October 4 – 5, 2008
The Privateer Yacht Club is proud to host the 2008 USODA South Eastern Optimist Championship Regatta.
The official document covering this Regatta are the Sailing Instructions given out on race day
1. Dates and Venue
The 2008 USODA South Eastern Championship will be held on October 4 – 5, 2008 at Privateer Yacht Club, Chattanooga, Tennessee. www.privateeryachtclub.org
2. Organization and Rules
2.1 The regatta will be organized by the Privateer Yacht Club (PYC) in conjunction with the USODA and will be sailed under the “rules” as defined in the current Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS).
2.2 The following racing rule(s) will be changed (the changes will appear in full in the sailing instructions):
a) RRS 63.7 will be replaced with: "If there is any conflict between the sailing instructions
and this notice of race, the sailing instructions shall apply."
b) RRS 61.1 (2) will be changed to require a boat to display a red flag if she intends to protest concerning an incident in the racing area.
c) RRS 61 will be changed to require a boat to inform the race committee finish boat immediately after finishing of its intention to protest another boat and provide the sail number of the protested boat.
d) Appendix P, Immediate Penalties for Breaking Rule 42, will apply as modified by the sailing instructions.
3. Eligibility
3.1 Competitors are required to be current members of the USODA or the Optimist organizing authority for the country of their residence and have been born on or after January 1, 1993.
3.2 Competitors must have completed all parts of the registration and other applicable forms together with all fees, postmarked by September 1, 2008 or with applicable late fee received by PYC on or before 9:00 AM, October 4, 2008. Checks should be made payable to “Privateer Yacht Club” and sent to 4737 Adams Road, Hixson, TN 37343.
3.1 A “Safety Check” off sheet will be given out at registration that must signed by a race officer after checking your equipment and turned into registration before you are officially entered.
4. Format of the Regatta
For the Championship or the Green Fleet, in the event that there are more than 80 sailors registered per fleet, that fleet may be divided into divisions.
5. Schedule
Friday 16:00 – 20:00 Check in and Registration
Saturday October 4 07:30 Continental Breakfast
07:30 – 09:00 Check in and Registration
09:30 Skippers’ meeting
010:00 Harbor Start (Championship)
Racing to follow
Lunch on the water*
TBA Dinner
Sunday October 5 07:00 Continental Breakfast
09:00 Harbor Start (Championship) Racing to follow
14:00 No warning signal after this time
Awards Ceremony
* Or on shore at the Race Committee’s discretion
6. Racing
The racing area will be on Lake Chickamauga, on the Tennessee River off of the Privateer Yacht Club.
7. Course
The course(s) for the Championship Fleet and Green Fleet will be at the discretion of the race committee, discussed at the respective skippers meeting and posted on the committee boat.
8. Scoring
8.1 One race is required to complete the regatta.
8.3 A competitor’s worst finish may be discarded when six or more races have been completed.
9. Sailing Instructions
Sailing Instructions will be available at the onsite registration.
10. Measurement
10.1 Competitors are allowed to use only one hull, daggerboard, rudder (with tiller and extension), mast, boom, sprit and sail during the regatta. Substitution of such equipment shall occur only with the Jury’s approval.
10.2 All boats shall comply with current IODA “Class Rules” and “Plans”
10.3 There may be measurement inspection on shore or in the water at any time.
11. Safety Requirements
11.1 Each competitor must wear a US Coast Guard approved personal flotation device (PFD), properly secured at all times, from dock to dock except when temporarily adding or removing clothing. Wet suits, dry suits and inflatable PFD’s do not constitute adequate personal buoyancy. Failure to wear one will result in a penalty up to and including disqualification.
11.2 A whistle must be attached with a lanyard to PDF. Competitors not complying with this instruction shall be given a penalty of five (5) points for each race in which they have failed to observe this instruction.
11.3 Other Safety Checklist requirements:
· Bailer attached to boat
· Painter properly attached to boat with loop at outboard end
· Daggerboard tied into boat
· Boom Bridle secured so that the distance from it to the boom does not exceed 100 mm
· Air bags are inflated and hold air
· Mast secured to hull so it can not leave mast step
All safety items may be checked at any time. Failure to comply may result in a penalty being accessed.
12. Required Forms: Designated Adult, Liability, and Health Care Authorization For Treatment
12.1 Parents/guardians are responsible for the safety of the sailor. It is the responsibility solely of the parents or designated guardian of the sailor to decide if the sailor should sail in the weather and sea conditions that might arise during the event. The adults supervising the competitors are ultimately responsible for the risks.
12.2 Each competitor shall have submitted in writing as a part of the registration form, the “Waiver Of Liability”, signed by the competitor and his or her legal parent or guardian, designating who shall be responsible for the safety of that competitor throughout the event.
12.3 The designated adult will accept full responsibility for all actions of the competitor during any activity related to the event. This includes on-shore activities before, during, and after the regatta.
12.4 Each competitor shall have submitted in writing as a part of the registration form, the “Authorization For Treatment”, signed by his or her legal parent or guardian.
13. Coach, Support and Spectator Boats
13.1 All coach and support boats shall register with the Race Committee and fly a designated flag from a staff at all times while on the water.
13.2 Coach and support boats shall stay clear of the racecourse from the preparatory signal onward until all racers have finished the race. In the event of an emergency coach and support boats may enter the corridor from the starting line to the finishing line to render assistance. All other boats must stay outside the course area at all times. It is the intention of this provision that each sailor has a support boat on the racecourse. If you are unable to connect with a coach for this purpose please notify the race committee.
13.3 All coach, support and spectator boats shall travel at low speed during races so their wake does not interfere with the competitors. Failure to comply may result in a penalty being applied to your sailor or team.
14. Entry fee
The early entry fee will be $80 if postmarked on or before September 1, 2008. Early entries will be guaranteed to receive a free regatta T-shirt. Registrations received or postmarked after September 1, 2008 and before October 1, 2008 must pay $100 for the registration fee. Registration received after October 1, 2008 must be made at the regatta site before 8:30 AM October 4, 2008 and will be $120. No registration will be accepted after 8:30 AM October 4, 2008
15. Trophies
Championship Fleet:
Overall: 1st – 3rd
Red Fleet: 1st – 3rd
Blue Fleet: 1st – 3rd
White Fleet: 1st – 3rd
Top girl: 1st – 3rd
Additional trophies will be awarded as the number of participants indicates
Green Fleet:
Participation awards for all competitors.
16. USODA Team Trials
This regatta is a qualifying regatta for the 2009 USODA Team Trials. Invitations to the 2009 USODA Team Trials will be extended to the top 25% Team Trial Eligible finishers of all registered sailors. The invitations are extended on the basis of the USODA policies published on the USODA web page – www.usoda.org .
17. Additional information
For additional information contact: Alisa Forester or Steve Sherman at , 800 784 6478 or on the day of the regatta at PYC 423 877 9411.
18. Effective Date.
This Notice of Race is effective September 18, 2008.