The Board of Park Commissioners of Decatur Park District, Macon County, Illinois, met in a regular session on Wednesday, the 6th day of January, 2016 at the hour of 12:00 Noon at the Decatur Park District Administration Office, 620 E. Riverside Avenue, Decatur, Illinois at which time and place there were present the following officers and members of said Board:
Jack Kenny, President
Bob Brilley, II, Vice President
Chris Harrison, Commissioner
Chris Riley, Commissioner
Stacey Young, Commissioner
A quorum of the members of the Board of Park Commissioners being present, President Kenny called the meeting to order and declared the Board to be in session for the transaction of business.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States was recited.
NO. 15634 A motion to approve items 1 - 2 on the Consent Agenda was made by Commissioner Riley and seconded by Commissioner Young. Upon call of the roll, all voted aye.
1. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
2. Bills for Approval
2015 GOLF SUMMARY DISCUSSION Executive Director Clevenger gave a recap of the golf Focus Group Meeting that was held in the fall. At that time, the outlook was grim. Since then, we have experienced great weather, and golf rounds have exceeded projections. Golf maintenance staff continues to do more with less each year. Staff recommends that Scovill remain open in 2016 with an abbreviated season, closing on September 30. Staff will look at ways to further reduce expenses at Scovill, such as less mowing. The turnaround this fall has been encouraging, and the mild winter has helped considerably.
After the Focus Group Meeting, Commissioner Brilley was against leaving Scovill open for another season due to losing money. With the possible amenities that may come to Decatur, we could experience an increase in golf numbers at Scovill. However, if the numbers do not increase, he will vote to close it on September 30, 2016.
Commissioner Harrison agreed and added that it is not feasible to close it for six months and then possibly reopen if a casino comes to Decatur. He will vote to keep it open for the 2016 season, but if the numbers do not change, we will no longer have Scovill after September.
Per Commissioner Young, we have to look at not only the park system but the entire community and what it could offer, what opportunities are out there and right-size the District. She agreed that Scovill should stay open until September.
Commissioner Riley agreed to leave it open until September and then evaluate the overall golf operations. Red Tail Run will be the winter course next season.
Commissioner Brilley added that mowing can be cut back, and Scovill will still be a nice golf course. This will save money on gas and employee hours.
CFO Buhr provided an overview of the recommended fees for the 2016 season. He reminded everyone that there were no fee increases last year and Scovill had decreased rates. This year, staff recommends reducing the junior season pass and including enrollment in the summer golf program. This is in an effort to grow the game and encourage juniors to try golf. Staff recommends reducing the daily fee for juniors, as well. For adults, no increases are recommended for the 5-day passes, Scovill only passes or the daily rate at Scovill or cart rental. He then explained the proposed increases to the 7-day pass which is still below what it costs the District to produce a round of golf. The pass recommendation is designed to address fee equity and course access for the daily or once-a-week golfer. Other changes to the fees include small increases on the punch pass rates and the daily fees at Hickory Point and Red Tail Run.
Golf Manager Kurt Rogers reiterated that in an effort to grow the game, we are trying to decrease the financial burden on parents and encourage kids to play golf. With support from golf partner DMH and help from the Decatur Golf Association in purchasing clubs, we can reach out to juniors. Kids will not be allowed to take the clubs home but use them and return them to the clubhouse.
This is a monumental step in increasing the game by giving access, opportunity and an entry point for kids. The junior pass is for kids up to 18 years old.
NO. 15635 Commissioner Brilley moved and Commissioner Harrison seconded a motion to adopt Ordinance No. 2016-1 Fixing rules to be observed and fees to be charged for the use of Decatur Park District Golf Courses as stated. All voted aye upon call of the roll.
AIRPORT Unfortunately the perimeter fence suffered some damage due to runoff from the heavy rains. The area of damage is in a section that was part of Phase II of the fence replacement project. The damage has been turned in to insurance and they are getting quotes on replacing the damaged section.
Air Choice One had a record year with 8,094 enplanements. Department of Transportation has approved the contract with Air Choice One for another two years, retaining the current options.
OPERATIONS The trails have been cleared and are open and usable after the flooding. There does not appear to be any damage.
Construction will soon start on renovations at the zoo on the surgical room. This is possible through a generous donation from Ramona Borders.
GOLF Scovill and Hickory Point had substantial flooding. The fence at Hickory Point was damaged due to debris. Scovill is open today.
Christmas sales were steady this season.
The second session of junior golf starts tomorrow night at the Indoor Golf Center.
Due to decreased play on weekday afternoons, the hours of operation for the Indoor Golf Center have been reduced.
RECREATION & FACILITIES There was a good turnout for the DISC Open House. Staff appreciates the efforts of the marketing department for getting the word out.
The Greater Decatur Chorale dinner and show performances are this Friday, Saturday and Sunday at Scovill Banquet Facility. The tickets usually sell out for this unique event.
There will be a Lacrosse Open House event tonight at the DISC from 6:00-8:00. The balls used are a little lighter than those used for outside play.
On the 18th at the DISC, Millikin University Cheerleaders will offer a Cheer Camp for kids. This is a nice partnership.
Father/Daughter Dance ticket sales are going well. Last year the event sold out.
CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Staff throughout the District is working on the budget. Staff is working with Speer Financial and Chapman & Cutler on the upcoming bond issue sale. There will be a required public hearing regarding the bond sale at the start of the next Board meeting.
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR In regards to the junior golf initiative, the Decatur Golf Association working with the Foundation to provide clubs for kids is another example of a nice partnership. Their ability to help us allows the District to roll the instructional component into the golf pass for juniors.
Commissioner Young agrees with the decrease to passes for junior golfers. Raising fees is not an easy decision to make.
Commissioner Riley thanked Mother Nature for the nice fall weather and thanked staff for the time spent working through the golf numbers. We have a good strong plan to get through next season.
Commissioner Brilley is proud to know that money raised through the car show is going to help junior golf. He thanked staff for their work in making the Fore on the Floor Car Show happen.
Commissioner Riley made and Commissioner Harrison seconded a motion that the meeting adjourn. All of the Commissioners voted aye and the meeting adjourned at approximately 12:45 p.m.
/s/ Jack Kenny
President, Board of Park Commissioners
/s/ Amanda M. Childress
Secretary, Board of Park Commissioners