Curriculum Vitae
Charles (Cheng-en) Guo
Office: BH 3532F, Computer Science Dept.University of California, Los Angeles
Tel: (310) 206-7372(o), (310) 397-5649(h)
URL: / Address: 3340 Sawtelle Blvd., Apt. 202
Los Angeles, CA 90066, USA
Fax: (310) 206-5658
Research Interests
Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Statistical Modeling and Computing, Image/Video Processing, Image/Video Compression, Bayesian Inference, Pattern Recognition, Computer Graphics, Human-Computer Interaction, Visual Art, etc. etc.
· Ph.D. / Computer Science Dept., University of California, Los Angeles, June 2004Thesis: “A Mathematical Theory of Textons and Primal Sketch”
Advisor: Prof. Song-Chun Zhu.
· M.S. / Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, June 1998.
· B.E. / Double Major with Honors, Mechanical & Computer Engineering,
Tsinghua University, China, July 1995.
Professional Experiences
· Sep. 2002 – present / Research Assistant, Center for Image and Vision Science, UCLA.· Nov. 2003 – Jan. 2004 / Intern, Microsoft Research Asia, Beijing, China.
· Jun. 2001 – Aug. 2001 / Intern, Kodak Research Lab, Rochester, NY.
· Jul. 1999 – Aug. 2002 / Research Assistant, OSU Vision and Learning Lab, Ohio State Univ.
· Jun. 1998 – Jun. 1999 / Research Assistant, Non-Destructive Evaluation Lab, Ohio State Univ.
· Sep. 1995 – Jun. 1998 / Research Assistant, Artificial Intelligence Lab
Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
· Jul. 1994 – Jul. 1998 / Research Assistant, Robotics Lab, Tsinghua Univ., China.
Membership and Awards
· Current / Student member of IEEE, IEEE Computer Society, and ACM.· 2001-2002 / Member of Phi Kappa Phi.
· 2000-2002 / Member of Upsilon Pi Epsilon.
· 1996-1998 / Excellent Graduate Student Scholarship, Institute of Automation, China.
· 1995 / Graduate with Honors, Tsinghua University, China.
· 1990-1995 / 1st class Scholarship, “JiangNanXiang” and “12.9” scholarships, Tsinghua.
Publications (All papers are available at
Journal Articles:
1. Cheng-en Guo, Song-Chun Zhu, and Ying Nian Wu,
“Modeling Visual Patterns by Integrating Descriptive and Generative Methods”,
International Journal of Computer Vision, Vol. 53, No. 1, pp.5-29, June 2003.
2. Jiebo Luo and Cheng-en Guo,
“Perceptual Grouping of Segmented Regions in Color Images”,
Pattern Recognition, vol. 36, no. 12, pp.2781-2792, December 2003.
3. Song-Chun Zhu, Cheng-en Guo, Yizhou Wang, and Zijian Xu,
“What are Textons?”,
International Journal of Computer Vision (to appear).
Conference Articles:
4. Cheng-en Guo, Ying Nian Wu, and Song-Chun Zhu,
“Scaling Laws on Complexity and Perceptibility”,
Proc. of 8th European Conf. on Computer Vision, 2004 (submitted).
5. Cheng-en Guo, Song-Chun Zhu and Ying Nian Wu,
“Towards a Mathematical Theory of Primal Sketch and Sketchability”,
Proc. of 9th International Conference on Computer Vision, pp.1228-1235, Nice, France, 2003.
6. Song-chun Zhu, Cheng-en Guo, Ying Nian Wu and Yizhou Wang,
“What are Textons?”,
Proc. of 7th European Conf. on Computer Vision, pp.793-807, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2002.
7. Ying Nian Wu, Song-Chun Zhu and Cheng-en Guo,
“Statistical Modeling of Image Sketch”,
Proc. of 7th European Conf. on Computer Vision, pp.240-254, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2002.
8. Jiebo Luo and Cheng-en Guo,
“Non-Purposive Perceptual Region Grouping”,
Proc. of IEEE Int’l Conf. on Image Processing, vol.2, pp.749-752, Rochester, NY 2002.
9. Cheng-en Guo, Song-Chun Zhu and Ying Nian Wu,
“Visual Learning by Integrating Descriptive and Generative Models”,
Proc. of 8th Int’l Conf. on Computer Vision, vol.1 pp. 370-377, Vancouver, Canada, 2001.
10. Song-Chun Zhu and Cheng-en Guo,
“Conceptualization and Modeling of Visual Patterns - A Modern Statistical Physics Foundation for Visual Complexity”,
Proc. of Third Workshop on Perceptual Organization in Computer Vision, Vancouver, Canada, 2001.
11. Song-Chun Zhu and Cheng-en Guo,
“Mathematical Modeling of Clutter: descriptive vs. generative models”,
Proc. of SPIE AeroSense Conf. on Automatic Target Recognition, Orlando, FL, 2000.
Invited Talks
1. Joint Statistical Meeting (JSM), San Francisco, CA, August 2003
2. Research Review, Computer Science Dept., UCLA, April 2003
3. Joint Statistical Meeting (JSM), New York, NY, August 2002
4. First SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics) conference on Image Science, Boston, MA, March 2002
Permanent Residence of US (pending, work permit and advance parole approved).
Prof. Song-Chun Zhu
Department of Statistics and Computer Science
University of California, Los Angeles
Address: 8130 Math Science Building
Box 951554,
University of California, Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA 90095
Tel: 310-206-8693
Fax: 310-206-5658
Prof. Ying Nian Wu
Department of Statistics and Computer Science
University of California, Los Angeles
Address: 8130 Math Science Building
Box 951554,
University of California, Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA 90095
Tel: 310-794-4860
Fax: 310-206-5658
Prof. Alan L. Yuille
Department Statistics and Psychology
University of California, Los Angeles
Address: 8130 Math Science Building
Box 951554,
University of California, Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA 90095
Tel: 310-267-5383
Fax: 310-206-5895
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