1. College : Arts & Sciences

2. Department : Foreign Languages

3. Semester : Spring 2016

4. Course Code : ENGL 155


6. Timetable:

Day / Time / Classroom
Sunday / 3:00-3:50 / 4-15
Tuesday / 3:00-3:50 / 4-15
Thursday / 3:00-3:50 / 4-15

7. Faculty Name : Eric Warner

8. Office No. : 11G-14

9. Telephone Ext.: 728

10. E.-mail:

11. Office Hours:

Day / Time
Sunday / 11:00-1:00
Tuesday / 11:00-1:00
Thursday / 11:00-1:00

12. Text Book & References:

Text Book / References
Communication Skills Coursebook:
Fatima Salman & Dr. Paola Trimarco / Moodle quizzes and exercises
Various on-line readings

13. Course Description

This course aims to enable students to acquire the basic receptive and expressive communication skills they will need during their undergraduate studies and in their future careers. The main objective is to make students competent in the written and spoken L2 skills they will need for their English content curricula and future employment.
Students will practice written and verbal communication, both formally and informally, in various academic, professional, and social contexts. The emphasis will be on areas that will be useful to many students in the near future like letters of application, employment interviews and CVs.

14. Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the course students will be able to:

1. / Participate actively in group discussions and make relevant contributions.
2. / Demonstrate appropriate communication skills in written or oral form in professional and academic settings.
3. / Demonstrate improved presentation skills in English.
4. / Use key vocabulary in formal and informal communication appropriately.
5. / Verbalize data given in the format of graphs, tables, maps,...

15. Assessment Policy

Assessment process takes direct and indirect measurements to ensure that learning outcomes and program objectives have been achieved. The assessment includes assignments, quizzes, tests, projects and discussions. The type of assessment is indicated in the weekly plan table and the assessment details are as follows:



Assessment / Percentage % / Due
Presentation / 10% / weeks 13-16
Moodle Work
15% / Discussion on Moodle / 5 % / Ongoing (deadline for all discussions will be the 5th of May)
5 Moodle Quizzes / 5% / ongoing (deadline for all quizzes will be the 5th of May)
Employment Portfolio (to be submitted through Moodle) / 5% / Week 10 (deadline for submission will be the 5th of May)
Class work (participation, quizzes, assignments,…) / 5% / ongoing
Mid-term 1 / 15% / week 6 or 7
Mid-term 2 / 15% / week 11 or 12
Final Exam / 40% / week 17 or 18

16. Plagiarism Policy:

As per the University Policy UoN-STC-CR-1-2009, the following actions (not limited to), without proper attribution (quoting and/or referencing), will attract stringent penalties:
1.  To copy the work of another student;
2.  To directly copy any part of another person’s work;
3.  To summarize another person’s work;
4.  To use or develop an idea or thesis derived from another person’s work;
5.  To use experimental results or data obtained or gathered by another person;
6.  To demonstrate academic misconduct during an exam.

17. Attendance Policy

As per the University Absentee Regulations Uon-RR-AP-1-2009, Absentee warning notice will be issued to the student according to:
1.  “Absentee Warning 1” has to be issued to a student who has missed 5% of course contact hours.
2.  “Absentee Warning 2” has to be issued to a student who has missed 10% of course contact hours.
3.  “Drop one Grade” has to be issued to a student who has missed 15% of course contact hours.
4.  “Barred from Examination” has to be issued to a student who has missed 25% of course contact hours.
5.  “If a student’s unexcused absence is below 25% but his/her totalabsence reaches 25% or more of all contact hours of the course, he/she shall be required to withdraw from the course with a “ W” grade.”

18. Weekly Teaching & Assessment Plan:

Week No / Topic / Course Outcome / Assessment of Outcomes
1 / Orientation
Chapter 1-
Introduction to communication skills / Discussion and exercises
2 / spoken vs. written language, making introductions, starting conversations / Use the appropriate phrases for greetings, personal introductions and requests; discuss the differences between spoken and written communication; greet people and make introductions; make requests; introduce yourself at the start of a presentation; understand the styles of language used in emails
3 / making requests, writing emails, starting presentations
Supplementary skills/practice: Formal communication
4 / Chapter 2- Socializing; discussing social networking / Use terms to discuss social networking; use the appropriate phrases for expressing likes and dislikes and for agreeing and disagreeing; discuss social networking; express likes and dislikes; express agreement and disagreement; use body language in your presentations; use visual images in presentations / Discussion, exercises
5 / expressing likes and dislikes, expressing agreement and disagreement,
6 / using body language and visual images in presentations, writing online profiles,
review for mid-term 1
Supplementary skills/practice: socializing in Various situations
Mid-term 1
7 / Chapter 3- Starting a Career talking about careers and jobs / Use words for occupations; use the appropriate phrases for talking about careers and jobs; use the appropriate phrases for job applications and interviews; describe your goals and achievements; converse during a job interview; make short presentations for job interviews; write a CV and cover letter. / Discussion, exercises
8 / writing a CV and cover letter
speaking at job interviews, making presentations at job interviews
Supplementary skills/practice: Question formation
9 / Chapter 4- Persuading marketing and advertising / Use words to describe marketing and advertising; use the appropriate phrases for persuading; use persuasive language in conversation and in debate; use tables, charts and graphs to inform and persuade; write a persuasive advertisement; write a persuasive letter of complaint
10 / Spring Break / Discussion, exercises
11 / using persuasion in conversation and debates
12 / writing letters/emails of complaint,
using tables, charts and graphs in presentations
Supplementary skills/practice: Modal verbs
Mid-term 2
13-16 / Presentation Skills
Oral - Testing / Making formal presentations, as part of career-development / Exercises, and presentations
17 -18 / Examination week