Tears of a Tiger

By Sharon M. Draper

Discussion Questions

1.  What does the newspaper article report in the first chapter?

2.  Who is Andy dating? Why do the other boys tease Andy about Keisha?

3.  What are the four friends going to do after the game? Who does not drink alcohol?

4.  Which member of the team decides to go home after the game instead of going with the guys? If you were this person, and you learned of the accident, what would be your first reaction?

5.  Who calls Keisha to inform her about the accident? Why does this person assume that it was Andy who was involved in the accident?

6.  Who had the most to drink, according to Tyrone? Why do you think the police questioned Tyrone first?

7.  Who was the first to escape from the car?

8.  Why couldn’t the boys save Rob from the explosion? Who did Rob call to for help? Why do you think he called for this person?

9.  Why didn’t B.J. drive when he was the only sober one in the car? If you were in the same situation, what would you do?

10.  What is ironic about Andy being appointed as the new team captain for the basketball team? Who can we infer appoints Andy to this new position?

11.How is Andy dealing with the tragedy? Do you agree or disagree with his method of coping?

12. What could Andy have done to avoid the accident? What about the others?

13. What sentence did the judge give to Andy? Does Andy think the sentence was fair? What sentence do you think Andy should have received?

14. How does Rhonda feel about grief counselors who visit the school? Why do you think she feels this way?

16. Why does Gerald hate peanut butter?

17. What are the things that Gerald says a five-dollar bill can buy? Why does Gerald mention these things? What does this suggest about Gerald’s home life?

18.  Why is Andy late to the basketball game?

19.  Why do you think Andy played better than ever for his first game back? Does this indicate that Andy is moving past his feelings of guilt? Why or Why not?

20. Do you think Andy is happy with his relationship with his parents? How does the author let you know how Andy feels about his parents?

21.  Why do you think Andy says he is not a killer? Do you think he really believes this? Why?

22. How does Andy describe his mom and dad to Dr. Carrothers? What is Andy’s attitude toward his parents? Is it justified?

23. How did Gerald get the scar on his face? If Gerald were your friend, what would you do to help him (if you could)? Why do you think that Gerald’s friends do not try to help him?

24. Why is Christmas so tough for Andy to deal with?

25. How does Andy feel about his relationship with Keisha? Do you think he is correct? Why or Why not?

26. What spoils Christmas Day for Andy? Would this spoil your day? What could Andy do to make this situation better?

27. How does the winter weather reflect Andy’s emotional state? Have you ever been affected by a particular season? Explain

28. How does Dr. Carrothers respond when Andy says, “It seems like bein’ dead is the only way I’ll ever feel alive again”? Do you feel that Dr. Carrothers should take this statement more seriously?

29. What does Andy tell Keisha he sees in his future? What is this a symbol of? What event does this foreshadow?

30. Why did Andy run out of his English class?

31.  Why does Andy get so upset when B.J. and Tyrone bring up Rob’s name at lunch? Do you think that by not talking about a person after death is the best way to get over the death?

32. Why would Andy hide the truth about his dreams, his failing grades, and his depression from Dr. Carrothers?

33. Why does Keisha believe that friends can survive anything? Do you have the same attitude about your friends? Why?

34. Why did Monty put tears on his picture of a tiger? Do you think that Monty understands what is happening with Andy? Do you think that he should be told the real reason that Andy can’t drive?

35. Why does the teacher think that black kids are tougher than white kids? Do you think that is true? How would where you live impact your life?

36. Why does Keisha feel that it is time to break up with Andy? Do you agree with her decision?

37. Why didn’t Andy’s mom come to see him host the talent show?

38. When talking to his mom, what incident from his childhood does Andy compare his pain to? Do you feel that his mom understands what he is trying to tell her? Why do you feel this way?

39. What is the bad news Coach Ripley has for Andy?

40. Why does Andy’s father finally take Andy’s problems seriously? Why is Andy defensive and angry toward his father?

41.  Why does Andy suddenly feel the need to talk to someone?

42. Why won’t Andy talk to Dr. Carrothers’ associate? Would you talk to a person you considered a stranger if you were in Andy’s situation? Why or Why not?

43. Where is Rhonda going after school?

44. Why is Andy feeling so cold and empty?

45. What other time in the story has Andy felt trapped this way?

46. Who was the first to notice that something was wrong at Andy’s house?

47. Why does the suicide/grief counseling team visit the school?

48. How does Tyrone feel about the suicide prevention team? Do you think his feelings are justified?

49. What advice does the team give the students to help them sort out their feelings and pain? Do you think this is good advice? Why?

50. Who believes Andy is a coward for his actions? Why is Gerald angry at Andy? Do you think he has a right to be angry with Andy? Should he be angry with anyone else? Who and Why?

51.  What has Marcus learned from this experience?

52. What will Rhonda never be able to forget?

53. What does Monty talk about when he visits Andy’s grave? What has changed in Andy’s family now that he is gone? Why do you think this happens?

54. What is one thing Monty says he will miss about Andy?