Español 2 JE #______
Mi nombre es______
The Direct Object (DO)
I.The Direct Object (DO) of a sentence is the person or thing that is directly receiving the action.
To find the direct object of a sentence we ask:
Who or what is directly receiving the action (verb)?
o Example: Bill threw the ball.
o Who or what did Bill throw? ______
o Direct Object= ______
II. Direct Object Pronouns (DOP’s) are used to replace direct objects in a sentence.
me / noste / X
lo, la / los, las
o Example: Bill threw the ball.
o In English: replace the DO (the ball) with it.
o In Spanish: replace the DO (the ball=la pelota) with la.
III. Pronoun Placement – DOP’s are placed directly before the conjugated verb.
o Example: Bill threw the ball.
o In English: replace the DO (the ball) with it.
§ New sentence: Bill threw it.
· Notice that the DOP is placed after the conjugated verb in English.
o In Spanish: replace the DO (the ball=la pelota) with la.
§ New sentence: Bill la tiró.
· Notice that the DOP is placed before the conjugated verb in Spanish
- Underline the Direct Object, then write the Direct Object Pronoun you would use in English to replace the Direct Object.
Example: Mrs. Ramos gave ducks to Mrs. Cuéllar. DO= ducks DOP=them
- We want to write the letter. ______
- They are going to play the game. ______
- I like to eat pickles and ice cream for lunch. ______
- The students have to turn in the homework tomorrow. ______
- She is cleaning her glasses. ______
- Who broke my glass? ______
- Are they selling Diet Cherry Pepsi? ______
- We’re sending the gifts via UPS to Ramos who’s in R25. ______
- Grandpa Giovanni wears a purple tutu. ______
- Snoop Dogg likes to watch Winnie the Pooh. ______
B. Complete the following grid by:
●Underlining the Direct Object ●Writing the English Direct Object Pronoun
●Writing the equivalent Spanish Direct Object Pronoun
●Creating a grammatically correct sentence in Spanish by inserting the Spanish Direct Object Pronoun
Underline the DO / EnglishDOP / Spanish
DOP / New sentence
Bob looked at the book. / Book / Libro=lo / Bob lo miró.
1. She wrote a paper.(el papel) / Ella ______escribió.
2. She kissed the dog. (el perro). / Ella ______besó.
3. We bought the cows. ( las vacas) / Nosotros ______compramos.
4. We will sell the house. (la casa) / Nosotros ______venderémos.
5. We are going to wash the goats. (las cabras) / Nosotros______vamos a bañar.
6. They eat the rice. (el arroz) / Ellos ______comen.
7. We have to paint the cat. (el gato) / Nosotros ______tenemos que pintar.
8. My cousin is singing the song. (la canción) / Mi primo ______está cantando.
9. I’m going to clean the floor.(el piso) / Yo______voy a limpiar.
10. She is going to tell the truth. (la verdad) / Ella ______va a decir.