Los Angeles Unified School District
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
I. Call to order: 3:32 pm, by Mr. Kevin Glynn, Chairperson.
II. Roll Call/Minutes: 13 Members present, quorum established
√ / Dr. Helena Yoon-Fontamillas (Pr.) / √ / Melida Haye (OC) / Maribel Hernandez (S-11th)√ / Kevin Glynn (T) / √ / Ana Valencia (OC) / Jonathan Mancillas (S – 11th)
√ / Miguel Perez (T) / √ / Lori Ward (C) / √ / Jazmine Carroll (S – 11th)
√ / Edna Esguerra (T) / √ / Joyce Kleifield (C) / Nathali Miranda (S – 11th)
√ / Michael Sturdevant (T) / Marshelle Espy (P) / √ / Dontay Brown (S-11th) ALT
Jeffrey Knepper (T) / √ / Sonia Rivas (P)
(Pr= Principal; T=Teacher; OC=Out of Classroom; C=Community; P=Parent; S=Student)
Guests: Brian Lee; Diane Rabinowitz; Andrea Axelman;
Minutes: Reviewed by members, unanimously approved.
III. Recommendations from ELAC: Ms. Axelman presented the following recommendations from ELAC:
· Two more computer carts be purchased and designated solely for ELD
· During budget development SSC continue to fund TA’s currently assigned to ELD
IV. Review and Approval of School-Parent-Student Compact: Brian Lee handed out copies indicating that this document will be sent out at the beginning of each school year and signed by parents, students and teachers. Ms. Kleifield moved to approve the compact, Ms. Valencia seconded. During discussion it was suggested that a bullet point be added under Los Angeles High School stating that we promise to provide the foundation for 21st century skills which include Critical Thinking; Collaboration; Communication; Creativity. VOTE: 8 in favor; 0 opposed; 3 abstained. Motion passed, with suggested amendment.
V. Old Business
A. SPSA Subcommittee Update
- Timeline: Melida Haye presented the SPSA update and timeline and invited interested people to the next subcommittee lunch meeting on Thursday, Jan. 28th. The document will be ready and presented to SSC for review and approval by March 1st.
- Review of student data as pertains to SPSA – not addressed at this meeting
VI. New Business
A. Budget Update:
I. Title 1: No changes in Title 1 budget
II. SIG: The contract for Bev Meyer’s PD and Consulting services was presented and discussed. Mike Sturdevant moved to accept the contract. Motion was seconded. Mr. Perez noted that the term did not match the $10,000 budgeted this year, it was agreed that the term in the contract would be adjusted. VOTE: 10 in favor; 0 opposed; 2 abstained. Motion passed, with suggested amendment.
III. QEIA: Dr. Yoon-Fontamillas explained that carryover funds of approximately $200,000 must be spent by June or returned. Since it would not be possible to hire more teachers for the remainder of the school year, Dr. Yoon called the QEIA office and asked if we could use that money for technology. Technology is desperately needed to support the new software programs which help improve instruction providing a direct benefit to students. She was told that as long as she presented a rationale and provided the appropriate budget adjustment tied to the SPSA, it could be done. With regards to maintaining updated technology in the future, Diane Rabinowitz (Technology Coordinator) noted that an inventory of all school technology had been done with all needed replacements being highlighted, and that it would be her responsibility, along with Henry and Lond (IT Tech and Assistant Tech) to maintain that list. Also there is a committee working on the Instructional Technology Initiative writing a comprehensive Technology plan for LAHS. Mr. Perez moved to designate QEIA carryover funds to purchase updated computer hardware, software and equipment that will aid in providing student instruction. Motion was seconded. VOTE: 11 in favor; 0 opposed; 1 abstained – motion passed.
VII. Announcements:
· Ana Valencia announced that our basketball team was doing very well!
· Diane Rabinowitz asked everyone to take note that the School Experience Survey was due by February 11th. They are reviewing the best ways to get as many people as possible to complete this important survey.
· Dr. Yoon-Fontamillas stated that a group of SSC members and Coaches attended ESBM training the previous Saturday and that it was learned that it was possible to combine the membership and meetings of the LC and SSC. She would like to this to be considered for next year.
· NEXT MEETINGS ARE SCHEDULED FOR FEBRUARY 17 AND MARCH 16 – with the understanding that as we enter budget development additional meetings may be required.
VIII. Public Comments: None
IX. Adjournment: 4:33 PM