Out-of-School-Time Program Staff Interview Guide

For use by public media station staff with staff of partner programs

Introduce yourself and describe your role. Thank interviewees for their time.

Introduction to interview: Thank you for agreeing to speak with me today. We would like to hear your thoughts about the PBS KIDS out-of-school-time resources, the aspects of the resources and materials that are helpful, and your suggestions for improvement. We also are interested in your thoughts about how the program does or doesn’t help students. Please be as honest as possible so that we can better support your needs.

Do you have any questions before we begin?

Staff Background

1. Please tell me about your role in this program. How long have you worked here?

Use of PBS Resources

2. How often do you use the PBS KIDS resources into your program? Is that as often as you would like?

3. What are your goals when using the PBS KIDS resources? What do you hope the PBS KIDS resources will help children do?

4. Have you made any adaptations to the PBS KIDS lesson plans or activities? Please describe. [Probe: pacing, content, assessments, activities, other?]

5. How prepared do you feel to use the PBS KIDS resources with your students? What kinds of help and support do you have for using the PBS KIDS resources with children in your program? [Probe: [stations to tailor] do you use the PBS station teacher tip sheets (like “More about Math”) or other materials?]

Technology Resources

6. Do you have access to sufficient technology and materials to use the PBS KIDS resources and activities effectively? What additional resources would be helpful?

Child Interactions

7. Tell me about the last time you used the PBS KIDS resources with the children. To what extent were children engaged in or motivated by the activities? Is this typical?

8. How well do the lesson and activity plans fit with children’s knowledge, skills, and abilities? [Probe: English language learners, children with disabilities, high- and low- performing children]

a. How flexible are the lessons and activity plans for tailoring instruction to children with various needs? What kinds of adaptions, if any, do you make to accommodate student needs and interests? Please describe.

9. In your opinion, do the PBS KIDS resources provide children with the opportunity to develop what are sometimes called social and emotional skills? (These can include communication, collaboration, problem-solving, and leadership skills, for example.) Please provide some examples.

[Probe: Do the lessons and activity plans provide opportunities for collaboration and teamwork? Leadership? Opportunities to develop new ideas and create new things; opportunities to explore topics children are interested in?]

Communicating with Families

10. Do you share PBS KIDS resources with families? Please explain how you have communicated or collaborated with families in using PBS KIDS resources and media.

a. How often do you send the family letters or other take-home activities home with children to use with their families? Do families tell you that they use these materials at home? What do families say about them?

Impacts on Students and Staff

11. How do you think your program’s use of PBS KIDS media and technology resources benefits students? Please describe an example. [Probe: Attitudes? Teamwork and collaboration? Academic skills? Social skills? Leadership skills?] How much do you think it benefits them? How do you know?

12. Do some students seem to benefit more from the PBS KIDS resources than do others in the program? Please explain.

13. Has your use of PBS KIDS resources changed the way you use or think about using technology and media with your students? Please explain.

Perceptions of the PBS KIDS Activities Resources

14. What successes have you experienced using the PBS KIDS resources so far?

15. What challenges have you experienced using the PBS KIDS resources so far? What suggestions do you have to make them better or easier to use?

16. Is there anything else that you would like to add about the PBS KIDS resources and their use in your program that I didn’t ask about?