Descriptor Term: IHE


REVISED DATE: 05/07/2015

Grading /Promotion/ Retention

The North Pike Schools recognize that retention is sometimes necessary and often beneficial. In accordance with state law, student performance on course objectives will be used as the principal basis for determining whether a student passes or fails the course. All students must successfully complete the core objectives as set by the state of Mississippi.

Elementary (K-4)

Students will be provided quality classroom instruction adhering to the MDE curriculum frameworks for all subjects. The students will be afforded the opportunity for interventions at both the Tier II and Tier III levels. Therefore, students must meet the following criteria to be promoted:

Kindergarten - Should master 70 percent of the objectives for each competency in the MDE 2006 Language Arts and 2007 Mathematics Curriculum Frameworks. If mastery of either area is not met, the decision to promote or retain shall reflect consideration of the child’s level of social, physical, and mental development, as well as the student’s level of achievement.

1st Grade - Should pass reading and math. If either is not passed, the decision to promote or retain shall reflect consideration of the child’s level of social, physical, and mental development, as well as the student’s level of achievement.

2nd-4th Grades - Must pass reading, English and math. If any one of these is not passed, the student is retained.

3rd Grade – 3rd graders must meet all promotion requirements as outlined in the Literacy-Base Promotion Act of 2013. Beginning in the 2014-15 school year, a student scoring at the lowest achievement level in reading on the established state assessment for 3rd grade will not be promoted to 4th grade unless the student meets the good cause of exemptions for promotion.

Middle School (5-8)

North Pike Middle School students shall be promoted to the next grade level once they satisfy all promotion requirements. A student who fails to meet a requirement shall be referred to an academic committee consisting of grade level teachers, and the counselor. This team will make recommendation concerning retention to the school principal. The school principal will make the final decision concerning retention or promotion.

Promotion Requirements:

  • 65% numeric average in Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies.
  • Students must complete all required work for each grade/course. All courses follow the guidelines found in the k-12 Mississippi Curriculum Frameworks.

High School (9-12)

In order to graduate from North Pike High School, a student must meet the following standards:

  1. Demonstrate ability to apply basic skills to everyday life situations successfully. Students will be required to meet all specific Carnegie unit requirements for graduation as listed by the Mississippi Department of Education.
  2. Each student musttake four subject areas exams (English II, Biology, Algebra I, and U. S. History)

3. Students will be required to attend high school for a minimum of three (3) years.


The following grading scale will be used by North Pike School District:



A: 90 – 100A:90 - 100

B: 80 - 89B:80 - 89

C: 70 - 79C:70 - 79

D: 60 - 69D:65 - 69

F: 59 - belowF:64 - below

Students with disabilities will receive grades fairly reflecting the student’s achievement on the instructional level on which the student is functioning. The procedure used for reporting grades will be such that everyone involved in reporting and using these grades will clearly understand that a high grade does not necessarily mean that a handicapping condition no longer exists. A high grade should accurately reflect that based on what is expected of a student with a given ability, the student is performing well. Actual grading will follow the district’s scale.

Early Graduation

North Pike High School will allow early graduation provided the student meets the following criteria:

  1. Attended school for a minimum of three (3) years and met all requirements set forth by the Mississippi Department of Education and the North Pike School District Board of Education.
  2. Maintain at least a 3.0 average in all course work for graduation.
  3. Declare by January 1 of their graduating year, their intention to graduate early.

(If student wishes to march at graduation they must fill out the proper paper work prior to January 1, and turn in to the High School Office. All fees for early graduation will be non-refundable.)

Note: Early Graduation consists of graduating at the end of the junior year or the end of the first semester of the senior year.

Opt Out Program

The Mississippi Department of Education provides a way for students to graduate using previous standards, specifically Appendix A-2 of the Mississippi Public School Accountability Standards, 2007. While the North Pike School Board and the North Pike Administration does not encourage opting to graduate with a lower standard of coursework, we do recognize that in certain circumstances parents may determine that it is in the best interest of their child.

Guidelines for the Opt Out Program

  1. The parent(s) or legal guardian(s) must schedule a meeting with the high school principal to discuss the options of this program.
  2. A student may not opt out of Appendix A-3 prior to their junior year.
  3. A student may not have early graduation or early release if they are using the opt out program.
  4. An official form must be signed by the parents, the student and the high school principal for a student to be eligible for the opt out program. This must be done with all parties present.
  5. Students transferring to North Pike High School as a senior will not be eligible for the optout program.

Students must earn 24 credits to graduate.

Mississippi Virtual Public School

  1. North Pike High School will accept all credits earned through MVPS provided they meet all requirements set by the North Pike School District and the Mississippi Department of Education.

Summer School and Correspondence

  1. Course must be approved by the Commission on School Accreditation.
  2. The correspondence can be taken ONLY during the summer.
  3. Correspondence must have prior approval of the high school principal.


Each graduating student will have earned three (3) of the last four (4) Carnegie units at North Pike High School. The credits of students transferring to North Pike from accredited schools during their senior year will be accepted. Students transferring from non-accredited schools will be tested and then placed.

Graduation Ceremonies

1.The school district shall limit the scheduling of formal graduation ceremonies to those honoring students who have successfully completed prescribed secondary school graduation requirements. The school district shall schedule preparation for graduation ceremonies in such a manner that graduating students will not be absent from classes for more than three (3) days.

2.A secondary school shall not deliver a diploma or any substitute for a diploma (signed or unsigned) to a student who fails to meet the requirements for graduation. Any student who fails to meet the graduation requirements shall NOT be permitted to participate in graduation exercises. Students who have completed satisfactorily the district’s curriculum for special education may be awarded a high school certificate which states, “This student has successfully completed an Individualized Education Program.” This student will be permitted to participate in graduation exercises.

Basic Education Certificate Requirements (BEC)

  1. In order to receive a BEC, a student must first be ruled eligible for special education services by the Mississippi Regional Screening Team, placed and currently participating in approved special education programs of the North Pike Schools.
  2. Each six/nine weeks, a teacher-made test will be given covering the IEP objectives taught during the six/nine weeks. The student must receive an average of 60% over the year to receive credit toward a BEC.
  3. The local school district has a core curriculum for students who are seeking basic education and life skills development. This curriculum includes appropriate academic instruction, vocational orientation/training, and social skills development. Every student who completes this approved course of study by or before the age of 21 will receive the BEC.
  4. Upon successful completion of the BEC guidelines for North Pike Schools, students with disabilities will be entitled to receive a BEC or a diploma and must be allowed to participate in graduation exercises.

If the student is to pursue a regular diploma, the IEP will reflect this and special education services will be provided to assist the student in reaching this goal. At intervals, but at least annually, the student’s IEP will be reviewed and revised as his/her needs dictate. The possibility for change from regular diploma to life skills curriculum or from life skills curriculum to regular diploma will remain open.