Trailer City Utility ServicesME- Building Group
- Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.
- This Section includes temporary utility service-distribution and specialties required to service job site office trailers with the following:
- Water service.
- Sanitary sewerage.
- Electrical power distribution.
- Product Data: For each type of product indicated.
- Wiring Diagrams: Power, signal, and control wiring.
- LEED Submittals
- Product Data for Credit MR 4: For products having recycled content, manufacturer documentation indicating percentages by weight of postconsumer and preconsumer recycled content.
- Include statement indicating costs for each product having recycled content.
- Product Data for Credit MR 5: For products and materials to comply with requirements for regional materials, provide documentation indicating location of product or material manufacturing location and the point of extraction, harvest, or recovery for each raw material.
- Include documentation on distance to project, contractor cost for each regional material, and percent by weight that is considered regional.
- Operation and maintenance data.
- Field quality-control test reports.
- Record drawings at project closeout according to Division 1 Section "Project Closeout." Record actual locations of all utilities including pipe locations, manholes, cleanouts, backwater valves, connections, length of pipe installed, rim elevations, and invert elevations.
- Water Service Standards: Comply with standards of authorities having jurisdiction for potable-water-service piping, including materials, installation, backflow prevention, testing, and disinfection.
- Piping materials shall bear label, stamp, or other markings of specified testing agency.
Delete paragraph below if NSF 14 is not applicable.
- NSF Compliance: Comply with NSF 14 for plastic potable-water-service piping. Include marking "NSF-pw" on piping.
- Electrical Standards: Comply with ANSI A10.6, NECA's "Temporary Electrical Facilities," and NFPA 241.
First subparagraph below may avoid unnecessary use of high-cost labor.
- Trade Jurisdictions: Assigned responsibilities for installation and operation of temporary utilities are not intended to interfere with trade regulations and union jurisdictions.
- Electric Service: Comply with NECA, NEMA, and UL standards and regulations for temporary electric service. Install service to comply with NFPA 70.
- Tests and Inspections: Arrange for authorities having jurisdiction to test and inspect each temporary utility before use. Obtain required certifications and permits.
Delete this Article if no existing utilities. Coordinate with requirements specified in Division 1 Section "Temporary Facilities and Controls" for temporary utilities.
- Existing Utilities: Do not interrupt utilities serving facilities occupied by Owner or others unless permitted under the following conditions and then only after arranging to provide temporary utility services according to requirements indicated:
Edit first subparagraph below to suit Project.
- Notify Owner's Representative not less than business two days in advance of proposed utility interruptions.
- Do not proceed with utility interruptions without Owner's Representative's written permission.
Edit this Article to suit Project if new water-service piping will connect to other on-site water-service piping.
- Coordinate connection to Owner's existing utilities without metering and without payment of use charges.
- Piping:
- Underground Polyvinyl Chloride :
- Water mains smaller than 4-inch diameter: Use Schedule 40 pipe, conforming to ASTM D 1785 with socket fittings conforming to ASTM D 2466 socket fittings; and solvent-cemented joints.
- Water mains 4-inch diameter and larger: Use AWWA C900, Class 200, with gasketed joints per ASTM D 3139 and ductile iron fittings per AWWA C153.
1) Gaskets: ASTM F477.
- Underground Soft copper tube conforming to ASTM B 88, Type K, water tube, annealed temper.
- Fittings: ASME B16.18, cast-copper-alloy or ASME B16.22, wrought-copper, solder-joint pressure type
- Aboveground Soft copper tube conforming to ASTM B 88, Type L, water tube, annealed temper.
- Fittings: ASME B16.18, cast-copper-alloy or ASME B16.22, wrought-copper, solder-joint pressure type
- Aboveground Crosslinked Polyethylene (PEX) flexible water tubing conforming to ASTM F 876.
- Fittings: ASTM F 1960, cold expansion fittings and cross-linked (PEX) reinforcing rings.
- Valves:
- AWWA, Cast-Iron, Gate Valves:
Retain any of two subparagraphs and associated subparagraphs below for valve types and pressure ratings required. Show required pressure ratings of valves on Drawings if more than one pressure zone is required.
- Nonrising-Stem, Metal-Seated Gate Valves: AWWA C500, gray- or ductile-iron body and bonnet; with cast-iron or bronze double-disc gate, bronze gate rings, bronze stem, and stem nut.
1) Minimum Working Pressure: 200 psig.
2) End Connections: Mechanical joint.
3) Interior Coating: Complying with AWWA C550.
- Nonrising-Stem, Resilient-Seated Gate Valves: AWWA C509, gray- or ductile-iron body and bonnet; with bronze or gray- or ductile-iron gate, resilient seats, bronze stem, and stem nut.
1) Minimum Working Pressure: 200 psig.
2) End Connections: Mechanical joint.
3) Interior Coating: Complying with AWWA C550.
Retain UL/FM, cast-iron gate valves for use with indicator posts and OS&Y gate valves for fire-service piping in vaults if required by authorities having jurisdiction.
- Gate Valve Accessories And Specialties
Retain paragraph and subparagraphs below for tapping connections larger than NPS 2 (DN 50).
- Valve Boxes: Comply with AWWA M44 for cast-iron valve boxes. Include top section, adjustable extension of length required for depth of burial of valve, plug with lettering "WATER," bottom section with base of size to fit over valve, and approximately 5-inch-diameter barrel.
- Operating Wrenches: Steel tee-handle with one pointed end, stem of length to operate deepest buried valve, and socket matching valve operating nut.
Retain below for underground valves.
- Backflow-Prevention Devices
- General: ASSE standard, backflow preventers.
- Working Pressure: 150 psig minimum, unless otherwise indicated.
- NPS 2 and Smaller: Bronze body with threaded ends.
Units in paragraph below are for moderate to high hazard and are available in NPS 1/4 to NPS 3 (DN 8 to DN 80). They are unsuitable for continuous pressure or protection from backflow.
- Pipe-Applied, Atmospheric-Type Vacuum Breakers: ASSE 1001, with floating disc and atmospheric vent.
Units in paragraph below are for high hazard and are available in NPS 3/4 to NPS 10 (DN 20 to DN 250).
Units in paragraph below are for low hazard and are available in NPS 3/4 to NPS 10 (DN 20 to DN 250).
Units in paragraph below are for moderate to high hazard and are available in NPS 1/2 to NPS 2 (DN 15 to DN 50).
- Antisiphon-Pressure-Type Vacuum Breakers: ASSE 1020, suitable for continuous pressure application. Include shutoff valves, spring-loaded check valve, spring-loaded floating disc, test cocks, and atmospheric vent.
- Maximum Pressure Loss: 5 psi through middle 1/3 of flow range.
- Polyvinyl Chloride Underground Sewer Pipe and Fittings: ASTM D 3034, Type PSM, SDR 35, for solvent-cemented joint per ASTM D 2855 or ring-tite gasketed joints per ASTM D 3212.
- Solvent Cement: ASTM D 2564.
- Gaskets: ASTM F 477, elastomeric seals.
- Polyvinyl Chloride Aboveground Pipe: ASTM D 2665, solid-wall drain, waste, and vent.
- Solvent Cement: ASTM D 2564.
- PVC Socket Fittings: ASTM D 2665, socket type, made to ASTM D 3311, drain, waste, and vent patterns.
- PVC Special Fittings: ASTM F 409, drainage-pattern tube and tubular fittings with ends as required for application.
- Precast Concrete Manholes: ASTM C 478, precast, reinforced concrete, of depth indicated, with provision for rubber gasketed joints.
- Diameter: 48 inches minimum, unless otherwise indicated.
- Ballast: Increase thickness of precast concrete sections or add concrete to base section, as required to prevent flotation.
- Base Section: 6-inch minimum thickness for floor slab and 4-inch minimum thickness for walls and base riser section, and having separate base slab or base section with integral floor.
- Riser Sections: 4-inch minimum thickness, and lengths to provide depth indicated.
- Top Section: Eccentric-cone type, unless concentric-cone or flat-slab-top type is indicated. Top of cone of size that matches grade rings.
- Gaskets: ASTM C 443, rubber.
- Grade Rings: Include two or three reinforced-concrete rings, of 6- to 9-inch total thickness, that match 24-inch-diameter frame and cover.
- Steps: ASTM C 478, ASTM D 4101 plastic coated, ASTM A 615 steel reinforced individual steps integrally cast into manhole sidewalls.
- Pipe Connectors: ASTM C 923, resilient, of size required, for each pipe connecting to base section.
- Manhole Frames and Covers: ASTM A 536, Grade 60-40-18, vented, ductile-iron castings designed for heavy-duty service. Include 24-inch ID by 7- to 9-inch riser with 4-inch minimum width flange, and 26-inch diameter cover. Include indented top design with lettering "SANITARY SEWER" cast into cover.
- Frame and Cover Model: Unless otherwise note on plans, East Jordan Iron Works, 1040Z with Type A solid cover or approved equal.
- Manufacturers: Unless otherwise directed by the Owner, provide products by one of the following:
- East Jordan Iron Works.
- Neenah Foundary Company.
- Approved substitute.
- Cleanouts:
- Cast Iron Cleanouts: ASTM A 74, Service class, cast-iron soil pipe and fittings.
- Cleanout Frames and Covers: ASTM A 536, Grade 60-40-18, ductile-iron castings designed for heavy-duty service. Include 9-inch ID by 7- to 9-inch riser with 2-inch minimum width flange, and 10.5-inch diameter cover.
- Unless otherwise note on plans, East Jordan Iron Works, 1565 with heavy duty solid cover or approved equal
- Heat-Tracing Cables: Self-regulating, electric heating cables suitable for freeze protection of metal or plastic piping.
- Cables: Pair of parallel No. 16 AWG tinned-copper bus wires embedded in cross-linked conductive polymer core, which varies power output in response to temperature along its length.
- Cable shall be capable of crossing over itself without overheating.
- Heat Output: At least 90 percent of rating over a temperature range from 40 to 150 deg. F pipe temperature.
- Cable Cover: Fabricated of cross-linked, modified, polyolefin dielectric jacket; with either of the following as directed by the Owner.
1) Tinned-copper braid; and polyolefin outer jacket
2) Stainless-steel braid; and polyolefin outer jacket with ultraviolet inhibitor.
- Pipe Thermostat: Unit with either of the following temperature controls as directed by the Owner, snap action; open-on-rise, single-pole switch with 25-A rating; and remote bulb for directly sensing pipe-wall temperature.
- Preset temperature of 130 deg. F.
- Adjustable temperature range from 35 to 50 deg. F.
- Pipe Insulation
- Flexible Elastomeric Thermal Insulation: Closed-cell, sponge- or expanded-rubber materials. Comply with ASTM C 534, Type I for tubular materials and Type II for sheet materials. Minimum thickness of 1 inch.
- Field-Applied Jackets: ASTM C 921, Type 1, unless otherwise indicated.
- Foil and Paper Jacket: Laminated, glass-fiber-reinforced, flame-retardant kraft paper and aluminum foil.
- PVC Jacket: High-impact, ultraviolet-resistant PVC; 20 mils thick; roll stock ready for shop or field cutting and forming.
- Conduit:
- Electrical Metallic Tubing (EMT): ANSI C80.3, zinc-coated steel, with set-screw or compression fittings.
- Rigid Steel Conduit (RSC): ANSI C80.1; galvanized steel.
- Rigid Nonmetallic Conduit (RNC): NEMA TC 2, Schedule 40 PVC, with NEMA TC 3 fittings matching conduit or tubing type and material.
- Distribution Cabinet: Owner will furnish transformer and distribution panel for installation by Contractor. Provide appropriate slab support for transformer and stanchions for support of the distribution panel.
- Conductors:
Include this Article for projects if branch circuits and feeders use nonmetallic sheathed cable, armored cable, metal-clad cable, or single conductor wire in raceway. For more complex projects, or if requirements are more stringent, delete this Article and specify conductors in Division 16 Section "Conductors and Cables."
- Conductors, No. 10 AWG and Smaller: Solid or stranded copper.
- Conductors, Larger Than No. 10 AWG: Stranded copper.
- Insulation: Thermoplastic, rated at 75 deg. C minimum.
- Wire Connectors and Splices: Units of size, ampacity rating, material, type, and class suitable for service indicated.
- Miscellaneous Electrical Materials:
- Provide bus plugs, fuses and related items required to complete tap to existing distribution system.
- Refer to Division 2 Section "Earthwork" for excavating, trenching, and backfilling.
- Pipe Applications:
- Underground: PVC.
- Aboveground: Soft copper tube.
- Valve Applications: Use mechanical-joint-end valves for NPS 3 and larger underground installation. Use threaded- or flanged-end valves for installation in vaults. Use UL/FM, nonrising-stem gate valves for installation with indicator posts. Use corporation valves and curb valves with ends compatible with piping, for NPS 2 and smaller installation.
- Joint Construction: Make pipe joints according to the following:
- Aboveground Copper Tubing Soldered Joints: ASTM B 828. Use flushable flux and lead-free solder.
- Aboveground Crosslinked Polyethylene (PEX) Joints: ASTM F 1960. Use cold expansion fittings and cross-linked (PEX) reinforcing rings.
- Underground PVC Piping:
- Gasketed Joints: Use joining materials according to AWWA C900. Construct joints with elastomeric seals and lubricant according to ASTM D 2774 or ASTM D 3139 and pipe manufacturer's written instructions.
- PVC Solvent Welded Joints: Construct joints in accordance with ASTM D 2855. Use solvent cement per ASTM D 2564.
- Dissimilar Materials Piping Joints: Use adapters compatible with both piping materials, with OD, and with system working pressure.
- Water Piping Installation
- Water Service Connection: Arrange with Owner for tap of size and in location indicated in water main.
- Make connections to building water piping systems by installing tee and valves, unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings, or directed.
- Install copper tube and fittings according to CDA's "Copper Tube Handbook."
- Install PVC, pipe according to ASTM F 645.
- Bury piping with minimum depth of cover over top at least 30 inches, or with top at least 12 inches below level of maximum frost penetration, whichever is deeper.
- Terminate piping with caps, plugs, or flanges as required for piping material.
Delete this Article if anchorages are not required.
- Anchorage: Install anchorages for all ductile iron tees, plugs and caps, bends, crosses, valves, and branches using one of the following methods:
- Mechanical Joint Restraints: Restraint devices shall consist of multiple gripping wedges incorporated into a follower gland meeting the applicable requirements of ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10.
- The mechanical joint restraint device shall have a working pressure of at least 250 psi with a minimum safety factor of 2:1. The restraint device shall be the Megalug Series 2200PV restraint as produced by EBAA Iron, Inc. or approved equal.
- Push-on joint restraints: Use thrust blocks, anchors, tie-rods and clamps, and other supports.
- Thrust Blocks: 3000 psi concrete in 28 days, ASTM C 94, Grade 60 reinforcing steel, ASTM A 616.
- Anchor piping penetrating building walls.
- Valve Installation: Comply with AWWA C600 and AWWA M44. Install each underground valve with stem pointing up and with valve box.
- Backflow-Preventer Installation
- Install backflow preventers of type, size, and capacity indicated. Include valves and test cocks. Install according to requirements of plumbing and health department and authorities having jurisdiction.
- Do not install backflow preventers with relief drain in vault or other space subject to flooding.
- Do not install bypass piping around backflow preventers.
Revise below to suit Project or delete.
- Connections
Coordinate piping installations and specialty arrangements with schematics on Drawings and with requirements specified in piping systems. If Drawings are explicit enough, these requirements may be reduced or omitted.
- Connect water-distribution piping to existing water main. Use method as indicated on the Drawings.
- Connect water-distribution piping to interior domestic-water piping.
- Aboveground Piping:
- Install piping according to local building and plumbing codes.
- Install with minimum slope of 2 percent downward in direction of flow, unless otherwise indicated.
- Use transition fitting to join dissimilar piping materials.
- Make changes in direction using appropriate branches, bends, and long-sweep bends. Sanitary tees and short-sweep 1/4 bends may be used on vertical stacks if change in direction of flow is from horizontal to vertical.
- Use long-turn, double Y-branch and 1/8-bend fittings if 2 fixtures are installed back to back or side by side with common drain pipe. Straight tees, elbows, and crosses may be used on vent lines. Do not change direction of flow more than 90 degrees.
- Use proper size of standard increasers and reducers if pipes of different sizes are connected. Reducing size of drainage piping in direction of flow is prohibited.
- Install supports for piping at 48 inches maximum horizontal spacing.
- Protect exposed piping exposed to sunlight with two coats of water-based latex paint.
- Underground Piping:
- Install SDR-35 PVC per ASTM D 2321 and manufacturer recommendations.
- Use joint adhesives as recommended by manufacturer to suit basic pipe materials.
- Use transition fitting to join dissimilar piping materials.
- Install conduit in accordance with governing authorities having jurisdiction, except where more stringent requirements are indicated.
- Inspect conduit before installation to detect apparent defects. Mark defective materials with white paint and promptly remove from site.
- Lay conduit beginning at low point of a system, true to grades and alignment indicated with unbroken continuity of invert.
- Install gaskets in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations for use of lubricants, cements, and other special installation requirements.
- Place plugs in ends of uncompleted conduit at end of day or whenever work stops.
- Precast Concrete Manholes:
- General: Install manholes, complete with appurtenances and accessories indicated.
- Form continuous concrete channels and benches between inlets and outlet.
- Set tops of frames and covers flush with finished surface of manholes that occur in pavements.
- Install precast concrete manhole sections with gaskets according to ASTM C 891.
- Cleanouts:
- Install cleanouts and riser extension from sewer pipe to cleanout at grade. Use cast-iron soil pipe fittings in sewer pipes at branches for cleanouts and cast-iron soil pipe for riser extensions to cleanouts. Install piping so cleanouts open in direction of flow in sewer pipe.
- Cleanout cleanout frames and covers in earth in cast-in-place concrete block, 18 by 18 by 12 inches deep. Set with tops 1 inch above surrounding earth grade in landscaped areas.
- Set cleanout frames and covers in pavement areas with tops flush with pavement surface.