Supplement 1. The detailed demographic of the included patients.

Group / Patient No. / Age / Sex / Sites (tooth no.) / Reason of bone augmentation / Bone augmentation material (bone substitute/barrier membrane)
APF Group
1 / M / 60 / 45, 46 / Extraction socket / Bio-Oss®/Bio-Gide®
2 / M / 61 / 35, 36, 37 / Dehiscence / Autogenous bone + Bio-Oss®/ Bio-Gide®
3 / M / 62 / 45, 46, 47 / Dehiscence / Autogenous bone + Bio-Oss®/ Cytoplast
4 / M / 64 / 46, 47 / Large defect (staged approach) / Puros® cancellous microchips/Gore-Tex®
5 / M / 62 / 45, 46, 47 / Thin buccal plate / Autogenous bone + Bio-Oss®/Cytoplast
6 / M / 81 / 36 / Dehiscence / Bio-Oss®/Bio-Gide®
7 / M / 76 / 36, 37 / Dehiscence / Bio-Oss®/Bio-Gide®
8 / M / 76 / 46, 47 / Dehiscence / Bio-Oss®/Bio-Gide®
9 / M / 68 / 46 / Vertical defect / Autogenous bone + Bio-Oss®/ Bio-Gide®
10 / M / 67 / 35, 36, 37 / Dehiscence / Autogenous bone + Bio-Oss®/ Bio-Gide®
11 / F / 65 / 46 / Dehiscence / Autogenous bone + Bio-Oss®+ Puros® cancellous microchips/ Bio-Gide®
12 / M / 75 / 35, 36, 37 / Thin buccal bone remained on the implant / Bio-Oss®/Ossix-plus
13 / M / 61 / 45, 46, 47 / Thin buccal bone remained on the implant / Bio-Oss®/Ossix-plus
14 / M / 67 / 35, 36, 37 / Dehiscence / Bio-Oss®/Ossix-plus
15 / F / 57 / 45, 46 / Dehiscence / Autogenous bone + Bio-Oss®/ Bio-Gide®
1 / M / 81 / 36, 37 / Dehiscence / Autogenous bone + Bio-Oss®/ Bio-Gide®
2 / M / 60 / 36, 37 / Dehiscence / Bio-Oss®/ Bio-Gide®
3 / M / 61 / 45, 46, 47 / Dehiscence / Autogenous bone + Bio-Oss®/ Bio-Gide®
4 / M / 68 / 46, 47 / Dehiscence / Autogenous bone + Bio-Oss®/ Ossix-plus
5 / M / 63 / 46 / Dehiscence / Autogenous bone + Bio-Oss®/ Ossix-plus
6 / M / 62 / 35, 36, 37 / Gap defect / Autogenous bone + Bio-Oss®+ Puros® cancellous microchips/Bio-Gide®
7 / M / 50 / 36, 37 / Vertical defect / Bio-Oss®+ Puros® cancellous microchips/Bio-Gide®
8 / M / 71 / 45, 46, 47 / Dehiscence / ICB® cortical/ Bio-Gide®
9 / M / 81 / 37 / Dehiscence / Bio-Oss®/ Bio-Gide®
10 / M / 60 / 35, 36, 37 / Large defect (staged approach) / Autogenous bone (block bone)+ Bio-Oss®/-
11 / M / 64 / 35, 36, 37 / Dehiscence / Autogenous bone/ Bio-Gide®
12 / M / 65 / 35, 36 / Dehiscence / Autogenous bone/ Bio-Gide®
13 / F / 50 / 37 / Dehiscence / Autogenous bone/ Bio-Gide®
14 / M / 49 / 45, 46, 47 / Dehiscence / Autogenous bone + Puros® cancellous microchipsGore-Tex®
1 / F / 78 / 35, 36, 37 / Dehiscence / Autogenous bone + Bio-Oss®/ Ossix-plus
2 / M / 60 / 46, 47 / Dehiscence / Autogenous bone + Bio-Oss®/ Bio-Gide®
3 / M / 62 / 44, 46, 47 / Dehiscence / THE Graft/Ossix-plus
4 / F / 59 / 35, 36, 37 / Dehiscence / THE Graft/Ossix-plus
5 / M / 64 / 35, 36, 37 / Dehiscence / Bio-Oss®/Bio-Gide®
6 / M / 47 / 35, 36, 37 / Large defect (staged approach) / Autogenous bone + The graft®/-
7 / M / 65 / 36, 37 / Dehiscence / Bio-Oss®/Bio-Gide®
8 / M / 63 / 35, 36, 37 / Dehiscence / Bio-Oss®/Bio-Gide®
9 / M / 68 / 45, 46, 47 / Dehiscence / THE Graft/Ossix-plus
10 / F / 49 / 46, 47 / Dehiscence / Bio-Oss®/Bio-Gide®
11 / M / 52 / 45, 46, 47 / Dehiscence / Autogenous bone + Bio-Oss®/ Bio-Gide®

Bio-Oss®, Bio-Gide® (Geistlich Pharma, Wolhusen, Switzerland)

Cytoplast (Osteogenics, Lubbock, TX, USA)

Puros® cancellous microchips (Zimmer Dental, Carlsbad, CA, USA)

Gore-Tex®(W.L. Gore & Associates, Flagstaff, AZ, USA)

Ossix plus (Datum Dental Ltd, Telrad, Israel)

ICB Coritcal(TutoGenMedi- cal GmbH, Neunkirchen AM. Brand Germany)

THE Graft (Purgo Biologics, Seongnam-si, Korea)