Task Team Report:
Rural & Agriculture Statistics
Naman Keita
Preparatory Committee Meeting for the Seminar on a New Partnership for strengthening rural and agricultural statistics in the context of poverty reduction and food security policies in Africa, 16-17 September 2002, Paris, FRANCE.
Preparatory Committee Meeting Summary Report
The meeting took place on 4 June 2002, at FAO HQ’s (Canada Room) in Rome, Italy.
The following Members of the Preparatory Committee attended the meeting:
Mr H. Kasnakoglu, Director, FAO Statistics Division (ESS);
Mr H. Som, Chief, Statistical Development Service, ESS;
Mr N. Keita, Statistician, Statistical Development Service, ESS(Chair);
Mr P. N’Goma-Kimbatsa, Statistician, Statistical Development Service, ESS;
Mr P. Narain, Senior Statistician, Statistical Analysis Service, ESS
Mr V. Ngendakumana, Statistician, Basic data Branch, ESS
World Bank: Mr Ernst Lutz, Senior Officer, World Bank, Washington, USA. (AUDIO LINK)
UN-ECA: Mrs Awa Thiongane, Senior Regional Advisor, UNECA, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
African Development Bank: Mr Maurice Mubila, Statistics Division, AfDB, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire
Coopération française:
- M. Jean Paul Pradere, Chargé de mission, Bureau des Politiques Agricoles et de la Sécurité Alimentaire, Ministère des Affaires Etrangères, France
- M. Jean Marc Frémont, Chef du Bureau des Politiques Agricoles et de la Sécurité Alimentaire Ministère des Affaires Etrangères, France
Statistics Norway: MrBjornWold, Consulting Director, Division for International Consulting, Statistics Norway
Friends of the Secretariat of AFCAS:
Mr Mahady Fofana, Responsible for Agricultural Statistics, Mali
The other Members of the Preparatory Committee who could not be present in Rome, include:
Mr Antoine Simonpietri, Manager, PARIS21 Secretariat, Paris, France (excused)
Mr Ben Kiregyera, Consultant, PARIS21 (excused)
USDA: Mr Larry Sivers, Director, International Program Office, NASS, Washington, USA (excused)
Friends of the Secretariat of AFCAS:
Mr David Nalo, Director Central Statistics Office of Kenya (excused)
DFID: (excused)
European Union: to be identified
Netherlands Coopération: to be identified
Prior to the meeting, the position paper on Seminar in Paris was made available to the participants.
The meeting started at 9:00 and ended at 14:00. After the welcome and introductory remarks by the Director, FAO Statistics Division,
T he following points were discussed:
- Objectives and Outcome expected from the Seminar in Paris
- Agenda Items and papers proposed for the Seminar
- Identification of authors and person resources and list of participants
- Timetable and responsibilities of Members of the Preparatory Committee for the preparation of the Seminar
- Budget, funding and logistics
- Interim Proposal
After in-depth and constructive discussions the participants agreed on the following points:
The objectives and Outcomes proposed in the position paper were adopted with amendments to be reflected in the revised version of the position paper. Among the remarks and suggestions:
- the exact meaning and coverage of rural statistics needs to clarified. It was agreed that this point should be raised and discussed during the Seminar in Paris;
- the clarification of the meaning of PARIS21 process to indicate explicitly the reference to promoting «evidence based decision making» at policy level and supporting Strategic Planning and User-focus in Statistical Development.
- gender issues as well as reference to various level of food security should be mentioned (global, household, individual level)
The participants agreed to limit the number of Sessions to 3 (instead of 4), and the number of Invited Papers to 5 (instead of 10). The simulation proposed in previous Session 3 could be developed and used as a training tool under the Main Project. High level and specialised consultants will be recruited to prepare and present the papers under the technical supervision of Institutions members of the Preparatory Committee in their respective field of competence.
In addition, representatives of participating countries will be required to prepare country papers as Contributing Papers not to be presented, but to be used as background documents. Each country paper will present one of the two topics: (i) the country PRSP process and the place of the Rural/Agricultural Sector, the Indicators as they relate to the Rural/Agricultural Sector and data requirements; or (ii) an innovative technical country experience. The PRSP in Uganda and Burkina Faso have been selected among the good practices. These countries will present their PRSP experience.
Also, it was agreed to have Discussants from countries represented at the Seminar and independent discussants who will react to some of the papers and introduce round table discussions. The sequence of presentation and discussion of papers will be as follow:
Paper 1: The strategic framework for poverty reduction and the extent of rural poverty: policy, objectives, results and indicators. This paper will include a systematic review of poverty reduction strategy papers produced by African countries: critical analysis of the rural sector's contribution to poverty reduction; policy; data and indicators used; primary data needed for monitoring and assessing the contribution and impact of the rural component
(to be prepared by a Consultant under the responsibility of the WORLD BANK)
Country discussant 1: PRSP Co-ordinator, Burkina Faso
Country discussant 2: PRSP Co-ordinator, Uganda
Round table discussion
It was agreed that Paper 1 should be made available as soon as possible to be used as a reference document for other papers. In consultation with the World Bank, it was proposed that a related document (Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers- Basic Framework and Implications for Rural Poverty by Louise Cord, WB) could be made available immediately to the consultants before Paper 1 is ready.
Paper 2: Overview of the rural and agricultural statistical data needs and requirement in support of PRSP’s.
This paper will focus on data needs and requirements related to Agriculture and Rural Sector for PRSP policy and programme formulation as well as implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the impact. It will draw on Paper 1 and the content of this Paper 2 will have to be adjusted in light of the conclusions from the Round Table following the presentation of paper 1.
(to be prepared by a Consultant under the responsibility of: PARIS21 and FRENCH CO-OPERATION)
Systematic review of the current agricultural statistics systems in African countries: data availability and information gaps in relation to demand and needs (PRSP/regional integration/food security),. Analysis of why agricultural statistics output falls short of needs, why agricultural statistical offices are inefficient (including analysis of advantages disadvantages of CSO- centralised and MoA-decentralised systems of agricultural statistics). Cost efficiency analysis of statistical operations in the countries,ways of improving the performance of the agricultural statistics systems to address the priority needs and fill data gaps.
Paper 1: “CILSS-Countries.
(to be prepared by a Consultant under the responsibility of: FRENCH CO-OPERATION/EU/EUROSTAT)
Paper 2: English Speaking Countries.
(to be prepared by a Consultant[1] under the responsibility of AfDB and or PARIS21)
Country discussant 1: Devi Manraj, Mauritius
Country discussant 2: To be identified among invited participants
Independent discussant: O.O Ajayi
Paper 1:Strategy and long-term programme for improving the functioning and efficiency of national agricultural statistical systems and medium-term regional project with national components: content, national components, financing arrangements, implementation procedures, partners' contributions, agencies' roles.
Members of the group of friends of AFCAS (Directors of CSOs or Agricultural statistics Services, MoA’s ) (4)[2]:
Cape Verde: Mr Inussa Bari
Responsable Statistiques agricoles
Ministère de l’Agriculture et Pêches
BP 115, Praia
Tel: (+238) 615 716; Fax: (+238) 611 301
Mauritius: Mrs Dheemun Devi Manraj
Deputy Director, Central Statistics Office
LIC Centre, John Kennedy Street, Port Louis
Tel: (+230) 210 0835; Fax: (+230) 211 4150
Ethiopia: Ms Samia Zekaria, Deputy General Manager
Ethiopian Central Statistical Authority,
Addis Ababa
Tel: (+251)1 116 459; Fax: (+251)1 550 334
Gunea:Mr Yamoussa Fofana, Directeur National
Ministère de l’Agriculture et de l’Elevage
Service National des Statistiques Agricoles
BP 576, Conakry
Tel: (+224) 414 972; Fax: (+224) 414 972
Country Coordinators of PRSP’s (2):
Burkina Faso: To be identified
Uganda: To be identified
Ministry of agriculture or rural development (2):
Zambia: Permanent Secretary or General Director for Planning
Guinea: General Director for Planning
Ministry of Finance (2)
Cameroon: General Secretary
Niger: Minister or General Secretary
Ministry in charge of family and women
Senegal: Minister or General Secretary
Country representatives, members of the Preparatory Committee: (2)
Kenya: Mr David S.O. Nalo, Director of Statistics
Central Bureau of Statistics,
Ministry of Finance & Planning
Box 30266, Nairobi
Tel: (+254)2 340 929; Fax: (+254)2 333 030
Mali: Mr Fofana Mahady
Cellule de Planification et de Statistique
Ministère du Développement Rural
Tel: (+223) 230 425; Fax: (+223) 230 425
Email: cpsmdre@ datatech.toolnet.org
Consultants authors of the invited papers(4)
Consultant for paper 1, Session 1: To be identified (WORLD BANK)
Consultant for paper 2, Session 1: To be identified (PARIS21/FRENCH CO-OPERATION)
Consultant for paper 1, Session 2: To be identified (FRENCH CO-OPERATION)
Consultant for paper 2, Session 2: To be identified (AfDB/PARIS21)
Independent discussant, Session 2: Mr Oladejo O. Ajayi, FAO Consultant
P O Box 52724,Falomo, P O Ikoyi, Lagos, Nigeria
Tel: (+234)1 267 0356; Fax: (+234)1 261 5465
Sub-regional integration institutions representatives (6): SADC, COMESA, “UEMOA”, “CEMAC”, ECOWAS (economic policy manager), “CILSS”, NEPAD.
Donors/international and regional development co-operation and technical support agencies (17):AFRISTAT, Ex-Diaper, African Development Bank, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Paris21, FAO, World Bank, UN-ECA, Sahel Club (“Club du Sahel” ), IFAD, USDA, DFID, European Union, Dutch Co-operation (Netherlands), NORAD (Norway), UNDP, UNSD.
6 June 2002: Report of the meeting circulated to members of the Preparatory Committee by FAO
10 June 2002: First draft of Terms of References for the Consultants prepared and sent to FAO for review and harmonisation:
Session 1, Paper 1: World Bank
Session 1, Paper 2: French Cooperation/PARIS21
Session 2, Paper 1: French Co-operation
Session 2 Paper 2: AfDB/PARIS21
15 June: - TORs circulated to all members of Preparatory Committee, reviewed, finalised and sent back to Institutions by FAO
20 June:- Preliminary list of Participants in the Seminar circulated to members of the Preparatory Committee by FAO
- Reply from Members of the Preparatory Committee to FAO and final list of Participants and draft invitation letters sent to PARIS21 by FAO
25 June: Invitation letters sent to participants by PARIS21
- Recruitment of consultants by World Bank, French Cooperation, PARIS21, AfDB
1 July : Preparation of the papers by consultants( for one month)
5 July: Tickets for invited participants prepared and issued by PARIS21
15 July: Draft of paper 1 Session 1 ready and sent to other consultants by World Bank
1 August: First draft of papers prepared by consultants and sent to Responsible Institutions by consultants (one week for review)
7 August: Draft reviewed by responsible Institutions(WB, PARIS21, AfDB, French Co-operation) and comments sent to consultants for preparation of a revised and final draft (one week for review)
15 August: Final draft of papers ready and sent to FAO and PARIS21 for translation and multiplication by PARIS21
25 August: Papers translated, multiplied and distributed to participants by PARIS21
10 September: Country papers sent to PARIS 21 and multiplied by PARIS21 (no translation)
16-17 September: Seminar
1. Responsible Institutions for the papers will provide funding for consultant services for the preparation of the papers as well as travel and DSA to Paris for the presentation during the Seminar
2. Conference facilities, including, room, equipment, simultaneous translation and tea/coffee break will be provided by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs
3. Cost of participation of representatives from Bilateral, Regional, and International Agencies will be paid by these Institutions
4. The remaining expenses (invited participants from African Countries, Independent discussant, translation cost, administrative and other miscellaneous costs) will be covered by PARIS21. These expenses are estimated at about 50.000 $ US.
The principle of implementing rapidly an Interim proposal was supported by the participants in the meeting with minor comments on the activities proposed. Since the document was made available only during the meeting, additional observations or comments if any, are to be sent to FAO by 10 June 2002.
The participants were informed that an Associate Profesional Officer (APO) post is being established at FAO Statistics Division to be funded by French co-operation. The post will be in support of the Initiative for Strengthening Agricultural Statistics in Africa and the co-ordination with PARIS21.
Mr Som, Chief Statistical Development Service, thanked the participants and closed the meeting.
Rural and Agricultural Statistics
Progress Report to the Consortium Meeting June 2002
Agricultural and rural statistics are very important for developing countries. A majority of the poor are engaged in agriculture, yet this is usually one of the weakest areas of national statistical systems. The Geneva ISC meeting asked that the task team on Rural and Agricultural Statistics be revived. The Rural and Agricultural Statistics task team held its first formal meeting in Paris during the PARIS21 Consortium meeting in October 2001.
The overall goal and objectives of the Task Team
A paper prepared for the team meeting in October 2001, set out draft terms of reference[3] for the task team and explicitly noted the importance of building on existing work (FAO and World Bank and other Agencies) and the task team’s role as a catalyst and facilitator.
During the meeting in October, the team agreed on the following objectives (i) foster the use of food and agricultural statistics in the development and monitoring of poverty reduction strategies and food security policies; (ii) encourage the strengthening of the linkages between the agricultural statistics systems and national systems and contribute to the advocacy and greater visibility of Agriculture and Rural Statistics (FARS) within the overall system of national statistics; (iii) advise on ways and means of mobilising more resources to support capacity building in Rural and Agricultural Statistics; (iv) provide a forum for exchange of innovative ideas and sharing of experiences and best practices between agricultural statisticians and data users in various institutions and promote better co-ordination among stakeholders in Food, Agriculture, and Rural Statistics; (v) assist in identifying areas for methodological research needed on how to minimise costs of data collection and ensure timely and full use of results.
At this meeting it was also agreed that the task team should aim for a global reach rather than operate at the sub-regional level and that FAO Statistics Division should convene the group.
Report on activities of the task team since October 2001
In the Africa Region, an important workshop was organised 22–26 November 2001 in Pretoria, back-to-back with the 17th Session of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) African Commission on Agricultural Statistics (AFCAS). The workshop was sponsored by FAO and the World Bank Trust Fund for Statistical Capacity Building and was attended by more than 80 participants from African countries (central/agricultural statisticians, PRSP staff, and staff from Food Security Programmes). Six multilateral, bilateral, and regional co-operation agencies attended the workshop, which imprtant and practical priority recommendations for improving the Agricultural Statistics Systems in Africa. The workshop was not formally organised by the Task Team. However, it strongly supported the Initiative for Strengthening Food and Agricultural Statistics in Africa in the context of PRSP and PARIS21. The documents from the meetings in Pretoria are available on CD-ROM and will be posted on the Web.
Subsequently, the task team had an informal meeting on 15 February 2002 in Paris for a review of its progress and the Initiative in the Africa Region. It was decided to organise a high level Seminar bringing together policy makers, statisticians and the Donor Community to discuss and agree on the strategy of a Regional Project Proposal for Strengthening Agricultural and Rural Statistics in Support of PRSP and Food Security policies in Africa as well as the modalities of funding and implementation. The Seminar will take place 16 and 17 September 2002 in Paris, France, under the auspices of PARIS21 Task Team for Rural and Agricultural Statistics and mainly funded by this Consortium and is being supported by FAO and several Co-operation Agencies. A Preparatory Committee for the Seminar was appointed and had its first meeting on 4 June in FAO HQ’s in Rome (the draft position paper on the Seminar in Paris and the Summary Report from the Preparatory Committee meeting in Rome are attached).
In the Asia region, FAO is organising the 18th Session of Asia and Pacific Commission for Agricultural Statistics (APCAS) in Seoul, South Korea for 21–25 October 2002. It is envisaged to organise an informal meeting for information of the participants of that Region on the Task Team.
Work Program for the period between July 2002 and September 2003
It was agreed in the team meeting in October 2001, that at least one global (and/or regional) meeting will be organised each year as much as possible in conjunction with International or Regional Meetings and that ad hoc technical workshops could also be organised on specific subjects.
The future activities proposed for the team include:
1. Preparation of the Website for the Task Team and update the members list. July 2002 (FAO/PARIS21).
2. Mobilisation of support for proposals to Strengthen Agricultural and Rural Statistics Systems to Support Rural Poverty Reduction. The following tasks will be undertaken:
a) organisation of a Stakeholders Seminar (African policy makers and statisticians and Co-operation Agencies) on the Proposal for Strengthening Rural and Agricultural Statistics in Africa in Paris 16 and 17 September 2002 for agreement on content and strategy for the Proposal. (Estimated cost 50.000 dollars)
b) organisation of a Donor/Countries Round Table Meeting on the Proposal for Strengthening Rural and Agricultural Statistics in Africa in March 2003 for mobilisation of funds. (Place to be decided. Estimated cost: 30.000 dollars).