Cabot Piranhas Swim Team

A CASL League Team

Parent Handbook

Welcome to the 2017 summer season! We look forward to another great year at the pool.

The purpose of this handbook is to:

1)Educate new and returning members on the Cabot Piranhasswimming program.

2)Outline various rules and policies that affect all swimmers and parents.

3)Ensure parents and swimmers make the most of this summer program.

Whether you are new to the program or have been participating for years, all families should read the following pages to become familiar with important facts and rules of the team.

Please sign and return the form on the back page acknowledging full understanding and cooperation with rules and policies. Forms must be signed by swimmers and their parents—and returned before being allowed to participate in any Cabot PiranhasSwim Team activities.

Thank you for your support!

Main Staff Members

Travis YoungExecutive Director Steve Frye Aquatics Director/Head Coach

The following pages include:

  • Central Arkansas Swim League overview and objectives
  • Qualifications and requirements for lessons and swim team
  • Coaches and coaching responsibilities
  • Practice schedules and expectations
  • Competition schedule
  • Competition expectations
  • Important notes

Central Arkansas Swim League (CASL)

A note from the CASL League Board of Directors

For over 25 years, CASL has existed to promote friendly competition between our member teams, in a family atmosphere that promotes individual/team competition and sportsmanship. The key to the success of our league is participation of every family in helping run swim meets and assisting in the development of their respective clubs.

Dual swim meets are held on Saturday mornings from the first of June until mid-July of each season. Each swim meet will start promptly at 8:00A.M. However, swimmers are encouraged to arrive by 7:00A.M. for warm-ups. Check with your Parent Representatives and Coaches for the specific warm-up time for each meet. Unless delayed by weather, CASL rules mandate that swim meets end by 1:30P.M. A link to the current meet schedule may be found on the home page of the CASL website.

All swimmers are divided into Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum divisions in each event based on their best times. A link to the current time standards for each division may be found on the home page of the CASL website.

Returning swimmers will begin the season with their best time from the last season. The four division system allows more opportunities for personal achievement/recognition, and places swimmers in common groups for competition. By competing and improving their times at weekly dual meets, a swimmer can move up to a higher division (example: from Bronze to Silver). Team scores are kept at each dual meet, and a league champion is crowned each season at the Meet of Champs.

To qualify to swim an event at the Meet of Champs, a swimmer must have achieved a Silver, Gold, or Platinum time, or be ranked among the fastest eight Bronze swimmers in the league for that event. Only times achieved during the current season are eligible. A ranking of each of the divisions will be posted on the CASL website during the course of the season, so that a swimmer can chart their progress toward qualifying for the Meet of Champs.

For more details and information, please refer to the CASL Rule Book. A link to the current Rule Book may be found on the home page of the CASL website.

Good luck this summer!

Qualification and requirements for participation

CASL MeetsELIGIBILITY: All participants must be listed on their teams CASL Roster and dues must be paid for that swimmer each season by the 2nd meet of the summer.


  • Bronze
  • Silver
  • Gold
  • Platinum


  • 6 and under
  • 7-8
  • 9-10
  • 11-12
  • 13-14
  • 15 and up.

AGE: A contestant’s age for each summer of competition shall be determined by his or her age as of June 1.

Swim team

  • Swim length of pool (25 yards) unassisted
  • Knowledge of at least freestyle and backstroke

Group lessons

  • Basic skills needed to excel at CASL Meets will be taught
  • All four strokes will be learned (Butterfly, Backstroke, Breaststroke, and Freestyle.)
  • Swimming starts turns, and underwater swimming will be learned.

Private lessons

  • Can be used as a introduction to swimming or as a means to better an individuals swimming skill.

Coaches and coaching responsibilities

Swim coaches

  • Aquatics Director/Head Coach Steve Frye–
  • Assistants:
  • Collette Hughes
  • John Santiago
  • Debbie Skidmore
  • (TBA)
  • (TBA)
  • (TBA)

Responsibilities of all coaches

  • Teach swimmers fundamentals of sport
  • Create a fun and competitive environment for our athletes to grow
  • Create lineups* that are fair to all swimmers and the team as a whole
  • Work with swimmers to set goals for the season with an emphasis on improvement in all four strokes

*NOTE: Lineups are made with regards to both a swimmer’s times and attendance record, while also looking at each individual’s attitude and behavior during practices.

Coaches/ parents

  • The Cabot Piranhas coaching staff has the final decision regarding practice assignments, enforcement of team rules, and meet lineups.
  • It is understood that a parent’s responsibility is to support and look out for their swimmer, and it is the coach’s responsibility to support and do what is best for the entire team.

Team philosophy

We aim to create a fun, competitive,
and safe environment for our athletes to grow

while placing an emphasis on goal setting and

personal bests for all of our swimmers.

Practice schedule and expectations

  • May(Beginners: 45 min., Intermediates: 1 hour, Advanced: 1 hour 15 min.)

VeteransParkCommunity Center: Monday-Thursday 7-9pm

  • June & July(Beginners: 45 min., Intermediates: 1 hour, Advanced: 1 hour 15 min.)

VeteransParkCommunity Center: Monday-Thursday 7-9am, Thursday 7-9pm

CabotAquaticPark: Monday-Wednesday 6-8pm


  • Swimmers are expected to attend practice whenever they are able
  • Attendance, while not mandatory, does have great benefits to swimmers of all ages and abilities, as well as a significant impact on the meet lineups
  • Swimmers must arrive in a timely fashion, stretches will begin approximately 10 minutes prior to practice times
  • Swimmers must be respectful of coaches and fellow swimmers at all times while in the pool area, misbehavior distracts from being able to coach other kids and will not be tolerated
  • 1st offense: verbal warning
  • 2nd offense: 10 minutes out of practice, parent notification
  • 3rd offense: removal from practice, coach/parent meeting
  • Further offense will be dealt with on a situational basis
  • Weather policy
  • Under 65 degrees: outdoor practice cancelled (check, zip code 72023)
  • Severe weather (i.e., lightning or thunder aquatic park only): no practice
  • Practice cancellation will be communicated as soon as possible in two ways: on remind 101 and through email.

Cabot Piranhas Swim Meet Schedule


Sat, June 3Piranhas Mock Meet Cabot8:00am

Sat, June 10Maumelle Cabot8:00am

Sat, June17Conway/Bryant Bryant 8:00am

Sat, June 24Otter Creek/SherwoodSherwood8:00am

Sat, July 8Lakewood/BryantBryant8:00am

Sat, July 15Bryant/Otter/CreekCabot8:00am

Sat, July 22MEET OF CHAMPSUALR8:00am

Home Meets are listed in a BOLD FONT.

First Team Practice

Monday, May 1, 2017


First Offering of Morning Practice

Monday, June 5, 2017


1st Parents Meeting/Swimsuit Try On Day

Thursday, May 4, 2017

6:00pm – 7:30pm.


2nd Parents Meeting

Thursday, June 1, 2017

6:00pm – 7:30pm.


Swim Team Pictures


Team suits can be fitted anytime at Splashwear Aquatics in North Little Rock. Please call ahead to check the hours of operation.

9855 Maumelle Blvd.

North Little Rock, AR72113

(501) 753-4998

It is highly suggested that your child be fitted for the correct swimming goggle while completing your team suit fitting. It is also suggested that swimmers save team suits for SWIM MEETS ONLY otherwise you the suit may stretch out before the end of the season. Purchasing a practice suit guarantees your swimmer a great fitting suit for the whole summer.

Competition expectations

Lineups:posted at least 48 hours prior to all meets

Attendance: at the beginning of the season there is a sign up sheet letting the coaches know which meets your child will (and will not) be able to attend. We understand that things may change, throughout the season. Please make sure coaches know if your child will not be at a meet and/or check the line up to be sure they aren’t listed so coaches have an opportunity to fill that spot with another swimmer. This also keeps our team from having to scratch relays the day of the meet due to missing swimmers.

Entry limitations

CASLdual meet

  • Swimmers and Parents will declare what meets they can attend at the parents meeting with a (YES/NO) Sheet. Meet entry forms will be provided to the parents for each individual meet so that an event preference can be listed. Coaches will have the final say as to what event a swimmer will or will not swim.
  • Relays will be picked by the coaches based off of the swimmers entered in the meet and the best available times.
  • 6 & under swimmers will have the opportunity to compete in a kickboard race if they qualify. To qualify a swimmer may not be entered into relays. Parents will be able to make this request to the coaches at anytime.



Swimmers will qualify based on the time standards of CASL and season ranking. Standard Names: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum.

  • Swimmers and Parents will be notified if they qualify for the Meet of Champs by a coach or parent representative.

Other important notes

What should swimmers/divers bring to each meet?

Swimmer checklist

Cabot Piranhas team suit / cap



Healthy snacks/drinks

Pen/Marker to write down their events

Sun protection

Entertainment for between events (caution: swimmers are responsible for any and all items that they choose to bring, CPR and its employees do not assume any responsibility for collecting or watching personal belongings)

Positive and sportsmanlike attitude

Parent checklist


Directions to meet

Be ready to volunteer

Positive and sportsmanlike attitude

Cheering voices

Do parents/guardians need to volunteer to help? Yes!

  • MeetsCANNOT be run without the help of numerous volunteers. Timers, bullpen assistants, runners, scorekeepers, computer operators, ribbon writers and other responsibilities are needed at ALLmeets.
  • We would like every parent to volunteer AT LEAST once.
  • Signups will be at the parents meetings and again at least 1 week prior to all meets.
  • At least 20 volunteers are needed at EVERY home meet.

How will information be shared and communicated throughout the season?

  • Communication to parents will be in either email format, the remind app or paper handouts. Parents are reminded to check their poolside mailboxes and electronic inboxes* frequently for updates regarding the Cabot Piranhas Swim Team.
  • Coaches should not be distracted during practice times or during meets unless it is an emergency. If at all possible, please wait until a convenient time after the practice or meet concludes to talk to the coaches.
  • Lineups will be posted at least 24 hours in advance of every meet on the Aquatics Directors office window.
  • Meet results will be posted the day after each meet on the Aquatics Directors window.

*Please make sure we always have your current email address