Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
August 2nd, 2017
Meeting Location:Molalla Adult Center, 117 N. Molalla Avenue, P.O. Box 248, Molalla, OR 97038
Planning Commission:
Rae-Lynn Botsford, present;
Omar Reynaga, present;
Debbie Lumb, present.
Staff Attendance:Community Planner Aldo Rodriguez, present;
City Manager Dan Huff, present.
Public Works Director Gerald Fisher, present.
Public Attendance:Steve Gibson, Eric Helfy, Corey Saffer, Ben and Marty Smalley, Phil Bergman, Roy Salvetti, Julie Richie Codey, Jeff and Tina Smathers, Morgan Will, Mike Simmons, Melissa Benes, Roger Peterson, Marcus Ceranek, Tina Ceranuck, Bruce Vanorsow
Meeting called to order byPC ChairRae-Lynn Botsfordfor August 2nd, 2017 followed by a flag salute.
PC Chairman Botsford opened the meeting for general comment limited to three (3) minutes, speakers need to state name, and address or organization represented, and speak on items not identified on the agenda.
William Blackbird-
Has concerned that city gave permission to put a sign right across his property.
- Sign is located at the middle school.
- Would like the sign to be taken down.
- Has constant red glow in his home.
Minutes: June 7th and July 5th, 2017
PC ChairBotsford confirmed all members received and reviewed minutes for June and July2017. PC Reynagacalls for a motion to accept the minutes for June and July, 2017. PC Lumb seconded. Motion carried (3-0), all ayes.
Findings Facts and Decisions:
Truck Sawyer Repair Shop –
- Rae Lynn - One issue that was brought up from the previous meeting was Public Works right of way dedication on Industrial Way.
- Gerald Fisher states- written in the conditions is a requirement to dedicate 60 ft, if it is not shown/found that there is one, then a 60 ft right of way would have to be dedicated.
- PC Lumb ask- What about the wetland located on the propery? Will be an issue?
- Aldo Rodriguez responds – They are working on wetland report to determine if there Is wetland located on the property. If there is wetland located on the property they would need to get the proper permits. We can move forward with the approval, since they would still need the ok from state for development.
PC Lumb motions for Facts and Findings Decision P22-2017 Truck Repair Shop. PC Reynaga seconded. Motion carried (3-0), all ayes.
Public Hearings
- PC Chair Brotsford reviews Public Hearing Script
Conditional Use Permit P21-2017
- No party status
- Community Planner Aldo Rodriguez – Presents staff report on Conditional Use Permit P21-2017
- Public Comment P21-2017 Jeff Smather – 320 Heintz
- Wonders what restrictions City of Molalla has for bright lights. Jeff states that he does not appreciate bright lights because it is irritating to neighbors.
- City Manager Dan Huff responds- We have an ordinance called Dark Skies that deals with any light pollution. The applicant would need to follow those requirements/restrictions
PC Lumb motions for Facts and Findings Decision P22-2017 Truck Repair Shop. PC Reynaga seconded. Motion carried (3-0), all ayes. Approved.
PC Reynaga motions to approve P21-2017 Garage Shop. PC Lumb seconded. Motion carried (3-0), all ayes.
Hezzie Lane Subdivision – 7 lot P38-2017
- No Party Status
- Community Planner Aldo Rodriguez – Presents staff report on 7 lot subdivions
- Applicant comment P38 – 2017 -Steve Kay
- Reviewed the access to the public right of way
- Reviewed the utility plans
- Reviewed the city flexible lot size for lot 5 &6
- Reviewed wetland buffer zone
- Reviewed public improvements on Hezzie Lane
- Public Comment Roy Salvetti – 931 W. Main St.
- Question- where is the all rain runoff going to?
- Public Works Director Gerald Fisher respond to Roy – The city has conditioned the development to detain onsite or to detain with the soon to be constructed detention area that will be built through the bear creek subdivision. They might need to do modifications to hand the extra storm water. The data for the mitigation of the increase storm water would need approval from the cities engineering department and follow the public work design standards.
- Roy Salvetti states- there needs to be an alternate route to 211 instead of dumping all the traffic on 211
- PW Gerald Fisher states – that phase 1 and phase 2 of bear creek subdivision does not generate enough traffic for alternative route, but phase 3 they will .
- Public Comment Morgan Will – 485 S. State St. – Lake Oswego suggest
- The planning commission modify the conditions of approval to allow a road to going through lot 3 – stated there is a need for connection for the bear creek subdivision for access to 211 in phase 3
- Planning commission acknowledges Morgan’s proposal
- Steve Kay – rebuts stating that there is sufficient access with the current hezzie land road.
- Roy Salvetti states – there is need to have traffic control, lower speed, and traffic lights.
PC Reynagamotions for Facts and Findings Decision P38-2017 Hezzie Lane Subdivision. PC Chair Brotsford seconds. Motion carried (2-1), PC Reynaga aye, PC Chair Brotsforda aye, PC Lumb nay. Approved.
City of Molalla Development Code Amendment – P41-2017
- PC Chair Brotsford reviews Public Hearing Script (Legislative)
- Project consultant Stacey Goldstein from Seigel Planning – Presents staff report for City of Molalla’s new development code replacement.
- City Manager Dan Huff – welcomes Molalla residents to the meeting. Huff mentions he spoke with an individual regarding the public notice language. Huff adds that we are required from the state to include certain statements for a code amendment. Huff would like to add that we reviewed comments from Pacific Fiber Products and Bill Avison. Dan mentions that Molalla historically a lumber production city. We would like to accommodate these productions if they decide to come to Molalla the difference is many of the residential have engulfed the area. We need to acknowledge the residential traffic. With a conditional use permit it allow compatibility with the surrounding areas.
- PC Chair Brotsford invites the public to testify.
- Dale Newcomb 1441 W Main St. – Newcomb stated that the city council has approved projects in the past that has not worked out. Newcomb mention that development has been focus on the west side of Molalla and not the higher elevated eastern part. Mentioned that city council approved the pedestrian bridge behind his property. Newcomb experienced a burglary recently afterwards. Newcomb does not believe City of Molalla council makes the right decisions. Newcomb states the code replacement does not mention any grandfathering.
- Roy Salvetti 931 W. Main St. asks- how does this affect my single-family residence?
- Stacey Siegel responds – It won’t. The home will remain as is. If you would like to do any development in the future it would have to adhere to the new development code.
- Cory Partner 510 Hart Ave mentions - that Pacific Fiber Products is right beside her home. Partner mentions the noise coming from site. In addition, the truck drivers that comes in and out the site do not follow traffic laws.
- Community Planner Aldo Rodriguez mentions – that he has spoken to the manager for Pacific Fiber regarding a similar situation and he is very accommodating. Community PlannerRodriguez provides Partner with contact info for her to reach the manager.
- Dale Newcomb asks – for some clarification on the code regarding grandfathering.
- Stacey Siegel responds- that the new code addresses grandfathering with in section of legal non-conforming.
- Laura Buhl – Transportation Growth Management Program (TGM)- Funder - addresses the comment for Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT)
- Buhl mentions that TGM and ODOT is a joint program
- Buhl mentions in the model code in section 17-3.2 that there is a provision minimum pedestrian shelter coverage for commercial area. In the case of 211 ODOT owns the entire of right of way, which includes the sidewalks. Currenty there practice in not to allow any encroachment into that area. The City and the Project Management team is working on some language alternatives.
PC Reynaga motions to recommend approval for City of Molalla Development Code Amendment file P41-2017 with the following conditions:
- Add the memo from Public Works Director Gerald Fisher
- Final Review and Edits
- Include ODOT wording for Shelter for City Council
PC Lumb seconds. Motion carried (3-0), all ayes. Approved.
Pacific Fiber Products Written comments ( Exhibit 1)
Bill Avison comments (Exhibit 2)
ODOT comments ( Exhibit 3)
Chamber of Commerce comments (Exhibit 4)
Discussion Item:
Public Works Director Gerald Fisher updates the planning commission regarding the Transportation Systems Master Plan.
PC Chair Brotsford – Calls for a motions to adjourn the meeting. PC Reynaga seconded. Motion carried (3-0), all ayes.