Priorities and Action Plan 12/7 2:30pm
- Definitions Town Manager
- Definitions handed out to the commissioners at the Nov. 13th workshop
- Definitions posted on the town website
- Commissioners asked to provide Marc feedback by 11/30
- Copies of definitions sent to David King, David Jasinski, Beth Caruso and Mike P, Bill Lower
- Will discuss at the Town Manager workshop 12/5
- Plan to present “final draft” at the December Town Council meeting
- If we are ready, vote at the January Town Council meeting
- Look at Ordinance #718
- Public Hearing
- Updates for December 12th Town Commissioner Meeting:
Review definitions with comments
Based on feedback, Town Manager will create and distribute a “final draft” to be prepared 12/18
Plan to adopt during the January or February meeting cycle
Consider another Public Hearing during the January meeting cycle
Consider a commissioner workshop prior to any vote
- Sea Level Rise regarding height Town Manager
- Ordinance #718 handed out at the commissioner Nov. 13th workshop
- Ordinance #718 posted on the town website
- Commissioners asked to provide Marc feedback by 11/30
- Will discuss at the Town Manager workshop 12/5
- Will need to amend referendum language (lines 175-176)
- Marc to meet with Courtney to discuss
- Plan to present “final draft” at the December Town Council Meeting
- If we are ready, vote at the January Town Council meeting
- If the commissioners should decide that a referendum is the desired path, we will need to amend Ordinance #178 and put a referendum time line together
- Public Hearing
- Updates for December 12th Town Commissioner Meeting:
Commit to
Adopt without a referendum
Schedule a referendum
Consider abandoning Ordinance 718
- Comprehensive Development Plan Commissioners, Comp Plan Chair
- Commissioners have scheduled a public meeting 11/24 to create Comprehensive Plan as a standing committee and to appoint chair person
- Define the role of “Commissioner Liaison” to Comp Plan
- Define state required time lines
- Define what needs to be included
- Define and memorialize the role of Town Planner
- Define Administrative staff support
- Gather the group
- Review our neighboring communities'efforts
- interim “sign-offs”
- Items other than zoning to be included
- Establish budget
- Lay out meeting schedule
- Updates for December 12th Town Commissioner Meeting:
David King will be providing responses to above d-l on the priorities list
Commissioner Cooke and Dunmyer have been appointed as Commissioner liaison’s
Consider amending November 24th Commissioner Meeting, motion #1
- Trash and Recycling Commissioners; Town Manager after RFP is approved
- Review current codes
- Look at trash and recycling
- Determine which different groups are involved at November town meeting
- Year round owner occupants
- Non residential rentals (second homes
- Seasonal rentals
- Year round rentals
- Multifamily units
- Commercial
- Get an RFP out in November or early December
- Approve contract for winning bid during the January-February meeting cycle
- Determine what if any code changes are needed
- Define process to communicate to the public
- Updates for December 12th Town Commissioner Meeting:
Discuss timeline
Consider a “plan b”
Bidders conference scheduled for 12/10
Bids due from RFP 1/4 2016
Consider a workshop 1/8/2016
- Town Manager and Police Chief contracts,Dale and Marc with Noel
- Police Chief contract executed 11/14
- Dale to work on Town Manager contract
- Updates for December 12th Town Commissioner Meeting:
Commissioner Cooke plans are to review Town Manager contract during the January meeting cycle
- Review of Residential Rental License, Town Manager
- Current License passed out at the 11/13 workshop
- Consider;
- Trash obligation
- Rates may be effected by trash initiative
- “Watch list”
- Occupancy
- Consider amending renewaldates
- Receive feedback by November 30th
- Update at December Town Commissioners meeting
- Present finished product at January Town Commissioners meeting
- Vote at January-February Town Commissioners meeting
- Will need to address inspections, affidavits, certifications
- Will need to set up trash component
- Discuss with real estate agents
- Keep log to track disorderly houses
- Ability for the public to look up a house to see if a property has a valid license
- Updates for December 12th Town Commissioner Meeting:
Need to address:
Occupancy component
Amending amounts of licenses depending on trash initiative
VRBO & Airbnb
Inspections/ Affidavit/ Certifications
- Hiring a Human Resource Director Town Manager
- Job Description; (passed out at the Nov. 13th workshop)
- Administer to all staff to include police and lifeguards
- Will make sure there are accurate and up to date job descriptions for everyone
- Create organizational chart
- Establish protocol regarding evaluations
- Review pay scales
- Address and be involved in any disputes involving personnel
- Interface with town attorneys as warranted
- Help with Employee contracts when needed
- Keep up with labor laws regarding employees and 1099 staff
- Help with seasonal employee hiring
- Help to administer and maintain employee benefits
- Maintain employee files
- Bring employee manuals up to date
- Hire person by Jan 1
- Will review outsourcing, employee, or 1099 employee
- Will take out ad for position
- Will bring to Commissioners applicant prior to hiring. Included will be a job description and compensation
- H.R. person to report to Town Manager
- Updates for December 12th Town Commissioner Meeting:
Town Manager has contacted Lyons Insurance. They are doing an assessment
- Review of Business Licenses Town Manager
- Create a one day license, ability for Bill to issue on site
- Set up link on website that will indentify who has a license (advertising component?)
- Workshop 12/5 with Taxi, Pedicab, Limos, Uber, Jolly trolley etc to discuss playing field
- Review of fee structure
- Look for an ability to send out bills
- Update at December Town Commissioners meeting
- Present finished product and vote at January Town Commissioners meeting
- Updates for December 12th Town Commissioner Meeting:
Need approval for a one day contractor license
Discuss UBERLyft etc
Is there a desire to increase/decrease any other business license fees
Do we need to review Fire Marshall occupancy
- Building Permits Town Manager
- Items to consider;
- Determine when and if to outsource
- Clearly define when a building permit is required
- Define if and when a survey is required
- Better define the state and county role
- Define when a certificate of occupancy will be required
- Outside to include, trees, driveway entrances,
- Sea level rise component
- Commissioners to review 185-82 filing fees
- Discuss at January Town Commissioners meeting
- Review at February Town Commissioners meeting
- Vote at March Town Commissioners meeting
- Automate process
- Mechanism to allow citizens to look on line to see if property has a valid building permit
- Updates for December 12th Town Commissioner Meeting:
Better define when a building permit is reguired, (maintenance vs. construction)
When should a survey be required
When will a certificate of occupancy by required
Review Town Code section 185-82 (a) filing fees
- Town Infrastructure Commissioner Mauler
- Commissioner Mauler to create a Standing Committee
- Committee to review
- Lighting
- Security cameras
- Drainage
- Speed bumps
- Sidewalks to be ADA compliant
- Any staff involvement and or participation to go through Town Manager
- Updates for December 12th Town Commissioner Meeting:
Commissioner Mauler to provide status as to the formulation of the committee
Any monitory requests should be incorporated into the budget process
- Conditional Use Process Town Manager
- Items to consider;
- Application review
- How to forward when application is made
- If code compliance is clear, town manager to forward to P and Z as well as the Commissioners
- If code compliance is not clear, refer to commissioners
- Commissioners to review section 185-82 Filing fees
- Consider adopting a one year review
- Post online
- Receive feedback
- Update at December Town Commissioners meeting
- Present finished product at January-February Town Commissioners meeting
- Vote at February-March Town Commissioners meeting
- Updates for December 12th Town Commissioner Meeting:
No Update at this time
- F.A.R. in the N.R. districtTown Manager and P&Z
- Define F.A.R. currently in place
- Marc to meet with Courtney 11/17
- Review neighboring towns
- Discuss at January (post definitions) Town Commissioners meeting
- Review at February Town Commissioners meeting
- Consider a vote at March Town Commissioners meeting
- Items to consider; dedicated workshop, follow up mailer, P and Z review, Comp Plan, effective date
- Marc to ask Planning and Zoning to review
- Consider interim step and the having the matter reviewed by the Comp Plan group
- Updates for December 12th Town Commissioner Meeting:
Consider amending the F.A.R. in the N.R district
Review Comp Plan reference
Consider a referral to P and Z
- Town Space Town Manager
- Obtain survey of current Town Hall, acquired building and Grotto parking
- Utilize the services of Town Planner Chris Fazio
- Discuss at a Town Manager workshop Dec. 5th
- Solicit the public on what should the space be used for
- Take a careful look at holding cells
- Create time line
- Consider current utilization of acquired space, consider lease and or demolition
- Updates for December 12th Town Commissioner Meeting:
Review survey of the property
Review input from Town Manager workshop
Consider demolishing existing building(s)
Consider leasing space
Consider selling off kitchen equipment
Contact DELDOT re egress
Solicit staff on needs and wants
Solicit Commissioners and the Public re needs and wants
Engage town planner Chris Fazio
- Committees/BoardsCommissioners
- Currently there are four standing committees
- Marketing
- Audit
- Investment
- Comprehensive Development Plan
- Commissioners to review each committees goals-objectives
- Commissioners will be seeking regularly scheduled status reports
- Town Manager has recommended a “Commissioner Liaison “ for each standing committee
- Town Manager and Town Foia coordinator to schedule a Foia seminar for all Committee and Board chairs (members and public invited), December 12th post T.C. meeting
- Consider a request to have each committee set up a (tentative) yearly schedule
- Updates for December 12th Town Commissioner Meeting:
This item will be delved intoby the commissioners during the December Town Meeting
FOIA discussion to occur 12/12 post town Council meeting
- Town Meetings Commissioner Dunmyer
- How agendas are created and posted
- How are supporting documents created and posted
- How and when books are assembled, consider paperless
- Motions, resolutions and ordinances signed off on during the meetings
- Define how recordings and videos are preserved
- Discuss live streaming and logistics
- Each item should have a sponsor and time allocation
- How to create civility
- Delve into a Roberts Rules type structure
- Better define public participation
- Updates for December 12th Town Commissioner Meeting:
“Meeting Best Practices Resolution” is on the December Town Meeting agenda
- Sign and Display Commissioner Mauler and Riordan
- Courtney and Gary to review recently adopted Sign and Display Ordinance. Nov-Dec
- Courtney and Gary to walk through town to determine what signs are not compliant Dec-Jan
- Recommend how to address signs and displays not in compliance to Marc by Feb 1st
- Building official and town manager to bring businesses to compliance per Gary and Courtney
- Building Official to review and approve all signs and displays going forward per the code
- Courtney and Gary to review with Jim and Bill as they go around town doing their review
- Updates for December 12th Town Commissioner Meeting:
Update from Commissioner Mauler and Commissioner Riordan
- Parking, Driveway, Driveway Entrances and Public Right of Way Town Manager
As this item may be controversial within the community we are only studying the issue
- Review current code and policies
- Review grandfathering status
- Review driveway and driveway entrances
- Review signage
- Review parking citations and its impact
- Marc to work internally to get more information on parking enforcement
- Marc to review towing and booting
- Marc to review signage
- Marc to schedule a workshop in March-April to begin a process
- Marc to discuss with Planning and Zoning and Comp Plan committee
- Updates for December 12th Town Commissioner Meeting:
Town Manager to conduct workshop in Spring/Summer
- Van Dyke parking, Marc,
RFP out, will look to award contract during the December January meeting cycle. We will look at getting state legislators involved to help fund
We will be reviewing proposals and modifications.
Will seek grant funding for the project
- Investments, Mike and Courtney,
Mike and Courtneyto review current policy, make recommendation to the commissioners at the December meeting. In the meantime, no major movement of funds will occur. Mike and Dale to review other town’s in conjunction with Auditors concern
Commissioner Dunmyer to present recommendations to the commissioners
- Public Safety on Route One; Crosswalks, Bike Lanes, Sidewalks, Commissioners,
Diane has set up a meeting with the state for 12/17, Gary to incorporate some of this in his Town infrastructure committee
Mayor Hanson has set up a meeting with state officials
Solicit feedback prior to the 12/17 meeting
- Fair Share, No Work In Progress (NWIP)
- Quiet Enjoyment, NWIP
- June Bugs, NWIP
- Better define legal process, NWIP
- Police Review, Town Manager and Mayor,
Police Chief is on board with an independent review of the police department. Mayor to reach out to Gregg Warren
- Voter eligibilityNWIP
- More online functions ,Marc,
New software is coming in Dec 1, will be looking into automating billing
- Bike lanes and crosswalks
- New owner packets, Marc and Ashleigh,
Marc and Ashleigh are putting together a gift basket to be given when a property sells to a new owner (where a transfer tax occurs). Goal is to have basket ready by 12/20
- Review Employee personal manual and benefits, Marc,
Will incorporate into H.R. position
- Better utilization of the website as a means to keep citizens informedMarc,
We are looking to better utilize with new software. Consider developing a robust email list for Town Hall use
- Defining Non-Conforming ABC licensed establishments conditionsNWIP
Consider having Planning and Zoning taking this on
- Charter and Code review, focus on inconsistencies and “confusion” Commissioners?
- Improving communications between the Commissioner and Town Manager
Perhaps this action plan will keep a better focus and keep us on the same if not similar page
- Improving the tracking of parking tickets, Marc,
Thorough review of process
- Towing and Booting of cars/trucks, Marc,
Thorough review of process
- Redefining Parking, Marc
Updates for December 12th Town Commissioner Meeting:
Update from Town Manager