Health, Safety and Security
Information For
Conference Delegates
And Visitors
University Emergency Telephone Number 3200
Fire, Police and Ambulance 999
University Security 2086
Fire Evacuation Procedure
If you Discover a Fire
Leave by the nearest exit, following green fire exit signs
Do Not stop to collect personal belongings.
Sound the fire alarm on route (by breaking glass in call point).
Close all doors on the way.
Call Fire Brigade (Tel 999).
Call Security Control Room (internal extension 3200 or externally 342086).
Assemble in an adjacent car park.
Do Not re-enter the building until instructed to do so by a University Officer.
If you hear the Fire Alarm
Leaveby the nearest exit following green fire exit signs.
Do Not stop to collect personal belongings.
Close all doors on the way.
Assemble in an adjacent car park.
Do Not re-enter the building until instructed to do so by a University Officer.
Do Not Attempt To Fight A Fire Unless Your Escape Is Blocked
Never Use a Lift in a Fire Evacuation
If you have a mobility problem you should attempt to leave the building. However, provided you can reach a protected enclosure, such as a stairwell or linked building, you will be safe for at least 30 minutes. Tell someone that you are remaining behind and that the Fire Brigade, Security or Health and Safety must be told. You may ask a friend to stay with you. Once informed, the Fire Brigade can then effect a rescue.
Accident Reporting
If you sustain an injury while on the University’s Campus, you should complete a University Accident/Incident Report Form, which may be obtained from the Security Control Room in the Library. The completed form should be left at the Security Control Room, following which it will be investigated by the University’s Health and Safety Centre.
Should you wish to discuss any incident with the University’s Health and Safety staff the officer on duty in the Security Control Room will arrange this for you.
First Aid
There are many trained First Aiders throughout the University Campus. If you require any treatment either call in, or telephone the Security Control Room on ext 3200 and it will be arranged for a First Aider to carry out any treatment.
If you require an AmbulanceTel 999 stating building where required. Also inform Security Control Room on ext 3200 that you have called one.
Uniformed Security Officers patrol and monitor the Campus on CCTV. If you have any Security concerns, or problems (including car parking), contact a Security Officer, or call in, or telephone the Security Control Room on ext 2086
Document Title: Health, Safety and SecurityInformation ForConference Delegates and VisitorsLast Review Date / 3rd May 2018 / Author / S Westcough
Next Review Date / 3rd May 2019 / Author Role Title / Health and Safety Adviser