November 17, 2015
TIME: 7:02 PM
November 17, 2015
La Cristal Maintenance Association
Board Meeting Minutes
Present: Dan Castoro, Tom Wilcox, Sheldon Haas, Barbara Schulman and Angela Carhart.
Tom updated the Board on two proposed amendments to the LCMA Declaration of Restrictions. Proposed amendments are attached. The draft amendments are titled “Lalique”, but would be the same for each plat. The attorney quoted a substantially reduced price for amending all documents at the same time.
· 1st amendment: Section 2 and Section 6 are revised to allow collection of past due assessments in the event of a foreclosure, as allowed by Florida law. Tom Wilcox proposed the revisions be approved by the Board and submitted to the homeowners for approval. Sheldon Haas second the motion. All were in favor.
· 2nd amendment: Section 5 is revised to change the “late date” for monthly assessments from the current 30 days to 15 days. This will make LCMA consistent with the CPHOA. Tom Wilcox proposed the revisions be approved by the Board and submitted to the homeowners for approval. Sheldon Haas second the motion. All were in favor.
Tom Wilcox then led a discussion on the alternatives related to the late date to be used on the 2016 payment coupons. After discussion of the alternatives, Angela Carhart made a motion for the 2016 payment coupons to reflect the 15th of the month. Tom Wilcox seconds the motion. All were in favor.
Some discussion on Invoice from Turf Tamers on replacing broken sprinkler heads. The LCMA documents state that La Cristal maintenance Association is responsible for the maintenance of broken sprinkler heads. The contract with TurfTamers requires TurfTamers to replace any sprinkler system items broken by TurfTamers, free of charge. Sheldon noted that during the negotiations for the landscaping contract, TurfTamers quoted a price of $10 for repairing any heads not broken by TurfTamers.
Commons area tree will be looked at again. Getting new proposals on designing area according to property layout.
Tom Wilcox proposed posting our meeting minutes on our website. Dan Castoro seconds the motion. All were in favor.
Angela Carhart made a motion to end the meeting at 8:09pm. Sheldon Haas second the motion. All were in favor.