Stan Betts’ Presentation on Conducting Races at MBYC
3 March 2003
Start at least two months prior to the regatta choosing a PRO and assembling the rest of the Race Committee. Besides the PRO, you need 4 people for two Mark Set boats, including at least one good MS boat driver, and 3 additional people for the Barca. Two Mark Set boats are recommended in case of breakdowns. You may also want to have two people to man the Tower. It has been argued that the most common reason for poorly run races at MBYC is a short-handed RC.
Day of race, arrive early and have Barca on station at least 15 minutes prior to first start. Then you are prepared in case of the unexpected. Anchor the Barca North of “6” to keep the starting line out of the current that flows past Fiesta Island. Watch the wind for several (15) minutes to get a feeling for the trend and fluctuation pattern.
Under normal circumstances (SW to NW wind), set a flag buoy to weather of one of the permanent marks on the East side of the bay (generally “5”, “6”, or “7”). Then choose a course based on that set-up. This is easier than trying to pick a course based on the pre-printed wind directions and trying to arrange the flag buoys properly. Set the remaining buoys appropriately.
Set the starting line so that the pin end is slightly favored (3 to 7 degrees). Best way to set line is to have the Mark Set boat drop the mushroom buoy well to weather of the intended location, then drag the flag downwind until PRO signals to drop it.
Don’t wait for competitors to arrive unless there is some reason for them to be late, like a broken hoist. Start races on time!
The “New” starting system
From Warning to Start is either 3 minutes or 5 minutes. Prefer 3 minutes inside bay.
Multiple beeps 1 minute before first class warning.
Warning – Class flag goes up, one horn.
Prep – One minute after Warning. “P”, “I”, “Z”, or Black goes up, one horn. Flag definition below.
Prep down – One minute before start. Lower Prep flag, one loooong horn.
Start – Class flag down, one horn.
Warning for next class should be either coincident with previous start or 1 minute after previous start.
If horn malfunctions, do not sound late. Raise AP (postponement) with two sounds and restart the sequence: lower AP with one sound – warning exactly one minute after lowering AP.
Individual recalls –
Raise “X”, one horn.
Write down all the over boat numbers you can see.
Don’t hail boats over unless required. Hailing is not required according to MBYC sailing instructions on the bay and tower charts. Prefer not to be required to hail. Good reason to allow a throw-out.
Do not dip “X” flag when a boat crosses. Can be misinterpreted by other boats.
Lower “X” when: 1) all boats have cleared, 2) Prep down for next start, or 3) 4 minutes have passed since start.
General recalls –
Try to have individual recalls unless the vast majority of the fleet is over early. Err toward letting one or two early starters go rather than calling general recall. If you have to call general recall, look for the reason (hint: it’s you, the RC). Could be too short line, or one side overly favored.
Raise “First Substitute”, two horns.
Fix problem with line.
Lower “FS” after some integral number of minutes.
Warning for next start exactly one minute later.
Flag Definitions
“P” – No special rule. Boats over at the start may dip line to restart.
“I” – Boats over the line or its extensions[SS1] between Prep Lower and Start must round one end of the line to restart.
“Z” – Boats over the line between Prep Lower and Start receive 20% penalty, even if race is restarted.
Black – Boats over the line between Prep Lower and Start are disqualified, even if race is restarted.
[SS1]Is this true re: extensions? I thought it was the triangle between the line ends and the weather mark? Maybe too detailed for this doc…?