horvath stated that there have been issues with the current webmaster for the township website; he does not return phone calls or answer emails. Trustee Horvath contacted Regina Bell who is a local website designer and will be easier to contact. Regina stated that she has designed other websites and would like to design the township website with current events, local pictures, etc. since the current website is static. Regina stated that the township would own the website and she guarantees information would be posted within a week of her receiving it. Trustee Horvath stated that the township does not own the current website. Trustee Pope stated that this would be a good idea since we have had problems in the past with the website. Trustee Horvath stated that this would be a move in a positive direction. Trustee Wargo agreed stating that she had emailed the current webmaster at the end of Dec. and has not received a response yet. Trustee Horvath made a motion to have Regina Bell design and maintain a new township website with the following details: $300 for a one-time fee, $100/month for up to 5 hours of monthly maintenance/updating of website for the next 12 months (the trustees will decide whether to renew the contract at that time), $25/hour for anything over 5 hours (with prior trustee approval), domain registration fee of $15, $3.95/month for 3 years for hosting site; second by Wargo. Voting yes: Horvath, Pope, Wargo. Motion carried.
Fire and Rescue: Chief Davis’ report: from 12/21 – 1/20 there were 18 medical emergency calls and 4 fire calls. Litchfield gave mutual aid to Chatham once and Erhart 3x for EMS calls and Wellington for a chimney fire. We received no mutual aid. President Porter held the monthly Fire Association Meeting on Dec. 29th. Capt. Yorko held fire training on Jan. 5th using table top exercises. Chief Davis attended the monthly Chiefs Meeting on Jan. 11th . Work night was held on Jan. 12th where building and apparatus maintenance was performed. Lt. Yorko held EMS training on Jan. 19th using a Jeopardy game covering the upcoming protocol test which will be given through Medina Hospital. FF Smith began fire inspector class which will be completed on the 1st week of March. Chief Davis stated that the department has switched to ethanol free fuel for all their small engines due to all the carburetor issues they have been having. Chief Davis stated that Kovatch informed him that they will be picking up the service body for our new pickup on Jan. 30th and should have an updated completion time once the body is mounted. The officers have been meeting and discussing which route to go with the SCBAs so the process can begin on the grant. Chief Davis stated that the Assistant Chief from Wooster is coming out to discuss with them why they switched from Scott to MSA. There are Fire Program classes scheduled closer than the ones in MO so Chief Davis stated the department members are planning on attending one of those instead. Chief Davis stated that the department members carry Minotaur pagers to receive the information from the Medina dispatcher. E-Dispatch sets off their cell phones with information – addresses, conditions, etc. - at a 60 sec. delay. The department is on a 45 day trial with Who's Responding which transmits the tones immediately. Chief Davis stated that there are extra features to this program, i.e. who is responding to the call, a “not available” mode available, ability to listen to streaming radio, a “push to talk” button. Who's Responding is the same cost as E-Dispatch; the department members like Who's Responding. Trustee Pope stated that there was a question regarding the township water hydrants. Chief Davis stated that the only inoperable hydrant is the one on Speith Rd. by the big water tower. Chief Davis asked if a hydrant is not draining properly would RLCWA come out and fix it. Trustee Pope stated that he would check on this. Trustee Horvath asked if the hydrants are used to fight fires. Chief Davis stated that most of them are not used to fight the fire but are used to refill the tankers at a fire. Chief Davis stated that the hydrants should be kept – not capped off – since they are useful and if the county replaces the waterlines, the hydrants would be replaced also. Chief Davis stated that having the hydrants have helped to give the township a lower ISO rating.
Roads: Trustee Wargo read the road report from (12/23 – 1/20): replaced the control knob, the wire assembly and straightened the agitator on the push salt spreader; cut up a tree on Yost, Richman, Crows Nest Lane and Stone Roads and a pine tree in the cemetery; the trees and branches were loaded into the dump truck and taken to the garage; inspected all the fire extinguishers; replaced 2 fuel tank caps at the garage. Trustee Wargo clarify the time sheets that were questioned at a previous meeting. Trustee Wargo stated that after Aug. the summer help is gone so the road crew consists of Jim and John and occasionally Bill; Brandon works another job so he is only available for summer road ditch mowing. Trustee Wargo stated that Tyler has been hired full -time by Medina County so he is not available during the day; she will contact someone else to see if they have a CDL and is available for plowing. Trustee Wargo listed what is involved when a report states “serviced trucks” and how much time and expense is involved with cleaning and detailing a vehicle (per the internet). Trustee Wargo asked if there are any changes to the chart from the county engineers regarding permit regulations besides changing ditch setback to “township decision”. The board will discuss the chart at the next meeting. Trustee Wargo asked if the board wanted to consider the paving of a section of Yost Rd. Trustee Horvath stated that since this was discussed at the last meeting, he thought it would be a good idea. Trustee Wargo made a motion to place for bids the paving of Yost Rd. - the north jog of Crow to W. Dunham; second by Horvath. Voting yes: Horvath, Pope, Wargo. Motion carried. Trustee Wargo suggested township clean-up days be held on the first weekend of May (May 5-6). Trustee Wargo made a motion to contact the proper people and inform them of the township clean-up days on Friday, May 5th and Saturday, May 6th; second by Pope. Voting yes: Horvath, Pope, Wargo. Motion carried. The trustees signed the township road certification paperwork; the township has 19.055 miles of township roads.
Safety: Trustee Pope attended the MC Safety Council Meeting on Jan. 17th regarding the effect of sitting at a desk for a long period of time.
Police: For the month of Dec: days worked: 21; hours worked: 100; miles driven: 1,219; calls/ complaints investigated: 8; police/fire personnel assisted: 4/0; citizens assisted: 29; suspicious people/vehicles checked: 2/2; business checks: 140; traffic stops: 6; traffic citations issued: 2; warning citations issued: 4; arrests: 3. Traffic citations: speed: 2. Traffic warning: speed: 3; two headlights required: 1. Arrests: improper handling of a firearm in a motor vehicle (a felony): 1; disorderly conduct of minors (a misdemeanor): 2.
Town Hall: Trustee Horvath read the Jan. report: the town hall was used for 3 meetings, 5x by groups, 1 rental for $100; general cleaning for meetings, groups and rentals; cleaning of annex; removal of Christmas decorations from the town hall, annex and gazebo. total hours = 17.75.
Cemetery and Park: Trustee Wargo stated that there were no burials; a pine tree on the west border of the cemetery blew over but caused no damage to the monuments there; after a strong wind storm, Sexton Marco spent time gathering decorations that had blown around the cemetery and tried to return them to their proper place; the Christmas decorations have been taken down.
Zoning: ZI Noderer was not present but sent this report: For the month of Dec: site visits: 2; meetings attended: 3; miles driven: 98; zoning certificates issued: single family house: 2; commercial sign: 1; accessory building: 1; Ag building: 1. Zoning violations: 8109 Branch Rd – case #15CIV0677; 9940 Norwalk Rd. - monitoring compliance; 9696/9706 Crow Rd. - zoning certificates pending MCE ECSW permit; monitor use status of the building south of the creek; 3933 Avon Lake – solid waste removal monitored by MCHD - Follow-up inspection on Jan. 2017; 8963 Spieth Rd. - Case #16 CIV 0711 – trial scheduled for 2/8/17 @ 1:30; 8991 Stone Rd.– mobile home used for home business without permits – referred to the MC Prosecutors. Trustee Horvath stated there there is an inspection of the Speith Rd. property on Feb. 3rd and a trial scheduled for that property on Feb. 8th.
Trustees: Fiscal Officer Shaw asked if the trustees had written a proper public purpose policy to add to Resolution 4-17 Township Policies. Trustee Pope stated that he would check with other townships.
Fiscal Officer: The trustees received their monthly reports and signed the bank reconciliation statement. Fiscal Officer Shaw reminded everyone that there is a Public Hearing on the zoning amendment changes on Feb. 6th at 6 p.m.
Old Business: Trustee Pope stated that he picked up the agreement regarding the land for the park left to the township by Anne Silhavy. The township will be responsible for ½ of the filing expenses for the title search. Trustee Pope was not told what the charge would be but thought the check would be needed before the next meeting. Trustee Pope made a motion to pay up to $3000 for ½ of our fees for the agreement of the donation of land from Anne Silhavy's estate; second by Horvath. Voting yes: Horvath, Pope, Wargo. Motion carried.
New Business: There was no new business.
Correspondence and Communications: There were no correspondences or communications.
Public Comment: Chief Davis asked why the road crew takes the cut down trees and branches to TreeMasters and doesn't just leave it at the garage with a “free” sign on it. Trustee Wargo stated that it has been past practice to take the wood to TreeMasters and not have the wood available for free. Anne Silhavy asked if anyone has tried to have their insurance lowered due to the new ISO rating. Fiscal Officer Shaw stated that she contacted her insurance company and they did lower their house insurance premium.
Trustee Wargo made a motion to adopt Resolution 6-17 to amend appropriations; second by Pope. Voting yes: Horvath, Pope, Wargo. Motion carried.
Trustee Wargo made a motion to approve Blanket Certificates 1-17 to 39-17 and authorize payment of vouchers 24525-24589; second by Horvath. Voting yes: Horvath, Pope, Wargo. Motion carried.
Trustee Horvath made a motion to adjourn; second by Pope. Voting yes: Horvath, Pope, Wargo. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.