Tournament Participation Requirements:
District 33 Parent Code of Conduct reflects the standard of behavior for the tournament. Most leagues have parents sign this or a league version before the season starts (as per their League Safety Plan).
1) Current League Safety Plan- printed copy along with team First Aid Kit.
2) Medical Releases for each player- any Epi-pens, Asthma Inhalers or other meds such as Benadryl must have current (unexpired) dates on the device/medication. Medications need to be with the player in a place known to the coaches and manager, not the parent! Meds produced upon taking the dugout. Player will sit in stands if required medication is not available, so come prepared.
3) Pitching Record/Affidavits filled out- going back at least two games/one week- with scorekeeper signatures to validate the form. Especially important for TOC participation.
4) Scoring- Home team provides the Official Scorekeeper, Visitors the Pitch Log Tracker, who sits with and supports the Official Scorekeeper. These people should be available 30 minutes before the scheduled start of the game- the Site Director is not responsible for finding them- remind your manager he is responsible to know who it is for your team for each game.
5) Announcer- between the two teams, someone to announce players up to bat and pitch count at the end of the half inning.
6) Coin toss 60 minutes before or as soon as a coach is available, no later than 45 minutes before to keep on schedule. Home team takes the 1st Base dugout.
7) Team Info form filled out- should be in order of player’s shirt #s. Can be done in advance. This is for the announcers. New copy for each game (3 copies for tournament)
8) Coaches/Managers names submitted in advance to Clay Berry to verify that they are qualified (2014 Clinic Attendance List).
9) Bats- Metal barrel- 1.15 BPF imprinted on barrel (all Divisions).
Jrs/Srs-Composite barrel- must have BBCOR .50 imprinted on the barrel (2014 LL regular season rules). See LL website for specific language if you are in doubt. Some composite barrel bats do not meet LL’s standard and cannot be used.
10) Printed set of Tournament Rules with the team manager.
Team Check-In form may be completed once and kept with the Pitching Record during the tournament. Any meds required or notes made to be reviewed with TSD at each game. If the Team Check-In form is missing, it must be redone.
Tournament Forms on the CA District 33 Little League website:
CA District 33 Little League, Link: District Handouts, then: D33 Tournaments-Common Forms on top and Tournament Rules and Brackets further down for the specific tournament. JTI Rules with each bracket are the same, happens over two weekends.
Report Scores by text 619-957-0828
Steve Taylor (858) 337-8699
CA District 33 Safety Officer
(858) 337-8699
Rev 5/29/17