TEAL Writing Assessment Criteria Task 11:JobApplicationStudent:Date:
Communication / Cultural conventions of texts / Linguistic structures and features / Strategies / AusVELSStages
S2S3 S4
Text structure / Grammatical features / Vocabulary / Writing conventions
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- Communicates interest in the position, which is clearly identified (position number, place ofadvertisement)
- Demonstrates a clear understandingof the taskrequirements
- Describes qualifications and experience, and relates them to the specific duties of theposition
- Provides full contact details and referees
- Demonstrates a clear understanding of the text type andpurpose
- Describes own attributes, qualifications and experience related to theposition
- Provides statement of attributes confident, but notoverstated
- Shows suitableformality
- Includes complete elements of formal job application, address, addressee, greeting sub heading, sign off
- Generally well formatted, including layout ofelements
- Uses a range of different sentence structures
- Uses of a range of appropriate verb forms andtenses
- Uses words related to the position and role and experience
- Uses a range of adjectives and adverbs to describe attributes
- Appropriate capitalisation
- Appropriate punctuation
- Accuratespelling
- Appropriate sentence and paragraphunits
- Flexible use of framework to plan and elaborateideas
- Little or no use of teacher support to completewriting
- Attempts complexspelling
- Extends ideas gained from classinteraction
- Uses word attack skills forspelling
- Use of references to extend vocabulary range in writing
- Makes use of self, peer and teacher feedback to improvewriting
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- Communicates interest in theposition,
- Demonstrates a good understandingof
- Describes qualifications and experience, and relates them to the nature of theposition
- Provides contact details and referee, but not all informationprovided
- Demonstratesan
- Refers to attributesand
- Statement of attributes sounds confident, but alsooverstated
- Mostly suitableformality
- Elements offormal
- Generally appropriate formatting of letter, with someerrors
- Clear and appropriate markingof
- Some problems of sentence structure
- Appropriate use of a range of tenses, present past andmodals
- Some tense and verb formerrors
- Some errors in articleuse
- Use ofsome
- Use of words for specific skills and attributes e.g. Independently well-organised
- Mostlyappropriate
- Some spellingerrors
- Some punctuation errors
- Well formed, if brief paragraphs
- Use of text framework to plan and communicateown
- Selective use of teachersupport
- Uses ideas gained from classinteraction
- Repertoire of grammaticalpatterns
- Attempted spelling of challengingwords
- Independent use of dictionaries to checkspelling
- Makes use of peer and teacher feedback to improve writing
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- Position is explicitlyidentified
- Demonstrates some understanding of the taskrequirements
- Describes experience relevant tothe position
- Statement of suitability for theposition
- Limited contact information e.g. Address
- Demonstrates some understanding of the text type and purpose gives reasons for being considered for thejob
- Refers to experience, but also overstates suitability e.gi’m perfect for this job, i made a video game and it was great
- Some formalelements,
- Some elements of formal application letter: address, nature of the position, greeting, listing of information, signature
- Some formatting elements of letter of application, but layout conventions not alwaysfollowed
- Mostly appropriate sentence structure, but shortsentences
- Some sentences marked, but still some errors in sentence structuree.gi’m perfect for this job. Because i was many timesdelivered
- Some incorrect forms of words e.g. Some times, carefull(sic) as adverb, delivery asverb
- Use of correct verb forms, including simple present, past and some use of modals, but some errors e.gi was many times delivered.., i get best price
- Some use of terminology related to employment skills, ican
- Some use of colloquial rather than formal vocabulary e.g. I get the high levels
- Some errors of capitalisation, and punctuation
- Attempt at using dot points, but used too often
- Some spelling errors in hfw e.g. Carefull, (s)mall
- Uses paragraph structure, not always appropriately
- Use of text model/framework to plan andscaffold writing
- Use of teacher support to completewriting
- Uses some ideas gained from classinteraction
- Attempted spelling of unfamiliarwords
- Repetition of sentence patterns/formulas
- Use of l1 sentencepatterns
- Uses print environment to write familiarwords
- Phonetic or assisted spelling of unfamiliarwords
- Assisted use of dictionary to checkspelling
- Makes use of teacher feedback to improve writing Attemptedself-correction
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- Communicates interest in the position, which isnamed
- Demonstrates an understanding ofthe task and some of therequirements
- Statement of suitability or why applicant should be considered is largely framed in why the writer deserves to be offered thejob
- No contactinformation
- Demonstrates limited awareness of the text type andpurpose
- Gives reasons for being considered for thejob
- Application has personal and conversationaltone
- Overstates suitability i am perfect for this job you will surelyagree
- Basic elements of letter format; address, greeting, signature
- No distinct formatting to signal formalapplication
- Run on sentences, many clauses linked by ‘and’ and‘so’
- Variable use of simple past and present tense verbforms
- Very little use of terminology related to skills orcapacities
- Several spelling errors in theoir,respsonsiple, expect (for except),secratery
- Some capital letters used inappropriately partnerchoose
- No marking of sentences with capital letters and fullstops
- Uses paragraphs but inappropriate structure andlayout
- Extensive use of text model/ framework to plan scaffoldwriting
- Extensive use of teacher support to completewriting
- Uses some words from classinteraction
- Attempted, phonetic spelling Some use of l1words