Wednesday, October 4, 7:30 PM
White Oak Room, Thatcher South
- Call to Order: Gavin Finch
- Worship Thought & Prayer: Rhidge Garcia
- Opening Announcements: Gavin Finch
- Gavin: Last meeting I noticed that we have a lot of side-conversations, if we could keep that at a minimum, or you’ll hear the bang of the gavel. Also, I’d like to suspend the rules to allow Negron to speak.
- Vote: Unanimous
- Negron: Good evening, just a short announcement: April 4-7, 2018. That is the Adventist Intercollegiate conference, and this year we are hosting it at the Cohutta. We are going to have a role for the Senators. Basically, we will be asking you to dedicate one day of that week where you will be our support team. You will be paid and excused from classes. We will transport you there in the morning, and bring you back in the evening. More details will come as we get closer to the date. Be prepared, we are including you in AIA.
- Student Association Budget 2017-2018: Caleb Howard, AlyannaMonta
- Caleb: Anyway, we’ve spent quite a bit of time developing this budget. A quick overview, column B is what we spent last year, C is what we budgeted for last year, and D is what we’ve budgeted for this year. (Minutes stopped being taken as the Secretary had to control the Excel sheet of the budget on the projected screen.)
- Vote to Approve Proposed Budget: Unanimous in Favor
- HD Projector: Gary Sewell
- Sewell: Thank you for your time. The request is for money to purchase a large-venue projector. AV used to have a projector. As it is over 10 years old, it is no longer fixable. The overall cost for this project is $40,000. We’re not asking that from you. It’s already half-funded ($10k from SVAD & $10k from IT). We are trying to get the same projector as exists in the Collegedale Church. The lens are $5k, the screen adds to this cost for a final total cost of $40,000. It is not 4K, it’s a 16:10 (1920 x 1200). We are asking for $7,500 from Senate because groups have spent upwards of $5k per rental in the past. If we can buy one now, we won’t have to continue renting. It can be used for many events (Superbowl party, SVAD year-end show, etc.)
- (Gavin clarifies Parli Pro)
- Lopez: Has SA agreed to pay?
- Gary: This hasn’t been presented yet, they haven’t seen this. They’ll see it as soon as they can.
- Walters: What’s the difference between a question and discussion? (He’s answered) You’re requesting separate funds from SA and Senate, correct? And the total price is… (answer provided).
- Gomez: Where will it be installed?
- Sewell: It will be portable, housed at AV, not used by everybody. There will be stringent guidelines as to who can use it. AV will be managing and protecting it, making sure it’s maintained, just as we do today.
- Gomez: So, can clubs/ organizations borrow it?
- Sewell: It won’t be “borrowed” in the sense of checking it out. You wouldn’t need a projector like that for a small group, only large events.
- Martinez: Do we know how much of the budget this would make/ take up? (47%)
- Esteban: Two questions. First, every time a projector was rented it cost $5K, how many times was one rented last year? (twice) Also, as an engineering major I find it hard to believe that the old projector is unable to be replaced. Has there been an attempt to source parts from a third party?
- Sewell: I don’t want to source from another used projector. That’s putting a Band-Aid on it. We looked all over the place for new parts, but companies refused to work with us. Understand the relationship we have with Panasonic: The engineers from Japan come to talk with us so we can get the best service possible. So when we talk with them, we’re getting the best source of information.
- Huerfano: So, this won’t be installed? (No, it will be portable)
- Sewell: This will not be installed anywhere.
- Huerfano: This isn’t 4K, so what’s the life expectancy?
- Sewell: We’re expecting about 10 years out of it. It depends on how the industry works. When I get the pool of funds, I’ll go back to manufacturers and haggle our way to the best possible projector possible. Chances are, I’ll spend more of the money than what this proposed budget shows. If I can get a better model, I’ll find the funds for it.
- Lopez: Don’t we already have a fast-fold screen?
- Sewell: We have multiple, but this will be the largest 16:10 that we have, much larger than anything we have now?
- Lopez: How’d it break?
- Sewell: It’s old. We treat everything we have with the best care. If you take a look at the gym, the sound system cost $192k. That was a one-time thing, as is this.
- Arvelo: When this projector will need to be repaired, what’s the budget on that?
- Sewell: We purchase it through Panasonic, get a five-year warranty through our representative (parts & labor). After that point, we’ll still go through Panasonic, but have to pay for repairs. And if repairs exceed the value of the product, we’ll make a decision as to if we’ll get a new one or not.
- DeRose: You mentioned other AV projects, where did the funding for that come from?
- Sewell: That was a capital request from Administration. Sometimes it’s done through a building project such as renovation. In this case, we were asked to find additional funding sources due to budget challenges, limited capital, & also SA is one of the primary users of this projector. Honestly, if I can speak freely, it’s all of us contributing to make this happen. We’re trying to get the users to contribute towards this.
- DeRose: Also, can you explain what we are buying? What are we looking at? Do we need to spend this money?
- Sewell: Projectors come in all types of realms. They’re considered to be a commodity. Smaller projectors won’t have the power for a screen that’s 26 feet wide. So, we have to go to a larger venue of a system, which would have better components. It’s a middle-of-the-road projector that does the best job it can for its price range. We went with something we found to be exceptional in its quality and will give everything you’re looking for. IT is supporting the students, and we want to make this the best for you.
- Sosa: If Senate were to grant the money you’re requesting, where would it come from?
- Sewell: If we don’t get the money, we don’t get a projector. This is the cost of one.
- Medor: I move to close the period of questions.
- (Motion & vote passed)
- (Now moving into period of discussion)
- Esteban: First, I will say that I was not very appreciative of the way in which he answered my question. Second, I will say that based on his response, he does not have an idea of what part-sourcing really is. It’s a timely process, but certain people still have new components. We’d cripple our projects budget if we bought this. Also, do we need the newest projector? I also don’t believe that the amount of renting (twice per year) constitutes this purchase.
- Walters: Because it’s 47% of the projects budget, I think it’s unreasonable to spend that amount. Different projects will arise throughout the year, and I’m concerned that we’ll spend almost half our budget at only the third meeting of the semester. I plan on voting no to this bill.
- Gavin: Let’s keep the talking to the discussion floor.
- Lopez: SA, are you all sure that you’ll give him what he’s requesting of you ($12.5k)?
- Gavin: I’ve talked to him and they’re wanting to pull this from…
- (Rules suspended to allow Caleb to speak)
- Caleb: There is a chance that we could pay this money from various budgets.
- Negron: What Mr. Sewell said when he said executive budget, he meant my budget. Our Strawberry fest editor has said that she’ll send the money allocated for renting towards this project.
- Lopez: Do I propose something? I’m going to propose that we only give $2k.
- Medor: I forgot my question. I don’t think it’s a bad idea that they’re asking for this projector. The one that we have is old, and if we’re already paying that much every year, we should give some money towards this. If the school will use it for multiple events…
- (Amendment brought forward)
- Chase: I propose that we grant the project $2.5k instead of the original $7.5k.
- Vote to accept onto floor: Passed, now period of discussion.
- Sosa: Why that amount?
- Lopez: Caleb said that Strawberry will give $5k, so we should give that difference. It shows that we support the project, but it’s not a big part of our budget.
- Medor: Caleb said the $12.5k is coming from Cabinet.
- Caleb: I was informed by Negron that Strawberry fest will give $5k and his budget will cover the rest.
- Medor: From what I understand, how much will SA give if we give $2.5k?
- Lopez: Negron will have to give $12.5k. We shouldn’t give $7.5k from our budget, it’s too much.
- Muchiutti: Can we look at another budget?
- Gavin: All discussion must be on the proposed amendment.
- Walters: I like that we’d be spending less, but I’m concerned that we’d give them this money only if they find a projector.
- Lopez: I’m not sure.
- Walter: That’s my concern.
- Emilaire: I’m sure Negron said he’ll give money to match Strawberry’s giving.
- Negron: I don’t have a strong inclination as to which way I’d like to see you vote, but I will point out that if you’re going to argue about your budget, I always hear us talk about a need to spend this budget and for the past three years we’ve underspent.
- Lopez: So how do we do this? I feel that we should table this proposal.
- (Andrew Cuevas brought a point of order.)
- Smart moves to vote on the amendment, seconded
- Vote: Passed, moved to period of voting
- DeRose asked to have amendment read again
- Vote to pass amendment: Amendment fails, back to discussion on proposal
- DeRose: How can we vote on this proposal, it isn’t correct. There should be clarification, we’re voting on something that we don’t know anything about. Can Caleb address this, can we technically vote on something that doesn’t have much information?
- Gavin: It is incorrect when it says “SA”, but it is clear in reference to the Senate budget.
- Clark: How much did they pay for the projector that is currently here?
- Martinez: My father is a computer programmer, and he’s pretty good with finding cheap options. I still believe that $7.5k is a large amount, and I don’t think we’re sure what other projects will come forward.
- Smart: To answer your question, I understand that it’s $5k per rental. That’s about $10k per year. This would be cheaper in the long-run. My question is: if we vote yes to this and SA was to vote no, would Senate get the money back?
- Gavin: We wouldn’t be able to touch that money.
- Ramirez: I think we should…(amendment brought forward)
- Amendment: Amend proposal by striking $12.5k from SA and changing $7.5k to $3k from projects budget.
- Vote: Amendment fails, back to discussion.
- Ramirez: I move that we vote on what is given on this paper.
- Vote to end discussion: Passed
- Vote to allocate $7.5k towards projector: Unanimous opposed, project failed
- Lopez: Since we’ve said that we’ve rejected this, it cannot come back?
- Gavin: Yes, it cannot come back. Also, we will get used to Parli Pro, don’t sweat it.
- Lopez: so this proposal can be given to us next semester?
- Gavin: Potentially.
- Martinez: Say he wanted to bring this up this semester, but a lower price, could it happen?
- Gavin: Motions can be brought again, but technically someone could bring it back up now.
- Medor: I move that we move to the next item on the agenda, can I do that?
- Gavin: This will be simpler as time goes on.
- President’s Project: Phillip Warfield
- Phillip: I know it’s late (8:55 p.m.), but I have to ask: does anyone know about the Southern Giving challenge? Recall last year when Dr. Smith was celebrating 125 years and all the donations we were receiving. In essence, this year we will culminate our celebration with a party. There’s a matching challenge: up to $25k, every dollar will be matched that is donated by parents, alumni, students, etc. Here’s what’s good: We will have a vote for the most popular student club. The top five clubs will receive awesome prizes to do whatever they want to do. That money would be great for the clubs. (Reads prizes) Say that a club wins, they’ll get the top prize. If 500 students & alumni donated, the donations will be matched up to $25k, that goes a long way. The Southern Giving Day Party will be hosted by advancement. (Phillip speaks more of the happenings of that event) With that, we are proposing that Senate provide $2k for this event that’d benefit all students.
- Fox: Last year, we had a 24-hour period and we raised almost $100k. All the funds that we raised came back to you as scholarships, funds for projects, etc. We want to include students in this giving day by being social media ambassadors for this event. Students are more than welcome to donate $5, but don’t think only students will be giving that day. Alumni and friends will be giving, we also get an additional $25k if 500 donations are given. There it is.
- Smart: Can I move to vote on this?
- Motion to move to vote: Passed, pretty sure it was unanimous
- Vote to approve $2,000 towards advancement: Vote passes, money will be given to advancement.
- (Senator Medor left the meeting, as she had a meeting at 9)
- Presidential Appointments: Phillip Warfield
- Phillip: Another one.
- Esteban: What is this paper?
- Phillip: Hold up. That’s all about Southern Giving Day. They’ll create a site where there will be a countdown. That’s what it is. Well, committees. The thing is, sometimes there is rough communication between SA and faculty. I don’t have the complete list to very because professors haven’t gotten back to us. And due to faculty changes, some committees don’t have chairs. Here are the ones I have. (Lists students & committees)
- Phillip: These are not Senate committees, they’re university committees. There are several all across campus that deal with a range of issues. (Gives examples of committees) Here’s the students: (Results list of students & committees)That’s all I’ve got, any questions?
- DeRose: I move to enter a period of voting.
- Vote to accept appointments: Unanimous, appointments in place
- Spirit Week: Melanie Ramirez
- Ramirez: Senate Spirit week is coming up at the end of the month. Here’s what’s happening: There will be sweet sensation (candy) theme; different candies will be different themes. More information to come. It’s the weekend coming back from Midterm break leading up to Fall Festival.
- Pablo: SA Senate Spirit week begins when?
- Ramirez: October 16.
- Muchiutti: Are we supposed to send this information out, or do we wait for posters?
- Ramirez: Wait for posters, just tell people it’s happening.
- Smart: Is it the 16th?
- Ramirez: Yes.
- (Correction, it’s 23rd-27th)
- Clark moves to vote, nothing to vote on.
- Esteban moves to end discussion, but no discussion was had.
- Announcements: Gavin Finch
- Gavin: I sent an email concerning an event tomorrow. I need you all to be there in business formal attire. Also, something I have failed to mention: I am requiring one project per senator this year. I want a good quality project. Emailing, we weren’t on the ball. As I said in my last email, I want them sent out by the Sunday following meetings. I understand we’re busy, but it’s important that we communicate. Last, attire. We’ve had a run through hell. To simplify, they let us know today that they don’t have green jackets. I’m ending discussing on this. We’ll be going with Navy Blue. One thing I will add, I’ve heard talk about raising the apparel budget. If you are here for a jacket, I don’t want you on Senate. We’re here to serve the students. You can choose whether you’d like to pay cash or from stipend towards this jacket. We need you to mark and sign so we have documentation that you’re okay with this.
- Martinez: Would cash app be good?
- Gavin: No, just cash. Any other questions?
- Adjournment
Contact Info
Gavin Finch, Executive Vice President:
Laura Chase, Parliamentarian:
Andrew Cuevas, Executive Secretary:
Dennis Negrón, Sponsor:
Kari Shultz, Sponsor:
Doug Frood, Sponsor: